Unity - Souls of the Goddess [v0.4.3] [Matpneumatos]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    sotg is a good game for what it is.

    the gameplay is not the best, bad movement, annoying platforming and mid combat at best, however it is a porn game not a platformer game, the combat however is not that bad, it is very similar to something like dmc and it can be decently enjoyable, the boss battles however are not good at all, most of the bosses are immune to damage for most of the fight until they became vulnerable for a few seconds and honestly there is no challenge to the bosses at all, its just annoying to face them but again still playable just a bit annoying.

    the sex scenes are quite good, easily the best part of the game, there is a good amount of variety and they are decently animated, this is easily the best part of the game.

    the story is interesting but forgettable but again this is a porn game.

    overall this is a 4/5, the gameplay and story are not the best but it is playable and the main thing which are the sex scenes are quite good and offer many animations. not a bad game at all if you are looking for a fap that is.
    Likes: jttth
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I want to give this game a good rating, I do. But the platforming is AWFUL, like full on rather eat dogshit awful. I was drawn in by the preg tag, but I can't even get to that content. Fix your game dev.

    Also the sex scenes are a bit hard to get the camera set, maybe some auto defaults that you can choose from, and keep the camera moving for the wierdos that want it I guess.
    Likes: jttth
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    You know what i absolutely LOVE?

    Porn games with porn mechanics that require more than one hand to operate or dictate which hand to use

    3D platformers, the greatest genre of video games, truly

    Repetitive enemies and h-scenes that boil down to click or press the exact same button repeatedly and actively fight you skipping them

    Broken and huge UI that can soft lock you

    Combat controls that are completely unintuitive and tied to your camera and movement

    The only redeeming thing about this game is that the 3D animation (and modeling of the female genitals on the MC, DAYUM) is at least somewhat novel, although heavily reused
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    A waste of time if you want to waste time.

    The combat is basic, but there. The camera can go to hell. The character 'options' and the locked 'cosmetic content' behind 'patreon paywalls' before the game has a whiff of competent game design beyond the basics can go fuck itself. The game's 'challenges' are jank and rough, combat is a joke, the biggest 'what the fuck' moment was the progression, clearly ripped unity assets/textures, the platforming can suck my dick, and yeah.

    People treating this like a diamond in the rough have been cucked so often by what I can only describe as third world scams to professional scammers, as ' ' 'games' ' ', if you got ruffied and beaten with a bag over your head & left to drown in a storm drain, then maybe other titles may look like games that they're comparing this to as something good, but man if it doesn't seem like it's a stretch to call this anywhere near worth it to touch it in its current state. I'd rather repeat boot camp and fail than play this again until it's ready to be played or has some major improvements. And no adding a few custom assets is not 'major', I don't care what the F95zone blue balled users have to say.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    surprisingly engaging, if you like the artstyle then there's a decent amount of content to go through. however a lot of the gameplay is a janky precision platformer and it can be absolutely soulcrushing to go through, but the combat is nice
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The progression is slow and the puzzles and obstacles are repeated disappointingly often, but I'm a big fan of what the dev has so far. There are a good variety of poses, the character is decently attractive and not a generic premade asset, and the most promising part to me is the movie maker in the gallery menu. If the dev wants advice I'd say cut about half your levels, add a way to travel between levels you've already been to and make it easier to pick up the cactus fruits. Excited to see where this goes.