Story is pretty decent with ok plots and some fun stuff but theres just way to much that annoys me.
MC is a whimp and very submissive so dident like him at all.
Theres game-over choices which just annoys me.
Theres a shit ton of fetishes and kinks you can turn off or thats what you would think when it says disabled after you made a choice, but it still fucking offers the same shit over and over to turn them on again? i mean come on wtf if i deside to say no let it stay like that so i dont have to think about running into the shit i dont want to see.....
MCs sister is a whore, she apprently fucked everyone to get on the same ship as MC but for what reasons to get to MC and do nothing? you cant fuck her i belive other then in a dream even though it has incest tag, not that i even would after seeing her fuck the hole crew and the cousin....
Claims no NTR tag but i dunno, you see a shower scene where a LI is molested by another female, then they end up in a bed together where the LI says nothing happened BUT scene goes on to show the LI getting licked and fingered and dialogs makes it look like its just MC thinking about it, the real issue is that very soon after that you learn MC can read minds to see what people has done like when he sees hes sister fuck the hole crew, so its pretty clear that the stuff with the LI proberly did happen and it was MC reading her mind which is why he could see what went on which MC was wondering about when seeing it for the first time with the LI being molested, which would clearly make it NTR, not saying its wrong to have but if its there it should show tag for it.
Dident really enjoy most of the sound effects either, the music was pretty good at times since it was real music not just the standard background crap.
It also has animation tag, but i dont even recall seeing a single animated sex scene, but about a million that are just picture to picture shit which you cant call animated, but maybe there is one i missed somewhere but in any case its extremly lacking in the animation area.
Pretty supprised this has been rated so highly compared to what it is.
MC is a whimp and very submissive so dident like him at all.
Theres game-over choices which just annoys me.
Theres a shit ton of fetishes and kinks you can turn off or thats what you would think when it says disabled after you made a choice, but it still fucking offers the same shit over and over to turn them on again? i mean come on wtf if i deside to say no let it stay like that so i dont have to think about running into the shit i dont want to see.....
MCs sister is a whore, she apprently fucked everyone to get on the same ship as MC but for what reasons to get to MC and do nothing? you cant fuck her i belive other then in a dream even though it has incest tag, not that i even would after seeing her fuck the hole crew and the cousin....
Claims no NTR tag but i dunno, you see a shower scene where a LI is molested by another female, then they end up in a bed together where the LI says nothing happened BUT scene goes on to show the LI getting licked and fingered and dialogs makes it look like its just MC thinking about it, the real issue is that very soon after that you learn MC can read minds to see what people has done like when he sees hes sister fuck the hole crew, so its pretty clear that the stuff with the LI proberly did happen and it was MC reading her mind which is why he could see what went on which MC was wondering about when seeing it for the first time with the LI being molested, which would clearly make it NTR, not saying its wrong to have but if its there it should show tag for it.
Dident really enjoy most of the sound effects either, the music was pretty good at times since it was real music not just the standard background crap.
It also has animation tag, but i dont even recall seeing a single animated sex scene, but about a million that are just picture to picture shit which you cant call animated, but maybe there is one i missed somewhere but in any case its extremly lacking in the animation area.
Pretty supprised this has been rated so highly compared to what it is.