I know, I said I'll skip this game till April but couldn't resist so played till the latest pre-release... Amazing work. I thought that the balance between CG and non-CG scenes would be off by now but the devs have kept it quite decent still. The scenes I would enjoy illustrated would be peddler 3rd (because you guys really pushed him) and artist but let's see what happens. I personally don't understand why people think this game is hard to play, I had a lot of fun replaying the whole game, obv drifted scenes I had already seen but it was still quite easy.
My only recommendation, and a necessary one the more the game expands- Teleportation Mechanics. The closest thing that exists rn is the party taking you back to the village, that is cool but when you're alone it's very time-consuming to keep walking in the same places you've already been to.
1. In caves and long terrains like forest, go back to starting/go to map kind of teleport. once you reach the dead end instead of walking all the way back.
2. In villages (there is only one big one right now but), checkpoints on at least 4 corners because you have to walk round and round especially in the main village, time consuming when you're doing multiple quests.
Besides that, excited for more corruption of real-world Aura.
On cheating the game: