r.e. name colors...
So I just tried this (215_init_chars.rpy):
define mc = DynamicCharacter("", image="mc", color = "f00")
This immediately changed the MC's name to red in the name header box. Just the name though. As for the text in the text box, my first instinct would be to modify the dialogue box in screens.rpy, but that'd be rather 'hack-ey'. Another way of course is to add a color tag to the names in the various dialogues (intercepts and such), but that'd be tedious.
I think a few players wouldn't mind this.
The name is kind of redundant anyways, since there's a side image, I eliminated the name box in FmF since we were using side images, but went back to the 'normal' way in FmF Stories, and gave up on side images 'cuz they are a bit of a pain to utilize, and my project partners weren't making good use of the side images at the time... i.e. Dee happy "blah blah' instead of just Dee "blah blah", but I digress...
Also, classes and defs hurt my brain. I'm old school Ren'Py/KISS. I know that if you can get the hang of them, they are probably better, but yeah... again, digressing...
I'm sure the method you described might work better. If the MC name is called in dialogue via a [] or whatever - instead of just typing the name into the text, I'd imagine there'd be some way to invoke the color. You'd probably know better how to do this than I do. It'd be easy enough to do find/replace for the names if you can carry the color info over in the naming bracket insert, but at that point {color=red}[]{/color} would be just as easy to type into the find/replace, at least for the normal dialogue.
As for the call box thing that
yv0751 went with instead of menus, yeah that's another brain scrambler for me... mind you, I think it fits with the style of the game, but menus could be adapted pretty easily to look like the frame boxes in use now. I've messed with menu display a few times in various projects...
Back to the color thing though, I tend to try to not go too hog wild when altering Name header text color. Some developers end up choosing colors that are hard to read, so this is definitely a balancing act.
As you mention, this is also a time vs. reward thing. This is a very minor change in the grand scheme of things from the player's perspective, so the amount of effort required, well it might not be worth it. Sure, WinMerge, etc. can help copy changes over between versions, but even that still requires a bit of a time investment to review the changes.
The 'actually have slots for trait cubes thing while retaining the original personality/traits/attitude' thing that you mentioned is intriguing. I was trying to do something similar with Shells, where both the Shell personality and Base personality would exist side by side, with both affecting bot valuation, but at the time the methodology I used was messing with the Multiverse Pod saves, so I backed off of this.
It's the multiverse pod saves that make me so gunshy. I've had a number of times where trying to open the multiverse pod after using my mod generated errors/lost stuff, hence my current quest to stay away from 'core variables/classes' to maintain Multiverse Pod and save compatibility going forward, and so that people can just use a save from my mod in vanilla SJx at the same time, should they have separate installs...
As for 'niggles' in code, you mentioned tweaking a few things in your personal build. Yeah I've replaced 'frame' with 'fixed' a few times, as they do pretty much the same thing, but fixed eliminates the need to make the background color transparent. I also started to modify a few buttons so that the 'hover' would actually change text color or something. yv0751 is picking his battles too, I'd personally rather he focus on making more cool renders of the hot gals for more scenes. If SJx is lacking anywhere, it's the lack of character renders and associated story development that would require a bunch of new renders to 'show' instead of 'tell' in dialogue situations. I get that he likes playing around with code though, we all have our passions...
I also started to swap out grid for vpgrid in a few places, 'cuz vpgrid is awesome and eliminated the need for the extra 'count/fill empty boxes' code.
I very much do appreciate your feedback, and I am happy to discuss things further. The overall goal is to make things better, and I'm not afraid to ask for help in improving things!
I need to experiment with your IQ suggestion still, but I'm trying to pay off Krogneath with cargo wares atm. I could just use the console to add a bunch of bio whatever via cheats, but where's the fun in that?