RPGM - Star Knightess Aura [v0.43.0] [aura-dev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed playing it. Didn't even notice 10h pass. x2

    One of the few games I follow for updates regularly.

    Regular and quality updates. Good art. Great story. Lost of H scenes. Combat is unique and can be nearly instantaneous once you learn it, wasting minimal time while still being enjoyable.

    I really liked the "Aura's mind" area too. Can't wait to see how it develops! :D

    Definitely buy this one once it's finished and it gets on steam. :)
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Marquis Forneus

    Very interesting story and characters. Few NSFW game's have interesting enough writing to where I would happily read a safe for work webnovel based of the story alone.
    Love the comedy and drama of it all so far and can't wait to see more.

    I'm not a fan of NTR personally, but I'll admit corrupting Aura is too fun not to go for that route.

    The one thing I'm hoping this game has is different ways of corrupting the protag, with mildly different results.
    I.e. turning her into a brainless bimbo, or turning her into a machiavellian villain, rather then just one corruption path. Then again, that'd be way more work so I can see why you wouldn't go that route.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Hello my name is Siderophilia and I have played Star Knightess Aura [v0.5] by Aura-dev.

    Star Knightess Aura is a story driven RPG which pulls a lot of inspiration from the tropes of the Isekai genre. Another "slow corruption" game, it is clearly not for everyone, but shows some interesting promise for those who enjoy a story that takes its time.

    The greatest thing about Star Knightess Aura is how it feels like it was written in its entirety by a 12-yearold. The dialogue is filled with errors, including classics such as "fail to substitute the name of the speaking character". Aside from this, it is also comically childish. The main character and her friends are goody-two-shoes who can do no wrong, while the antagonists are simply over-the-top evil for no apparent reason. In case you missed it, characters will drop lines like "that's the guy who made my mom commit suicide", just to make sure you know that this kid who goes to the same high school as you is indeed, for some reason, pure evil. I also love how it displays the MC's friendships by going on tangents which have nothing to do with the overall story. Do you wonder what kind of books this secondary character enjoys? No? Well I made and scripted a full scene to tell you.

    By far the best part however is how the author figued out he can display intonation by changing the font size. When characters angrily taunt their opponents the dialogue just goes:

    You would think all this makes for a bad experience and objectively it is bad writing, but I just keep laughing my ass off reading this and I think trying to fix it too much would just result in mediocrity. Also the way characters are written to be overly good makes the promise of corrupting Aura and NTR:ing her boyfriend with the school bully even sweeter. The main advice I would give the author would be to gather some feedback to fix the occasional erroneous character names linked to dialogue boxes which make reading really confusing and to chill with the damn RPGM smack camera shake effect. Once in a while is fine but you can't do it for every subsequent line of dialogue!

    I really like the concept the author puts forward with the three stage structure of Aura entering the dream world of Roya at night, Alicia corrupting her mind based on her actions in Roya, and lastly watching Aura's changing personality taking effect during the day. The first of these stages constitutes the meat of the gameplay and is where the actual RPG mechanics are seen. RPG gameplay is a little unrefined at the time but the base is solid and the author seems intent on balancing it further. I like the way XP is handed out as a quest reward rather than for defeating enemies, as it hopefully means the game won't be too heavy on grinding. It seems the corruption system will be pretty detailed as well, with specific stats measuring attitudes towards cheating, exhibitionism, etc.

    The music is pretty obnoxious at times which matches with the over-the-top atmosphere. I'd recommend turning it down a bit. I don't know if these are default tracks for MZ or if the author found them in some royalty free music bank.

    The one reason I might recommend holding off on playing Star Knightess Aura for now would be the lack of art. I get it, art is expensive, and I see how it can be bad to rush into the process as a lot of projects end up with style changes due to switching artists mid-development, the way the dev's Patreon just says he'll "look into it" if the project reaches a set goal doesn't ring well. The fact of the matter is, art is a major component of games like these and if the user experience is going to improve significantly at a later date you might be better off waiting until then. Check out the game if you consider supporting the dev, but otherwise maybe just hold off for a while.

    It's a tough game to score. A lot of the enjoyment I got out of it was kind of ironical, but I also think it shows a lot of promise and could be a genuinely good experience in the future. At the time however it is a bit hard to predict if it will live up to those expectations. As of now it's a 4/5 stars, but I'll make sure to follow development and be around to update the score if future releases improve on what's already there.

    edit: As of v0.10.1 the developer has addressed most of the concerns that itched me, and also hired an artist through a very open process.The visual art is probably going to lag behind the developed parts of the game for quite some time, but it looks really amazing. Thus the score is updated to 5/5.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Went into this one with high hopes because of the good reviews, but just... could not get into it. The intro is extremely cringe-worthy writing (spoilers, you're introduced to a ton of character and then they're all just killed off).

    But I was willing to get past that and just continue on until I got to an unskippable fight and lost. Sure, there's an auto-save right before it, but gimme a break. Designers! If you're going to make an unskippable fight in the game before players have a chance to learn what their characters can do, buy gear for them, buy potions for them, or level them up, Don't make it an auto-game-over if you lose! It's like, "well, you've just started and I've not given you a chance to actually get used to your character, but here's a tough fight and a game over if you fail! Have fun!!" No! That's the opposite of fun! It's terrible.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good start to a slow corruption game. Plenty of room for expansion, and not too grindy. Main character seems to be written well, good english throughout and supporting characters have some good interactions too.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    [rev @ v0.4.1]

    Great start. Needs more lewds.

    Art's a bit primative.

    Writing is good, scenario's handled well even if it's not the most novel. The voice and narrative are good and the characterization is strong. It's a bit wordy.

    Needs more porn. Tags in description are great but the current release content is thin.

    TLDR: Godspeed~
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The game shows true promise, and has some great characters. Although the demon lord sucks as a character, the other villain is one that is fantastic and unlike the demon lord, she actually deserves to win.
    Combat is rather lame early on with spells having ridiculous costs, almost requiring remove collar at boss fights
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game holds a lot of promise for those who love slow corruption/moral degradation games. It's fairly well written with a strongly characterized, if somewhat stock, cast and setting. The corruption mechanic being the unknowing manipulation of the MC's psyche by the second lead is a great vehicle for developing both characters. The level structure is also engaging enough for the RPG elements to not be a complete grindfest, with plenty of interactable elements to change the maps and multiple ways to enter/exit some areas/buildings. The art needs reworking, but it is a Patreon goal for the developer that is already ~1/4 of the way there and that I'll be contributing $5 monthly towards for the foreseeable future.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is shaping up to be one of the most intricate and engaging rpgm adventure games I've played.

    The mix of corruption, mind control and isekai is beautiful. Never seen anything exactly like it.

    It's not quite there yet as there's currently only some light groping, but the game is setting things up for an awesome continuation.

    As of v0.9.1 there are still no sex scenes. That's fine, but it's critical to the game that there will be fully illustrated sex scenes when Aura starts to have sex. Not having them would be a deal-breaker for me.

    I love the mechanics of the game.

    I will update my review when I play a later version.

    Edit: All the things I was looking for has been fulfilled.
    The game content is edited a lot which is good, but sometimes make saves unreliable.
    Since it's becoming a rather large game it would be nice to be able to jump to different predetermined save states to get caught up without playing it all again.

    A personal opinion of mine is that Aura should become aware of how she's being changed, try to resist and then fail to. Change is less impactful if she has no chance to fight it. At least later on.
    Having her become a bitch to everyone around her would make the player care less that she's being manipulated. It'd be cool if she regained some control, but lost out in the end.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    [TL;DR A mostly text based RPG with a small, but growing number of CGs. None of which are pornographic as of 0.9]
    As of the 0.9+ version of this game, the first arc of the game is nearing completion. Until this arc finishes there aren't going to be any massive changes to the MC's personality or actions. There is an element of slow burn corruption, which at the moment ends with small changes to the MC such as switching to contacts over glasses, unbraiding her hair, reading a fashion magazine over studying, and deciding to wear slightly fashionable shoes. If you are just here for porn images, there's not much here for you at the moment. The game is designed in a way that prevents you from grinding in any meaningful way. The combat has a finite number of enemies, and you don't get experience from them. Other than bosses in most cases it better to just dodge the fight if you can do so safely. My one warning (and a bit of an issue) regarding combat is that you can get into very tough situations if you try to dungeon dive while you are in a party. I would suggest keeping a few different backup saves for this reason. The character art is getting custom commissions as time goes on. The story is pretty much "isekai but with porn," but it uses the two worlds elements in an interesting way. The game is well written, and the pace it is getting content released has been very consistent.