Since the dev is getting in depth with answering questions (kudos for that btw, always appreciated in a dev), I'd like to ask, is there a roadmap for content to be added? I'm hoping for less linear corruption in particular, so that it's possible to make progress with different combinations of hobbies/relationships/etc.
I will probably make a more concrete road map in Sept or so since there are some producitivy variables that depend on whether the patreon can further grow and allow me to cover them or not.
Basically my current approach is depth over width. For 1.0 there will only be 2 main endings, and the corruption event chains will have quite a bit of linearity. This is to keep variation writing small and ensure that I can reach the point where you can play the game from start to finish.
It probably won't be the experience some people are looking for due to lack of customization but I think it should still be fun and sexy.
For 2.0 I plan to then switch the strategy to width over depth.
The focus will be adding branching endings, alternative corruption options, eliminating constraings between event chains and instead just writing the variation, alternate modes such as story mode with less and easier enemies, options for customizing viewable content, etc.
That kind of features will be the focus.
I expect overall dev time for 1.0 to take roughly 3+ years.
But whether all planned story segments and features will make it into 1.0 depends quite a bit on funding.
My current budgetng plans are 700€ for continuous art commissions / 100€ for assets such as tilesets and sound effects / 200€ for changing services such as a mapper for city maps or an editor for improving key scenes such as the intro.
Sorry for not always checking the thread and giving full replies.
Between day-time job and deving the game there isn't much time.