Unity - Starbreed [v0.8.2] [Regulus]

  1. 3.00 star(s)



    To be honest, it feels medicore. I mean, if I had to compare this with the dev's other game, SpunkStock, I would choose SpunkStock over this.

    Does this make this a bad game?


    If you enjoy Scrolling Shooters, you will probably like this more. I personally don't have anything against that genre, but I feel it wasn't properly executed or delivered.

    Let me emphasis. The porn and scenes within the prior dev's game SpunkStock felt more engaging. I mean, yea that game was a rythm one and it might be comparing apples to oranges here. But what I am trying to boil it down to are the core mechanics or rewards to the player.

    Sure, Star Breed has more scenes, but they just feel hollow and lackluster. Go on missions. Take girl with you to farm relation. Get scenes. Repeat. That is it. It feels like a chore of unneccessary grind pushed onto the player to complete and yea while most current girls have 25 affectiion and you can probably get it in a couple of runs, the more what if it is increased down the line?

    I am not sure how to really define it other than the sex scenes really don't feel actually earned in any way. It feels like them cheap gacha porn games you can find on mobile where you farm affection. Sure the scenes are nice and diverse but again if I had to choose between this and the creator's other game. Once more I will always choose SpunkStock.

    Doesn't make it a bad game, but it does make it a bit soulless to me.
  2. 4.00 star(s)



    Take Star Fox and turn it into a porn game, and you get this. A rather short but fun On-Rails shooter with decent gameplay and great H-scenes. Most levels have their own themes and enemies and you also get banter between your allies and enemies. Though some of the enemies feel way too tanky for what little weapon variety you can choose from. This isn't a problem in most levels, but trying to unlock the gold medals with this problem becomes rather frustrating.

    Art and animation are extremely well done. with most characters having 2 scenes. Starbreed does have a romance mechanic that requires you to raise their affinity unlock more scenes by either talking to them or bringing them alongside missions. Personally, I think this system gets repetitive way too quickly, but currently you don't have to grind for scenes as you can easily unlock them in 1 or 2 missions, thus not making this a complete chore (yet).

    Another issue I currently have is the story. Understandably its still in development and they're obviously focused more on creating more characters and H-scenes than the current plot, I'm just hoping they have something planned because the whole premise seems disjointed. There's enough that you can get the basic premise: A group called Nova is wrecking havoc and you must stop them. But who are we and why are these characters coming alongside us besides saving/helping them? I know know asking for plot in a porn game seems redundant, but some context would be preferred.

    Overall, if you wanted to play Star Fox with some porn on the side, then give this game a go.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say that playing the cyberpunk "Neos" level in Starbreed was genuinely the most fun I've ever had playing an adult game...like ever. And that's really saying something considering how many would-be "greatest hentai game of all times" attempts we've seen in the past years.

    Starbreed has actual gameplay that's actually fun to play and some of the hentai is actually properly integrated into the levels, not just statically hidden behind a "paywall" of in-game points or a game-over screen like almost every other such game. For example, towards the middle of every level you'll get to see the character you recruit get tentacled for a bit, and there's also a detailed juicy cutscene at the end of the first level.

    This is it folks, this is what hentai games should be like.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Has a few slight hiccups due to the early nature of the release, but very solid concept and execution.

    Not all the voice acting is complete, but the dialogue is there in place, even for scenarios where you bring in party members to earlier missions. It's a very neat touch and shows where the creative efforts of the devs really paid off.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    okay guys lets make porn games actual enjoyable fun games with gameplay and shit. Its star fox with a bit of fucking on the side want more customizing when I goes for loadouts for missions but this is a actual game that isn't just a slide show of sex its fun to play.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Wow, I have to say this game really impressed me.

    First what impressed me was the combat. The missions you go on do not feel tacked on or poorly implemented. You actually feel like a pilot going to exotic planets and helping them. The vehicles, ships, and boss fights are all great. If you are a fan of Star Fox, you will love this game purely for the combat.

    Now, on to the sexy ladies. Just love how in the combat sections, whenever an enemy ship latches itself ontu an ally, you actually see tentacles appear on their character sprite. What a great little feature to really make the world feel sexy where ships start tentacle fucking the pilot.

    The dialogue with all the characters is also good. Remember on the desert planet, if you take the character from the water world with you as your wingman, she makes a comment on how nothing can grow here. That was a great little detail. Also great to have them explain a bit of their backstory when you recruit them onto your spaceship.

    The sex scenes were all great. Though I think my favorite one is the first onw with the purple alien. Now, vore is not for everyone. This is a porn game, not a vore one. Still, loved the part she opened up her tail and half swallowed the main character. Just found that so sexy. Am really hoping we see more of her. For example, would love to have a scene of her eating one of the characters crew and you have to rescue her.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Great potential. I haven't played this kind of 3D rail star fighting in a long time and it's coupled with an interesting premise and plenty of modern enhancements. The lack of voice acting for the later characters is a letdown but can be fixed later. If going for Starfox scaling, there are another 6 systems and 6 more accompanying wingmen to go until it's the same size.

    Wish you the best of luck and clear skies.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    it's exactly what you want from a porn game. Ok now I need to hit the review character requirement which is pretty stupid. But the game play isn't mind numbingly boring and the puppeted sex scenes may be off putting to some, I do think they executed it in a way that isn't god awful. Regulus exemplifies this principle even more in their early rhythm game, "SpunkStock Festival," which I would also recommend highly.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I must admit that the graphics scared me at the beginning, but after downloading and playing the game, it turned out to be a nice experience. Although the game is in early access, I'm very curious about its development progress.

    The Gameplay reminds me Air Rivals/Ace Online game i played somewhere in early 2000's

    The animations are better than on screens :)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Give this a try if you're even remotely interested

    Rating v0.4.3
    This is basically Starfox64/Lylatwars with some porn.
    The game is still a bit rough but anyone playing this can see that there is some absolutely solid base gameplay going on here that makes this worth trying alone, albeit it's not much content and it's still showing its unrefined edges like crude 3d models in the gameplay bit and generally is visually a bit unfocused.
    The little art that is there is rather stylised and "furry" content in the spirit of starfox universe. what little is there is decently done but needs another pass for quality, however it's also not detracting from enjoying this WIP/demo. It's probably a love-it-or-hate-it affair in that regard.

    On another note the game has good english voice acting that is done with good but amateur equipment and actors (some overacting and some lines come out a bit too dull, especially from aether).

    If I'd rate this game in a finite state as it is right now it would be 3-4 stars but I'm sure anyone giving it a try can see the potential and appreciate the foundation the devs have made so I'm giving it a 5 star as in "give this a try if you're even remotely interested".