RPGM - Star Knightess Aura [v0.43.0] [aura-dev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastic game for people with a triple digit IQ. Don't expect an easy fap, expect to be engrossed and taken for a ride. Very challenging gameplay at times, but don't let it discourage you - consider going story mode if you are having issues. It gets really good after a few hours in.

    The corruption mechanic and ordinary (non-playable) day / fantasy-world (playable) night cycle is very well thought out and implemented. Like others are saying, I can't wait for future updates.

    Also, quick tip to newbs:
    This game doesn't play like most other RPGM games. You can die in 1 hit, and you often have to perfectly plan out an encounter in order to survive it.
    Pay attention to the "Tactical Advantage" mechanic (a gear showing up over you / enemy's head). You get it by using a specific form of magic/attack on that type of enemy. It makes the next attack a massive crit.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Loving it so far. Agreed with the guy who said that this game's biggest problem is simply that it isn't finished yet. Really cool corruption system, great flow of gameplay with the Persona style school events -> evening RPG exploration and questing. Also, the music is fantastic and similarly reminiscent of Persona.

    I would probably play this even if I wasn't jerking off to it, which is the highest praise I can give.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is really good! I like the story and I was really giving attention to the plot, the scenes are not the best but have big potential , if you like an rpg like final fantasy/Isekai, that's the game, and the female character makes everything better. Play this game and have many fun as I.

    Follow me for more reviews!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A game with lots of potential and decent current content.

    Disclaimer: Don't expect much in the line of sexual content as of v0.10.1.

    I highly recommend not skipping the prologue as it's very important for lore and get you very invested in Aura. As an aside it made me so pissed off that I went for a complete purity run the first time.

    The corruption mechanics are fairly novel and makes a lot more sense than the alternatives. The game is very good at showing you the effect each individual change has done so far and truly excited for the future.

    Main & side quests are actually consequential - expanding the world, the scope of problems, motivations of various characters and also diving into who Aura is.

    Review: You'll love the game and hate that there isn't more yet.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    At this version 0.10 the game does not have a lot of lewd content in it but it is clear to see where the game is heading and the framework that has been prepared is close to perfection, a mind control game that I am almost certain will blow the others out of the water once the flesh of this game starts appearing.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Looks extremely promising, so promising that I stopped playing after an hour or so because I noticed content was missing and I wanted to wait until I get the full experience. This coming from someone who is easily bored by 99.5% of the games, adult and normal ones.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I just love this game and am curious to see where it will go. The corruption might be longer than in some games but in my opinion it is really good since it does not break any immersion. Well handled. There is not a lot of cg content but I think that will change in the future. Any person following this game will see how much love actually goes into it and I really like the gameplay. I feel like there are so many things to explore and new things to learn. Even in my third playthrough I noticed a few things that I missed or did not interact with. It's always fun to see those or new interaction. I love it!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, at least in this stage of development, you have to like really slow, gradual mental and emotional manipulation/corruption to enjoy this game...and I do. Whenever I play a game with corruption of the noble heroine, I actually lose interest once she becomes totally corrupted. For me, it is the journey that interests me, not the destination (as long as the journey seems like a natural progression and not just a game developer milking the audience or not knowing how to wrap it up).
    If you are the type to want the heroine to rapidly fall into total depravity and fuck everything around her, this is definitely not the game for you. If you enjoy a very gradual psychological transformation then this is an absolute gem. This is one of my favorite games I have played on this site and I very much look forward to the continuation of the story.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    ...If this comes out on Steam, I'm buying it.

    Aura-Dev has been one of the most responsive, active and sincere developers I've seen on this site. Not something you'd expect from an adult game developer, but something that I appreciate and notice in the game's quality.

    Though unfinished, this game is already higher quality than some "completed" games I've seen, and I'm not even limiting that to adult games.

    Yes, it's and RPG Maker game, and I know that turns a lot of people off from the get-go, but this game's narrative quality and sandbox-style progression almost makes that irrelevant to me.

    In short, this is one of the few high-quality games I've seen, that the developer themselves uploaded here, and I'd be willing to spend money on despite being able to play it for free with the dev's blessing.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a very well made corruption game with visual changes and great story. Currently it is still in its early stages but the developer sets a fast pace with meaningful updates. The art style is consistent and really makes the game appealing.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    tl;rd: Mixed bag, rpg elements are very good but all characters are unrelatable and I don't like anyone.

    Game offers quite novel structure - de facto those are two games in one. One part is typical RPGM corruption game where main heroine does quests and gets corrupted on way. This is quite standard but I enjoyed difficulty, plot and quests. 5/5 for this part.

    Second part is corruption of schoolgirl. You spend points earned in fantasy world to change subconscious of main heroine and then watch results passively - scenes from her school life. This part seems quite random and lacking. I often unlocked some part and nothing happened or something was locked because some other corruption had to be unlocked first. Scenes are written well but because it's all passive I bet in long run this will be just linear VN pushing forward by unlocks (with "pure" route as just skipping this completely).

    The weakest point imho is characterisation. Antagonists are irrational and scheming convoluted plots to achieve their goals, but this is typical for all genres, we can live with it. On the other hand main heroine is stereotypical nerd with superpowers (in real world she is self-defence master), she is cool, has a lot of friends, reads a lot of books, top grades, always protects weaker (resorting to violence at slightest provocation). On the other hand is super prude getting "corruption points" even when pretending to be someone's girlfriend. I feel motivations behind her are arbitrary or she is just emotionally immature. This character reminds me protagonists from movies like Karate Kid who are "good" even when bullying or beating shit out of others because writer's license. Also adults are absent in school, rape threats seems something normal yet our heroine laughs at them, there are few scenes like this and for me it's unbelievable even in games.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Novel concept, novel execution, and very fun writing. Currently, the erotic content is still somewhat minimal, but this is the kind of game that does in fact make up for it with fun gameplay. Looking forward to every update.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The story for this game is well told and interesting the gameplay is fun and balanced well the characters are well written and unique like the d guys are clearly bad guys and the hero is character who changes based off the decisions you make this game has loads of potential but is early in development definitely needs more lewd content and draw out lewd scenes but as far as gameplay its solid support the creator if you can would be 5-5 if there was more lewd content but still a good play
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty decent game. So normally in this kind of game I'm pretty much "How fast can we turn this girl into a raging slut?" But man, the villain protaganist (Alicia) and main antagonist (Richard) are SO IMMENSELY HATEABLE that I'm defaulting to a purity route.

    Anyway, so as you'd expect, the game is mostly about doing things the easy way (which progresses corruption) or the hard way, which usually involves either some trial and error, strategy, or coming back later with levelling up to succeed at. It's worth noting that a purity run on story mode is still not 'faceroll' easy until you've levelled up some, and even then you can lose fights if you're completely afk braindead'ing on them.

    In normal mode, you really have to work at it to avoid having to use the corruption increasing IWIN button. Some of the fights are pretty hard if you don't know the strategy or if you just aren't properly prepared.

    Anyway, so there's not much lewd content yet - The farthest it can get is you give a handjob to a rando basically. The art where it exists is pretty good, but most of it is just dialogue descriptions currently.

    I believe this is either a single or very small dev team, but I hope they implement a 'turned slutty but still kicks the shit out of the 2 villains" route.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I have played around 6-8 hours of Star Knightess as of update 0.9.1 and I can safely say that is a very good RPGM game with a lot of potential.

    - The worldbuilding. The universe that exists within the game is fun and interesting enough to explore that I almost didn't mind the complete lack of 'real-life' content at the school. The Demon King Richard and his horde are a solid threat to the world.
    - Female Protagonist/Mind Control. This seems to be the main hook of the game that differentiates it. You're basically playing as two female protagonists. The main character and the secondary main character who is attempting to corrupt them and alter their mind. It's cool. I wish there was more to it.
    - Combat System. The turn-based combat in the game is perfectly fine. No complaints especially since there is an 'easy mode' if you just want to experience the story and the sex scenes (which will go in the negatives) .

    - Too Grindy. By this I don't mean it in the traditional sense. You have to grind through a lot of the 'fantasy world' story with unfortunately almost no developments to the mind control story or the corruption element. Almost all of my 7 or so hours was spent in the 'fantasy world' rather than the 'real world' or in the mind palace making meaningful changes.
    - No Content. The fact of the matter is in this current build there is no sexual content. You have an animated kiss scene which is the most you get and then a description of a handjob. In 7 hours that's all there is that I experienced in terms of that element of the game. Which wouldn't be a problem if this game wasn't on F95.

    What this game needs is some quicker progression on the mind control and corruption components. I was disappointed with how little time was spent making actual changes to the main protagonist and seeing those changes occur in the 'real world'. That's when things will begin to pick up but as of now I would say Star Knightess is well and truly still in the beginning/introductory stage of the game and it could be quite awhile until we see more.

    Final Verdict
    Put it on the watchlist; keep an eye on it; wait and see.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Has amazing potential, just need to wait for some more content to be filled out. Right now the direction that the story is headed is something that I haven't really seen in other places, but it's a very smart way of doing a slow-burn corruption of the main character. I'm a big fan, can't wait to see where this goes!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    To me, this game has incredible potential.

    The story and writing is super engaging and entertaining. It is very rare that I find games from communities such as this, where the humor, characters personalities and the games self-awareness actually shine through and I don't feel that i simply have to slog through line after line of dialogue that even the author themselves hurried through to get to the good parts.

    I almost feel that I am spoiling myself by playing this in an unfinished state.
    Very excited to see how this project progresses and I do really enjoy the art so I hope there will be a lot more added in a further stage.

    Kudos to the developer.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty decent game, but...

    Well, this game does almost everything right. Art is good, story is decent, characters are well made. Mechanic is unique. But, for me, this game has conceptual flaw.

    So here I am, playing this game for few hours, and I am starting to feel that I am playing chess alone. I assume that point off the game is to choose whenever you want hero or villain to win. Because you are playing both.

    I love corruption games, probably my favorite type of h-game. I also love rpg, where I can be pure good guy. But, those two things does not combine well. I can't cheer for anyone, because I am always also playing the other side. I can't simultaneously cheer for heroine and villain. I can't go full corruption route, because I would lose as Aura, and I can't go full purity because I would feel like incompetent villain. No matter how I play, I will lose either way. Also, no matter how I play, I will win either way. After some time, it starts to get boring.

    Also, I kinda want both sides to lose. I want to destroy Aura arrogance, but I also want villains to lose, because they are shitty people.

    As soon as I realized this, I stopped caring about characters. Even if story is decent, even if world is interesting, I can't play anymore, because I simply doesn't care about what will happen next.

    At the end, I can only stay for h-scenes. But after few hours of play, I seen like 3 of those, and they did not really felt earned.

    So: really decent game, with good potential, but it is not for me. I know that some people might find it enjoyable and even good, but I already stopped caring, so I simply can't play anymore.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    A great game for everyone ... except me

    All that glitters is not gold, unfortunately is what I think about this game.

    Although the premise is quite good as are some images, The gameplay, which I do not deny, is quite unique to many rpg that I know, at certain points it is quite annoying and gets tired of the fact that possibly what you promise as a possible 6 hours of gameplay can be summarized in 2.

    the start
    -You do not know where to go first, they propose several paths thinking that there is the possibility of overcoming them as simple as possible, but the truth is that in the end they really do have a certain order.

    -The system of corruption that is the typical mental room, does not really explain to me at all what I do, simply if I am lucky to have chosen well, and if you go through corruption, you are holding on to lose by not measuring yourself. It is really cruel to know that if you screwed up from a certain point, you already fucked a game of 6 hours minimum.

    -It is better that you do not put extra things, if they are not going to be of any use. Darksouls has already shown that you don't need 20 npc, if in the end you are only going to occupy half or less. And less, when your npcs are going to present them as [not implemented], if it is not, do not put it. I do not know if they are because they do not know how to add npcs in the future or they wanted to make a more credible world with more people, but it only works if those people speak more than being systems of the Matrix.

    But in the end, even though I was very tired and frustrated.

    It is still a good game eroge above average.

    If I have criticized certain things hard, it is because I know, it has much more potential to exploit that is being wasted.

    One thing I would like is that instead of just one thing you could change 3 or they will let you change 3 in at least 2 hours of gameplay.

    I don't know how much it could affect to activate scenes, but it would stop being more tedious than playing chess with a hamster.

    Anyway, if you have free time, this game is recommended.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    The 3 star should have an asterisk next to it, as only the future knows whether it will be better or worse.
    As it is, there isn't much but a shell of a good game. The art is good, but there's not much of it. The worlds are well planned, but not filled. The game-play is all in place, but there's not much to do with it. Star Knightess Aura can be great, but isn't really worth playing at this point in time. It is updated often.
    My only real gripe beyond that is a subjective one; I don't love bouncing back and forth between worlds. I think the game could have been fine as just the Roya world, or if there had to be the modern world, we'd see less of it.