I've made some saves for returning players who lost their save or want a more optimized start a few hours into the game on a non-cheated Normal difficulty run. They're NOT gallery saves or maximum-lewdness saves (which tbh isn't necessary anyway to see all the current content).
The first one is a few hours in but a couple quests away from the Festival. None of the H-scenes have been missed yet.
The second is immediately before the Festival, on Day 38 so you can play through the Festival in time for the bonus Vitality Potion (or do a bit more prep instead, like sharpening the sword, slime bonding etc.). However, the John kissing scene has been missed because that's just how I play. Last chance to do the Arwin scenes.
The last is immediately after the Festival, beaten in time for the bonus potion (maid at the refugee camp).
- No stats have been liquidated.
- Mental changes have been kept to a minimum (Alicia + Rose disposition switches maxed, brain tank upgraded 2x, Socialzing configured, hobby room opened).
- Corruption is high (which you might want for getting H-scenes easier) and Aura has Addicted I.
- No Blessed Waters have been used, bought or sold.
- Most pre-Festival bosses are dead, except for Eastern Forest and 2x slimes in the bandit tunnel.
- Star metals all handed to the blacksmith.
- 28 score (though not in the current playthrough) to spend on NG+ bonuses.
If you're one of the players who are having trouble with running out of mental changes before you see all the latest content, this save should give you a good start on that.