Others - Stag Nights at Bucky's 2 [v0.6] [Dr Morningwood]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't wanna be a mean bastard that hates fun but this game is kind bad at the moment, taking FNaF2 as the point for the gameplay is probably the worst design decision someone can make, FFPS and parts of 3 and 1 are what you want for your fnaf fangame even if it's just supposed to be a quick porn game that you're gonna abandon once you feel like it's complete enough.
    Gameplay wise appart from not liking the whole FNaF2 gameplay loop i also feel like you should drop the whole in real time cameras and just use the normal camera system of classic fnafs cause it doesn't look or play good with the current model imo
    I'm desensitized to the models cause i lived through the years were the best modeler for fnaf fangames was emil macko and everyone else was either shit or not to the same point of expertise as him, either way these models are fine for a 0.5 but yeah they're jarring to see it feels like i'm playing a porn version of The Return To Freddy's as funny as that sounds
    Porn part i think this is pretty fucking good all things considered, even if the models are bad the poses and ideas for good gameovers are there
    overall 3 stars seems okay for a 0.5 build
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Even despite the bad models and cardboard animations, I liked this FNAF-style game, it is quite simple and short (the night lasts 2-3 minutes).
    I didn't like the long blackout when the animatronic comes, but otherwise the game is cool
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Wide range fetish options (or these are just blockers)...
    Typical FNAF gameplay
    Unique models (too dark to see animations though)

    Overall models look too... Hmm... Blocky.
    Add some curves to the models (maybe booba physics) and little recoloring (they are too shiny and blank [except the fox])

    -Story, Originality
    No plot in here, but we are in a "FNAF" place.

    Ok 3d models.

    Okay sounds.
    But seriously lack variation (jumpscares sound similar).
    And there are no h-sounds!!! < - Add it

    Typical fnaf gameplay with some mechanics and impossible difficulties (if character is 20/20 - it will get to you in 10 seconds).
    But I am not sure if there are bugs or tweaks to easily pass all 20 night

    Runs okay.
    And - dude, Godot?! Wow.

    Not sure if I saw one.

    Super basic animations.
    If they become refined and there are more h-animations the game quality surely soar.

    -Voice Acting
    No voices.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    1 h-animation per character (with no progression)
    No ending or start
    Basic animations

    Too empty for now, but it can become better, I feel it.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is not bad considering that it was made by one developer

    But it needs to somehow expand the difficulty or expand the gameplay for survival, since cameras are practically not needed at all, some specific actions with different cameras, so that in general the tablet is more useful than opening > starting the box > closing.

    I went through all with difficulty 20, while opening only the tablet 2 clicks and exit and then keep the flashlight on

    The scenes are not bad, but they lack some kind of ending

    The interface is a little slow, I mean that sometimes the buttons for raising the tablet or starting the box glitches for a second (but it did not bother me much)