It's one of the lowest-lewdness scenes, so yeah, you can start there. If you want extra lewdness and Exhibitionism, you can drop Aura's willpower to 0 (or however much your current corruption is) to get the "pink" version of the scene. Though it's pretty unimportant here. Getting "pink" scenes is more important in the 15-30 lewdness range because of the high lewdness requirements of the vag sex scenes. You can drink vitality potions, Sweet Memories or let hydrangeas hit Aura with that pollen ability a bunch of times when you need to get willpower to 0.
If you really want to min-max, you can do the alchemist, the jailer for Charlotte and finally Hermann all on the same day (using vitality potions to keep dropping willpower after each scene if you want the pink versions).