Jul 28, 2018
What would you consider to be the major difference between pressing F5 to restart the game + 1 press to skip Disclaimer versus navigating to and using such a button?
Most players don't know you can push F5 to restart the game in RPG Maker MX/MZ games (by default, if not disabled), while having it on the user interface makes it discoverable in the same way as practically everything in every RPG Maker game?

I personally don't care either way; I'm used to close-and-restart from years of pre-MX RPG Maker games and still do it with the current ones.

I do miss being able to arrow-and-Return through the combat UI. I don't know how many times I've hit the wrong Page Up/Page Down (and Up/Down, to a lesser extent) key when trying to pick combat options. That's a whole different topic, though.


Aug 13, 2017
Just want to say that i appreciate the give and take between players and dev team in these recent posts. It's refreshing! :)


Game Developer
Mar 7, 2023
Most players don't know you can push F5 to restart the game in RPG Maker MX/MZ games (by default, if not disabled), while having it on the user interface makes it discoverable in the same way as practically everything in every RPG Maker game?

I personally don't care either way; I'm used to close-and-restart from years of pre-MX RPG Maker games and still do it with the current ones.

I do miss being able to arrow-and-Return through the combat UI. I don't know how many times I've hit the wrong Page Up/Page Down (and Up/Down, to a lesser extent) key when trying to pick combat options. That's a whole different topic, though.
Although it's not *entirely* what you're asking for, moving between the skill type/item lists with the arrow keys is on the list of interface improvements I'll be adding in a future update.
Oct 4, 2020
Just want to say that i appreciate the give and take between players and dev team in these recent posts. It's refreshing! :)
Agreed! I was not expecting this level of response this quickly. I really appreciate the devs engaging with my feedback!

I'm really glad you're enjoying the game! Your positive comments mean a lot and I'm sure aura-dev will appreciate them too. To address your points:

- The problem here is that in the engine as it exists, *nothing* about battles is saved. We would have to save the entire battle data to a save file, and that would balloon save file size considerably. If you think about everything that would entail: HP/MP/states for all party members, HP/MP/states for all enemies, the current actions if you were partway through choosing them for the turn, the actions the enemies had queued up, anything in $gameTemp that might be relevant to the battle since it isn't included in saves, the turn count, the interpreter in case you saved during a battle event...
- This should largely already be possible. Enemies rarely if ever move randomly, and you should always have a spot you can stand where you can observe their pattern before attempting to engage. They either move in a set route, or they stand on the spot and turn in set directions. If there are any in particular you find it very difficult to do this with, let us know and we may look at individual tweaks if they make sense and improve the game.
- I'm not sure we can do much with this as it's not clear what about it you find not fun or annoying, nor can I think of a way to improve it that would be universally fun to everyone. This is the first time I've seen negative feedback on this gameplay element, so I'm not sure how widespread the sentiment is among the players as a whole. Do you have any ideas on how we could do such a mechanic in a way that's fun to you?
- Without spoiling anything, this becomes a major plot point in the Earth scenes at a certain point in the corruption path, and aura-dev recently added a number of relationship-related passives to Aura, including one for Rose Bond.
- This is largely an art budget thing, as I understand it. Not showing her feet in the art means we can make plot-related/mechanical changes to her shoes without needing a new piece of art for every shoe variation that comes up.
- This should be clearly signposted, so please highlight any specific places it isn't. A promise is mechanically "I will spend the day after this one doing the thing", and any events that immediately end the current day should tell you that it will take the rest of the day to do.
Thank you for the detailed response!

Per subsequent posts, it's true that I would like an in-battle Load, not a Save. It's also true that I don't know how technically feasible that is. Sometimes we can't get everything we want. But if it's possible, it would be a big QoL improvement.

Apologies for not being more detailed in my discussion of the wind mechanic. I do have some follow-up thoughts there. If I'm trying to ambush or avoid enemies, then I need to be looking at the center of the screen, where the enemies are pathing. But the display for the wind direction is in the lower right, I think? And it changes periodically, so I can't just remember, oh in this particular spot, it's going whatever direction, let me account for that. As such, it feels like it takes (some if not all) control away from me regarding whether I can actually ambush or stealth. I think in the abstract, that could be fine if the goal is to prevent the player from doing those things, but I don't have the impression that's the goal or the result. One of the comments mentioned that it could just slow Aura to a walking speed, which I think is probably not the right solution given that's how the water area works iirc (EDIT: false, not sure why I thought this, so maybe that would be a good solution), but I do think the water area is better by comparison because you still have full control of your character. Maybe if there was just a consistent head-wind through the whole area or something, I don't know - I admit to not having the solution here. Per Pretentious Goblin, I do agree that in the scheme of things this is not a big deal.

As for randomly moving enemies, flagging them not to turn around was mentioned in a subsequent post. Not having them do 180s would definitely be an improvement, but I guess it's not clear to me why any enemies should move randomly. I realize that actually changing this is potentially a lot of effort and could even involve needing to tweak level layouts if the player isn't supposed to be able to trivially stealth or ambush. And I also realize that some people may feel differently than I do about the merits of the twitchy aspects of the gameplay. But I wanted to provide my 2c here as I find the enemies with clear, fixed movement (or being stationary as the case may be) much more compelling.

I did know about the Rose bond skill, but that doesn't affect Relationship, just Willpower (though it is neat and I appreciate it being there for sure!).

The art thing makes sense, I didn't specifically say why I thought it made sense that you can't see her shoes, but that was definitely one of the reasons I had in mind (the other just being needing to switch from a 3/4 to full body render). Presumably goes in the "nice to have if we find ourselves with unlimited resources" backlog :p Also, I realize that pointing this out might just seem thirsty, and, well, that would be understandable, but I do think that the visuals have impact on the feel of the corruption progression, as is the case for the hair and clothes, etc.

I should clarify regarding learning and end of day: Promises *are* very clear (wild to be saying this as a js dev haha). It's whether something ends the day or doesn't when it isn't a Promise that isn't always clear to me. I can try to watch out for examples of this going forward. I know off the top of my head that the Hermit doesn't end the day; I think that he uses similar wording to some of the other teachers, but I'd have to go check what that is. Things like, "before the end of the day" and "within the day" - I think the former, at least, is used to mean that it takes the rest of the day, when I would say that if it wasn't going to take the rest of the day, and say "until the end of the day" if it was? But that's just from memory.
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Game Developer
Mar 7, 2023
Agreed! I was not expecting this level of response this quickly. I really appreciate the devs engaging with my feedback!

Thank you for the detailed response!

Per subsequent posts, it's true that I would like an in-battle Load, not a Save. It's also true that I don't know how technically feasible that is. Sometimes we can't get everything we want. But if it's possible, it would be a big QoL improvement.

Apologies for not being more detailed in my discussion of the wind mechanic. I do have some follow-up thoughts there. If I'm trying to ambush or avoid enemies, then I need to be looking at the center of the screen, where the enemies are pathing. But the display for the wind direction is in the lower right, I think? And it changes periodically, so I can't just remember, oh in this particular spot, it's going whatever direction, let me account for that. As such, it feels like it takes (some if not all) control away from me regarding whether I can actually ambush or stealth. I think in the abstract, that could be fine if the goal is to prevent the player from doing those things, but I don't have the impression that's the goal or the result. One of the comments mentioned that it could just slow Aura to a walking speed, which I think is probably not the right solution given that's how the water area works iirc, but I do think the water area is better by comparison because you still have full control of your character. Maybe if there was just a consistent head-wind through the whole area or something, I don't know - I admit to not having the solution here. Per Pretentious Goblin, I do agree that in the scheme of things this is not a big deal.

As for randomly moving enemies, flagging them not to turn around was mentioned in a subsequent post. Not having them do 180s would definitely be an improvement, but I guess it's not clear to me why any enemies should move randomly. I realize that actually changing this is potentially a lot of effort and could even involve needing to tweak level layouts if the player isn't supposed to be able to trivially stealth or ambush. And I also realize that some people may feel differently than I do about the merits of the twitchy aspects of the gameplay. But I wanted to provide my 2c here as I find the enemies with clear, fixed movement (or being stationary as the case may be) much more compelling.

I did know about the Rose bond skill, but that doesn't affect Relationship, just Willpower (though it is neat and I appreciate it being there for sure!).

The art thing makes sense, I didn't specifically say why I thought it made sense that you can't see her shoes, but that was definitely one of the reasons I had in mind (the other just being needing to switch from a 3/4 to full body render). Presumably goes in the "nice to have if we find ourselves with unlimited resources" backlog :p Also, I realize that pointing this out might just seem thirsty, and, well, that would be understandable, but I do think that the visuals have impact on the feel of the corruption progression, as is the case for the hair and clothes, etc.

I should clarify regarding learning and end of day: Promises *are* very clear (wild to be saying this as a js dev haha). It's whether something ends the day or doesn't when it isn't a Promise that isn't always clear to me. I can try to watch out for examples of this going forward. I know off the top of my head that the Hermit doesn't end the day; I think that he uses similar wording to some of the other teachers, but I'd have to go check what that is. Things like, "before the end of the day" and "within the day" - I think the former, at least, is used to mean that it takes the rest of the day, when I would say that if it wasn't going to take the rest of the day, and say "until the end of the day" if it was? But that's just from memory.
There's some minor variation in wording, but if a dialogue ever ends with something like "by/at/until the end of the day" and the text is coloured red, it means that your day will end if you accept that choice.


New Member
May 17, 2022
Came on to say I've recently played the game through to where the content ends, loved how much there was to the game :) The slow burn of the mental corruption of the mc, and it slowly affecting her in both worlds is great. Will definitely be buying the full game once its out ^_^ Wish more games took this slow burn approach to corruption. Keep being awesome!
Oct 4, 2020
There's some minor variation in wording, but if a dialogue ever ends with something like "by/at/until the end of the day" and the text is coloured red, it means that your day will end if you accept that choice.
I checked the Hermit dialogue, and it's:

"finishes before the day is over"

in orange. I can see how "before" might suggest the day doesn't end, but I could swear there are other teachers who say they can teach you before the day is over and it does end the day, though I'm not sure who, and I might not have access to those convos any more. Maybe the Hermit is the only one who teaches without ending the day, though?

I also checked the Nephlune spell shop and for advance techniques it says "Completing one takes about a day's time", but it's not in orange.
Jul 28, 2018
Something of a conflict in response there. Does Android have F5 functionality, or some equivalent?
Interesting question. The touch UI doesn't have it as far as I know. However, there was this response:
Android doesn't have keyboard shortcuts...
Android (originally intended to compete with Blackberry) has had keyboard and mouse support forever, so I hooked up a USB keyboard to my phone to see. (I assume this would be the same with a Bluetooth keyboard, but I don't have one at hand.)

Star Knightess Aura 0.35.3 for Android does not appear to respond to the letters (both the RPG Maker defaults and the custom shortcuts they've added), Escape, or F5.

It does respond to the arrow keys, the other navigation keys (Insert/Delete/Home/End/Page Up/Page Down), the numeric keypad (if Num Lock is off), Enter on the main keyboard, F2, F3, F4, F6, and F9. (F3 and F4 don't work properly, but the game does react to them.)

So you can play the game from the keyboard using the "right-hand" controls, but you'll have to kill the game and restart to get out of a combat.

(For those who may not know, Enter is Select/Accept, Insert is Cancel/Menu, and Page Up and Page Down are the page left/page right commands. With Num Lock off this includes the versions on the numeric keypad. These are defaults in RPG Maker, just like Z/Space/X/Escape/Q/W.)

Don't get me wrong; very few people on Android are likely to use a physical keyboard with the game. It was a fun exercise, though.
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Oct 4, 2020
I think I've triggered a game-breaking bug. You can ask the Knight duelist for a distraction for Roland if you beat him after completing the relevant quest. If you do this, the next day the distraction triggers, and you are forced to go into the keep and get Roland to come outside, except you can't do that, and if you go back outside, you're forced inside again. I also tried recalling, which just triggered the promise event again.

I've attached an autosave from this having already happened, as well as a save from after talking to the knight but not having ended the day yet.

EDIT: Assuming this is a bug, if there's a way to work around it by editing the save, I'd appreciate getting set up with that somehow as otherwise I'll be losing a significant chuck of progress to go back to my previous save.

EDIT: Looking through the thread, it looks like I could just use so long as I can figure out what value I need to tweak, and how. So that's where I'd appreciate some assistance.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 1, 2021
I think I've triggered a game-breaking bug. You can ask the Knight duelist for a distraction for Roland if you beat him after completing the relevant quest. If you do this, the next day the distraction triggers, and you are forced to go into the keep and get Roland to come outside, except you can't do that, and if you go back outside, you're forced inside again. I also tried recalling, which just triggered the promise event again.

I've attached an autosave from this having already happened, as well as a save from after talking to the knight but not having ended the day yet.

EDIT: Assuming this is a bug, if there's a way to work around it by editing the save, I'd appreciate getting set up with that somehow as otherwise I'll be losing a significant chuck of progress to go back to my previous save.

EDIT: Looking through the thread, it looks like I could just use so long as I can figure out what value I need to tweak, and how. So that's where I'd appreciate some assistance.
Thanks for the report. I think I fixed this for 0.36.1 while I was doing a bunch of fixes and improvements for the related quest.
The variable that triggers the event is the promise variable 9. But idk there might be some future data corruption due the quest getting messed up.
Oct 4, 2020
Thanks for the report. I think I fixed this for 0.36.1 while I was doing a bunch of fixes and improvements for the related quest.
The variable that triggers the event is the promise variable 9. But idk there might be some future data corruption due the quest getting messed up.
Does that mean there's no way to escape the loop/I do need to load an older save?


Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 1, 2021
Does that mean there's no way to escape the loop/I do need to load an older save?
It means you may be lucky if you manipulate the mentioned variables but I don't know what other consequences it may have on your save. It's probably safer to just load an older save.
Jul 28, 2018
Although it's not *entirely* what you're asking for, moving between the skill type/item lists with the arrow keys is on the list of interface improvements I'll be adding in a future update.
I'm sure I'll think it's a good addition. Part of the problem (such as it is) is that this...genre?...has had years of games that use the basic RPG Maker controls and combat system and it gets burnt into your muscle memory. Ren'py and Twine+SugarCube games have similar issues with saves and rollback, assuming a developer is sticking close to their engine's default game style.


Game Developer
Mar 7, 2023
I'm sure I'll think it's a good addition. Part of the problem (such as it is) is that this...genre?...has had years of games that use the basic RPG Maker controls and combat system and it gets burnt into your muscle memory. Ren'py and Twine+SugarCube games have similar issues with saves and rollback, assuming a developer is sticking close to their engine's default game style.
Yeah, I can understand that. I was also used to that system and it took the redesign a bit to grow on me, but I love it now.
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Oct 4, 2020
Unless I'm missing something, Beelzebub seems overtuned. Even on Story difficulty, I couldn't figure out how to beat him without removing the Collar, even with no Cursed Meat, Radiance active, and having used all the materials I had the provided more than +1 MDef. I tried beating him or Leviathan before he eats Leviathan, but it seems like there's no way to do that. And the amount of damage he does is ridiculous.
Jun 21, 2021
Hi again! Another glitch that's not that important but is a little annoying... after getting to the whole demon worship bar thing, I keep spawning in as Mary instead of Aura, which, while having no bearing on the gameplay... is confusing and a little annoying to say the least. It's definitely a small glitch, but its still a glitch and I wanted to report it 1699711674972.png
Jun 21, 2021
Unless I'm missing something, Beelzebub seems overtuned. Even on Story difficulty, I couldn't figure out how to beat him without removing the Collar, even with no Cursed Meat, Radiance active, and having used all the materials I had the provided more than +1 MDef. I tried beating him or Leviathan before he eats Leviathan, but it seems like there's no way to do that. And the amount of damage he does is ridiculous.
Could be that the demon lords get more powerful as the days go by, from what I've heard it's supposed to be impossible to do the demon lord of sloth after a certain amount of days unless you SK and that's even before Beelzebub
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