RPGM - Completed - Squirrel Legacy [v1.0] [Obscure Productions]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The story is good, corruption is fast because it's not a long game.
    The gameplay is annoying, no teleportation, lots of combat for such a short game (you can escape them easily at least), going back and forth... The puzzles could be good but lack sense sometimes and get frustrating, there's a guide in the comments.
    The h-scenes are what they are, a couple cgs, there's no gallery because it'd be lacking, the art is cute.
    2.5 for the story and it's very promising with more work, I'll try the 2nd now, but this one isn't replayable, sadly.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Writing: 8/10
    Imagery: 6/10
    Gameplay: 7/10
    Kinks: 5/10
    Overall: 6/10

    The only path to freedom, lies in complete betrayal.

    Well the game nails the humorous part to the story, making fun of old school Hero RPG quests with the idea that heroes are asshats and have zero moral ground. The pointless side quests, the silly companion interactions, and the ultimately frustrating encounter rate.

    Oh yeah, the story might be kinda funny, but the combat is anything but. It's a grind, the boss battles can be a bitch if you go at them legitimately, and you'll be hit with battle after battle with some of the worst Pokemon tall grass encounter rates I have ever seen. Seriously, you might leave one battle just to run into another one in a few steps.

    As for the sex stuff, it was kinda meh, with my path resulting in the mom being turned into a breeding whore for Little Stewart's older brother. Then the princess being swept away right at the end by your new half brother squirrel, betrayed by your own mother at the same time. Apparently there is a "good" ending you can get, but it requires you to lose both the mother and the princess to Furry-bait and MC gets to rail a tavern wench. Woo. (sarcastic)

    Overall, I see where they were going with the story, but the last minute "lol, betrayed" felt out of left field since up to the final crystal Chungus seemed to be kinda kosher with not trying to dick over the Hero and giving him agency in allowing him to pick which tent to sleep in and not pursue two birds. So what that said, it's average.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's rare that I find a NTR plot that actually holds some appeal to me. As such I thought this game's current rating is unfortunately low. It has is flaws. The amount of just walking back and forth from A to B with nothing really happening in between happens a little too often. But the underlying premise is honestly quite funny. Spending the first 10 minutes just running straight to where the game will eventually end is a unique take on an otherwise overdone trope.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Good, there aresome pacing issues that can be solved with a save editor, the main issue I have is there is no quest log so you can get lost if you forget what you are doing. Other than that, the only other issues I found are mostly just the amount of travel you need to do in that middle tunnel in the map when going between the rocks.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    When I think of rpgmaker walking simulator I used to think of those games with a female protagonist that feature no story and tons of rape. Now when I think of walking simulators I think of this games.

    - Simple, this is actual a pro, there aren't many advanced moving parts so its mostly bug free, the choices are pretty simple with simple outcomes, the objective is simple.
    - The arts decent. The sex scenes are pretty good and decently written.
    - It knows its place, this is game is essentially sex and comedy.
    - Ntr I don't know much about Ntr, but I think they did it well, theres a build up thats not too short or too long. And this game really rubs in the theme of Ntr, I mean that in a good way, the theme is consistent and it has a point/purpose.
    -There is a cooking mechanic in the game, its unique.
    -Some other stuff probably, I just can't think of anything right now.

    -A lot, firstly this game has everything that makes a rpgm game bad, big box rooms and maps with little/useless things to clutter them. Wastes time walking.
    - A bad combat system, actually the worst I've seen, its just spam and filler most of the time, then it hits you with a hard and frustrating fight.
    -The story and dialogue are pretty meaningless, some of the dialogue was
    decent and even funny at times but in general bad. The game over hyped the humor aspect, the part in the first city of the hero Sam getting a blow job from the duchess and slowly finding out he is a revered cunt was entertaining at first.
    -No gallery
    - Some other stuff.

    I want to give this game more than 1 star, but it doesn't deserve it. I can't in good conscience recommend this game. There was potential, but either the dev didn't care, or didn't have the ability or experience to make a better game. What he could have done is just release a super short game by cutting out the filler(Combat, walking, pointless maps) or make it into a comic or something. If your curious I recommend trying it out, but first find a save file(Someone already posted it) this is the only way you can enjoy the game or just extract the cgs.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed elements of this game, but also hated quite a few things.
    - Story is pretty good, in as far as super contrived NTR can be.
    - The scenes were okay
    - I like the tent thing
    - Dialogue was good but could have been expanded.

    Things I didn't like;
    - Dragged into combat repeatedly. Really tedious.
    - Difficulty, either too hard or too easy. The ambushes in final castle are harder than any of the bosses; dragon and lich I killed both without them getting one hit off. Need more aoe attacks.
    - The world map. Lots of obstacles in the way that must be traversed repeatedly, esp. that tunnel in the middle, which itself has a relocking door. Same for the quests, they just sent you from one side to the other repeatedly. A lot of time is wasted.
    - The multiple endings effectively require entire multiple breakthroughs of the game, which due to above, takes absolutely ages.
    - Game is immune to CheatEngine speedhack, always sucks. Related to this, movement speed is too slow IMO given the amount of walking necessary.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Super great game. Funny and enjoyable.
    Mild spoilers below.

    Note the ntr tag. NTR occurs in this game whether you want it to or not so bear that in mind when you play.

    The good:
    1. Humorous dialogue. The game is not meant to be taken seriously. When shit happens, everyone is pretty much like "Well, I guess that's that." The people are pretty dumb but it's not unbearably frustrating because everyone is equally dumb. This should probably have a humor tag attached to it. The flashbacks to heroes of old was entertaining and a prime example of the humor demonstrated in the game. Never forget the valiant efforts of the penis warmer who helped the hero John in his quest.
    2. Easy Objectives. Now, this can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you look at it. In some other games, developers like adding in bonus scenes and the like. While it can be a fun experience at times, it usually isn't executed well. Unfortunately, as a result, you can run around for hours and can't find what to do. Rather than try and create a complex map filled with mazes, this game chose a super straightforward approach. There isn't a need to run a marathon to get to the next objective and your next goal is pretty clearly marked.
    3. Multiple Endings. Do you like it when your choices matter? Make it feel like you make a difference? I like it. This game has 3 endings that'll differ based on your actions in your journey. Not an overly complicated situation to get the endings but each of them are a treat in their own right with a combination of NTR and humor.
    4. Sex scenes. Again tying in with the humor aspect of the game, the scenes can be quite humorous. There are a mixture of sprite scenes and CG ones. Sex scenes are decent with some good dialogue. The art is also rather attractive. How often do you see a giant squirrel penis?
    5. Lack of game-breaking bugs. This one is just from my own personal experience. When I played the game, I personally did not encounter heavy game breaking bugs. Of course, there were a few bugs but it was good to not run into something that just breaks and crashes the entire game.
    6. NTR buildup. Ok. This is a NTR game. One thing that's pretty important to NTR is the buildup and circumstances. This game keeps that NTR aspect in mind. When the sexual situations begin, it's not like they just jump straight into banging. There is a short buildup to it that differs between the two characters. Gives each of the characters a bit more depth. Plus, there's also some "behind the scenes" actions that contributes to this.
    7. Story. Simple and straightforward story. You don't get thrown a huge 100 page backstory of how the world came to be in this game. You get some information and pick up the rest as you go in small chunks while staying active. That's a good thing. A lot of writers get so hung up on crafting a thesis behind why the plants in their world are blue that they forget to work on the damn game itself. Not a problem here.

    The bad:
    1. Combat. Standard RPG Maker combat. Can be grindy but most battles can be ignored and the other ones usually aren't that bad.
    2. Lack of gallery room. There are several scenes throughout the game and they can be missable (You choose one option and it locks you out of the other scene). You'll need a new save for every scene... Luckily for you, reader, I have included the saves in a post HERE. Spoilers in the post.

    Overall, this was a super enjoyable game. Was it the best or most immersive game I've ever played? Nope. But the humor was definitely a different type from what I normally see. Additionally, the squirrel/bestiality aspect was a unique concept, something I've only seen in 1 other game. The developer has clearly put in time in making the game. Rather than choosing to expand the game and bloat it up by shoving in more content, the developer set out with an idea in mind and saw it through till the end. The game does have its cons but they're pretty minor problems. If combat annoys you, use cheat engine and kill everything in one shot.

    I highly recommend giving this game a try.
  8. 1.00 star(s)



    1)No Gallery to unlock if somebody wants to review the few images

    2)Annoying battles, every step you make (literally) already a battle starts! it feels like i was playing Pokemon and it starts then the enemy just run away

    3)Story? you just wake up and say "well im going to be a hero so im going to do all this" (basically) and that's how it starts

    4)No tutorial for the game (honestly doesn't need it at all)

    5)Annoying "gate stuck" when you already passed them like over 8000 times and every time you have to click somewhere in the game to "unlock" the gate

    over all, the worst part was the annoying battles..

    1 step = 1 battle...

    Never again.