RPGM - Completed - Soul Saver [Final] [ReJust]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    As someone who has made games and even done a game jam or two. This game is less finished than my second game jam. Completed should be replaced with abandoned but sold anyways.
    The art is alright and fairly scarce. It doesn't seem to be crazy consistent but that's fine if it's a game jam/their first game if it's free... Not $5-$6... The content is also very low, not much story I don't even mind machine translation too much. The level design and combat was made perhaps by a spoon. To see what I mean read below. But your probably horny so save yourself the trouble knowing you should just find another game.
    Better to pirate these kinds of games to make sure it's good and pay later if you enjoy them so the dev can make more. This game is pirate and delete territory.

    And for game design critique with some notes on what could have been done to improve.

    Level design is non existent, many will argue rpgm games suffer from this or that it's not important to combat. That's not totally true they can build a world with the level, create puzzles and encourage exploration/navigation. Put out signs and books with lore, or like darksouls use the environment and some items, for example placing a small hidden pocket in the cave with a bedroll and the charred logs of a campfire a barrel of rotted food and sacks of cheap loot and a corpse, this corpse could be for a bandit or smuggler with a note on his person starting a side quest and have a ring that helps stats important to his profession, and a dogshit quality sword. Something any RPG game be it table top, text based, 3d or 2d can do. It can use basic default bitch assets even if your too lazy to make them or develop the skills required or can't afford an artist. It would still paint a scene. It would show that this was some guys hideout. You can have the interaction with the corpse comment on how the bandit has an arrow in his side or a nasty gash wound and have him hold an empty bottle hinting he tried to heal. The wound can even be how they find the cave because an old blood trail. Suddenly this says he got in a pinch and retreated to his hideout injured with a quest left in his wake.

    Combat encounters. If you're reading this still after my block text. Hey congrats most people don't want to do that while horny and searching for their next fap. Back to review, this game lacks balance which is kinda a no shit. But it lacks interesting combat or encounters in general. They don't add to the game in a meaningful way. A good RPG game is about resource management and problem solving, figuring out weaknesses and counter measures, learning how the game signposts an upcoming encounter and preparing for it. Punishing players who are unprepared if the game is meant to be hard and always rewarding when they prepare. It should not be just about levels as that makes the game a grind. Making choices. It's a rpg. Do you should be using techniques that have limitations or a drawback and deciding when to use a potion what kind and how powerful, what kinds of damage is more effective against them what can you do to debuff them (can you debuff them by using the environment outside of combat like pushing a rock down on top of them or starting a house fire?) , What do you have to counter the enemies attacks/powers. Like shit, don't get lazy with the combat if your game revolves around combat when your whole game revolves around it for the cutscenes, endings and storyline. If it is 5% or more the gameplay at least make it to a standard, if it's 40% or more fucking make it good. When cooking a game up have wits sharp as a knife not daft and dull like a fucking spoon...
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is average.

    One one hand, the combat is remarkably hard. You have to be careful when you attack as you health does not heal after a battle and only have a set amount of healing. One the other hand, it can be quite tedious waiting for your opponent to stagger and attack. Meaning for about three turns, you are mostly just dodging. Recommend anyone playing this game to use the poison sword as you are in for long battles.

    The H-scenes are enjoyable to watch. Their are about 15 with small animations and voice acted.

    Though don't expect a long game as the campaign is over in less than four hours. Their also isn't much story to be found. You don't know how the heroine is able to save souls, just can.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Slow and dull gameplay with unremarkable art. The fighting scheme shot for Soulsy stamina management, but just ended up clumsy. The surprise voice acting is not enough to save the game from being a terrible experience - this is as basic as RPG Maker games get, controls and UI included.