Played version 12.1.
BUG : Emerald tea does not always give 30 willpower. If Aura has 0 willpower, it can give less (don't have the relevant save anymore unfortunately).
QOL : In the mine, a resting area after the big gate would be appreciated. To heal the whole party, the player currently has to travel through multiple areas to finish the day, with 4 big fight at the bottom of the mine.
QOL : Aura should automatically spend all her remaining perika to reduce her corruption at the end of the festival.
QOL : The promise to the blacksmith should be a toggle. While 'on', Aura visit every even day.
AESTHETIC : The mind world is currently fairly uninteresting visually. If Aura's soul is unstable, it would be nice to see cracks and holes in the walls and ground, among other things.
QUESTION : Is it possible to get all pink scenes in a single playthrough before the end of the festival ? I failed to (even though I used tricks like reducing to 0 my willpower with the Hydrangea in the goblin forest). It would be nice if it were possible, and allow a few mistakes.
GAMEPLAY SUGGESTION : As other have mentioned, getting pink scenes is currently not very roleplay friendly. The cooperation of Aura is actually needed. I suggest the following change : Instead of a Game-Over if Aura end a day with an unstable soul, the player get a Game-Over by finishing two day in a row with an unstable soul. While Aura has an unstable soul, she always accept pink choices. It would mean that Alicia can effectively force Aura by keeping her on the edge of destruction, which would be interesting gameplay-wise, since pink choices actually add corruption (Alicia can only add corruption in a situation in which it is urgent that she reduces it). Mental changes costing 9 corruption would thus have a significant strategic importance. A couple other ideas with this system : 1) Aura is initially unwilling to drink drug. She can start using it after the maid event. After that, if Aura start a day with an unstable soul and drug in her inventory, Alicia can convince her to drink it (perhaps without the player consent). 2) Increasing corruption while having an unstable soul decreases maximum willpower permanently.