Reviewed on 1/10/25 for version 1.50
Awesome game, great work overall! Some rough edges here and there (UX/balancing), but a great game and some clear improvements over your last one, which is always awesome to see! For others reading: try this game out, enjoy, don't be afraid to use console command cheats (where needed).
Disclaimer: 4 stars to me is good/great, worth playing. 5 stars is only for the best of the best imo, so this not being 5 stars doesn't count strongly against it.
- I absolutely
love the art style, not only the great disney-esque character models, but the game as a whole looks stellar. Truly killing it here!
- Loved the corruption via outfit progression, super well done! First crew outfit could be less risque to make that slutty jump from a base outfit to it less jarring, but as I loved that outfit so much it's hard to say.
- The premise, setting, and worldbuilding is good
- The characterization of each crew member is great, I love their different personalities and how that shows up (from dressing preferences to pubic hair to how they dance, etc.). T’Ris is a unique char, the goth girl is to die for, and the princess trope always works.
- The gameplay is surprisingly great, as are the minigames
- I liked some of the gameplay choice decisions, between two options (albeit not when it locked you out of a scene)
- The lore/worldbuilding/plot is good
Areas to improve (constructive criticism):
- An external walkthrough for main missions is an orange flag; maybe a pass on clearer signaling via in-game UI of what to do would be good.
- Related: A specific page/section for each crew member's next steps for sex
- The economy could use a lot more balancing, beyond the early game
- Mid game missions are slow and can be a grind; the grid-based combat is fun for a while, but when forced to repeat it slows down a lot (same thing for sex scenes, to a lesser extent - forced repeats isn’t ideal in general).
- Some form of (fully) automated trading via the base was what I expected, that'd be nice for passive income like with bots
- Personal: I'd really love to see anal sex as the next step in each crew's 'training'.
- Similarly, as you did such a good job overall with it, maybe lean more into crewmember personalities with clearer sexual act kinks/preferences via dialogue, esp. during sex?
- Some later game puzzles were obtuse
- The moment-to-moment writing (as opposed to the broad strokes plot) is merely passable
Granular: - Add button to easily get directly to/from space view, rather than through cabin. And button for travel & dock at same time. And many other things that could be 1-3 clicks less, esp. for common actions. There's a mod that helps with this, maybe take some inspiration from it.
- (for next game): rethink the inventory system, mainly around using items on people, as it can be near impossible to guess and the inventory becomes a mess. Concretely: Separate out consumables from single-use or permanent items. And remove unusuable/WIP items until they have a use.
After playing through princess & the tower as well right after this one (because I saw so much potential here), it’s clear this is from the same creator, and an evolution. The gameplay is more interesting, the art is cleaner, yet still has a lot of the DNA as the first (for both better and worse).
Imo, the main area for you to improve, as a creator, is the UX and balancing - everything takes way too many clicks (mainly common actions), and it’s more fun with cheats (which is a shame, as the gameplay is usually pretty interesting otherwise). Additionally, consider polishing the character development (only mentioned because you do such a good job of this sometimes, and so the weaker parts, like asking about work/school during sex, are glaring). That being said, I'm definitely going to be watching you closely, as the core blend of amazing art, hot characters, fun worldbuilding is very compelling!
@yv0751 Feel free to reach out via DM/ping in thread if you have any questions! Seems like you're quite active, which is great to see (as long as it doesn't distract you from the good work you do).
Thanks again for making this, I'm so stoked it exists! Looking forward to the full release eagerly