Ren'Py - Special Harem Class [v0.3.3] [KagetoDev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, I really appreciate a game with good looking characters and a tried and tested gameplay format. I appreciate the consistent amount of content for all the main characters, and solid side content. Decent writing that doesn't make me want to die also helps, there's so much of it on this website.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Complete game really good artwork and good choices, the girls are awesome, maybe need more extra characters, the animations are good an the mechanics are awesome. Hope in the future the town have more importance.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Its like the very definition of average.
    Also, its not a harem. The harem tag and name are both lies. You don't date a harem of girls in this. You date 5 girls seperately while a sixth one wingman's you. The last girl is the only one who eve makes any reference to you dating anyone else. All the girls you date seem to be dated in seperate pockets of reality where they all somehow don't notice you'e cheating on them. Even the two who are best friends and hangout all the time.
    That's what you're doing, by the way. Cheating on everyone. For it to be a harem they'd have to be aware of this and okay with it. They're not.
    Apparently this will be worked on once the game reaches o.3.x.

    The actual content consists of doing what some woman tells you to do at night to gain some stats (not very grindy), then dating each girl three times, which is an interactable event where you need to make them like you enough to take them home.
    There's a skip to weekend (when you can date) button, so this is fast and convinient to do.
    The dates are okay. The girls are generally likeable. The only one I had issue with is the one who forces you to borderline rape her maid, which felt OOC for the mc to agree with and just weird.
    The girls also barely change how they act with you outside of dates or (later on) stat based sex scenes.

    Sex is alright. Some decent scenarios and the girls approach it differently, but after every date you'll do 1/3rd of a scene, then have to skip past that next timeas they inexplicably act like its their first time every time.
    Nothing special, but not bad, also the definition of average.

    After you do all this the girls get some new stats. I forget what they're called, but basically they get horny dealing with you, then you fuck them to give them pleasure or something, a stat which I don't think does anything.
    This is tedious. You go from
    Skip to saturday>date>sex
    Wake up>Go to girl on map>Go to locker (unskippable and the same every time)>Go to class (unskippable and the same every time)>Go to girl on map>Go to girl on map>Sleep
    Repeat until you can see a scene/100% (at which point they come to you in the locker room)
    So this is a game that gets more tedious and less fun when you play it far enough. But this system is new, so maybe it'll get better. And maybe it'll lead to this actually being a harem.

    Also the teacher who wingman's you at one point gets jealous of the girls because rather than dating just one you're cheating on them all and that somehow makes you a better man than most, which is just hilarious writing.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.1.10b

    Special Harem Class is a rather simple sandbox dating sim at the end of the day, but sometimes simple works pretty well.

    The girls are tropey but cute, the dating minigame (minigame used loosely here) is fun, and I really like the inclusion of the picture system and getting sent lewd pics and videos as you progress the relationships.

    Once you raise enough affection points with a girl (which doesn't take long), you get the option to invite said girl on a date. There's a little bar that raises depending on if you choose the right options, and if you do well enough you get the next date and the ability to take them back to your apartment. You can figure out for what.

    I wish the MC had a little bit more going on than just being a pervert, because outside of that there's not much of a story with him. What I do like though, is that the female teacher is also a pervert and that creates a fun dynamic. I also wish she was a little more involved to be honest. Seems like the dev toned it back into her being just another love interest. I get why it would be made optional, but for someone who would be into it I expected more from her. Also not a fan of her being a cam girl, but that's personal preferences and such.

    My only real long term concern is that the game will start to feel really repetitive. I wouldn't mind some longer/more meaningful events during the week instead of just on dates. Would help break up the monotony and expand the characters more.

    As mentioned the game isn't super deep or complex, but it's got that cute/fun vibe going. Not a game that will blow you away, but a nice one to fall back to every once in awhile.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Good variety of girls with different personalities and a good story so that it all mixes together pretty good.
    The renders are really nice, the only bad thing that i can think off is that it's not completed yet.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    review for 0.1.1 version

    This is sort of a placeholder review to remind myself to check out the latest update whenever it gets posted here.

    It's...ok so far. I like the concept behind it, and I really dig the art, but there's not much here. No sexual interaction outside of a dream sequence, and no nudity outside of sneaking into showers.

    If I can offer some constructive criticism: Please put some music in the parts where there is none. That said, thanks for having music and sound effects in this game!
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    play v0.1.1 with french trad (which explains my poor written English, sorry)

    story: 3/5 Nothing great so far

    characters: 4/5 They are in sufficient quantity and with a good diversity

    sex scene: 2/5 There's clearly not much at the moment, and the scenes are too short, we don't have time to feel the slightest eroticism

    renders: 3/5 I like this graphic style, but there on a high resolution screen it looks really bad, I even doubt that the game is in 720p

    animation: 2/5 They could be good, but there is a very big problem of fluidity, the animations are way too fast

    sound: There are almost all along, unfortunately some small passage do not have one

    gameplay: 4/5 The game portends great freedom for the future and lots of things to explore
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Very early stages, but the animations are really good, plot hook is interesting enough, models are very pretty and it has a clean UI with ver straightfoward mechanics.

    The project is worth keeping an eye to, it might develop into something good, or it might just get abandoned, who knows. So far it looks promising.

    I would like to see if the story holds up in future updates, hopefully we get some storylines and not just sex scene after sex scene (though im not saying the latter is bad, this is just preference).