Some developers are so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. This game is an example of trying too hard to go for quirky weirdness in order to be unique. I understand that developing something new and intriguing enough to catch the eye of the public is not easy in this market, but sometimes you just can't help but wonder what went through the head of some people. This game is just a fancy looking clicker with the objective of feeding a borscht soup monster. After each run you get to upgrade the soup for easier clicking or romantic interactions. It's a very bizarre concept pushing for a constant comedy theme. Obviously, the best element is the drawing. Siserg is fantastic at making art, something expected from the lead artist of Innocent Witches, currently locked in development hell. But that is the only good characteristic here. Gameplay wise, this demo makes clear that you will have to go through a very boring clicking game with a couple of defense elements while desperately trying to upgrade the soup monster before the troll kills you, because you lose all your progress if you don't level up in one go. Considering the very repetitive aspect of the game, you will, at least, have to go through eighteen runs to finish it and its eighteen skills and fifty four upgrades. That is a significant amount of clicking. The shock comedy of playing as a filthy soup with random point-and-click little animations fades away quickly, leaving you with a weird concept that looks better in imagination than in reality. To make this worthwhile, SinBeans Studio has to make some big changes and offer huge amounts of content. As it is presented now, I don’t have any faith in it.