Is there a time frame for 28.3, 28.4, or 29 getting released here?
I'm not trying to ask for an update or rush anyone, just genuinely want to know if there's a set time for them.
I've been following this game since v22, and did a full playhrough in that one and was kinda annoyed that it ended just as it was getting good, because it's inherently grindy and took me like 10 hours to see everything, and when that happened i was like "I'm not gonna play it til it's at at least like 25v or so"
Then it got to v27.0 and i downloaded it, played it an hour, and got to like the point where you figure out why that one town keeps getting sick, but at this point i think it's pointless for me to keep playing that version (or 28.2) if 29 is out.
I realize that by the time 29 is posted here 29.2 will be out and it'll be a constant cycle, which is the point, but eh, 29 seems like a good enough point to play on.
Also hiiiii goblin, i remember you helped me with that list of how to unlock each town a while back <3
I kindawant to start overwhenthe new version is out, but this game is sogrindy that i simultaneously don't want to. Sorry for the overly long and rambly post, that's just kinda how i type most of the time