Unity - Completed - Stationmaster [v1.1] [StationmasterDev]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Very nice idea, but executed so poorly, I regret the time put in this. Most of sexual animations are broken or do not appear at all -- all you see is just flying penis, sometimes missing its target, or somehow both of the participants became the same model.

    S tier game, I geve it 2 stars only for the overall idea.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Well that was a waste of downloading 6GB. Game is practically non functional and constantly locks up/freezes. Tried to see some of the animations and suddenly there's 3 floating detached penises in the frame and loud screaming audio and the only way to exit it is closing the game. Otherwise the attempted slave management and customization immediately reminded me of Free Cities, which is actually worth a shot and is HTML with image mods. Like the concept but this is not worth it unless you're planning on developing it yourself.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2445510

    So, I have sunk near +50 hours into this game, so, keep that in mind while I tell you what sucks about it:

    - Uneven sex animations.
    - Broken facial animations that sometimes make face models of some aliens go onto other species.
    - Horrid strain on your processor that resets only by restarting the game.
    - Only one voice for all females during sex.
    - Easy to lose which girls are doing what in the menus after you get a certain number of them.
    - Textures on characters are mediocre at best.
    - Many colors for clothing in customization are straight up missing.
    - No tutorial on how to unlock tons of things like other alien species (You have to research breeding colonies in the lab btw.)

    It may sound like I hate this game, but remember, I sunk +50 hours into it, and this is why:

    If you can look past all the bullshit I mentioned, you're greeted with the most freedom out of any hentai game I have ever seen.

    You can customize your station in variety of ways, from turning it into a den of sexual depravity and interstellar conquest, or, running it like a legitimate business with a bar, casino, and apartment wing. You can slowly whittle down the will of slaves through persuasion and soft techniques until they obey you happily, or, you can lobotomize and/or mindbreak them and turn them into sex dolls. You can acquire slaves by purchasing them or taking them from your breeding colonies, or you can abduct them and raid them from unsuspecting planets. You can decorate your station like a palace, or make it into a hub of barbacy and violence. You can capture planets and turn them into working governments that send you tax money happily, or, exploit them and turn them into destitute slave colonies. You can conquer a planet with your war machines and drones, or just buy the planet and avoid conflict. With slaves, you can unlock a surgery center that allows you to body slide any slave into any shape you want (even changing skin color if you should choose). You can give them implants that change how they function (up their sensitivity so they orgasm quicker or not at all, make them more likely to get pregnant, or remove their mind entirely, amongst others). You can get a slave pregnant, raise her daughter in a growth vat, and then train the daughter to be a devoted slave just as much as her mother.

    And even then, I have likely still not explained the full extent of everything you can do in this game. Yes, the problems I mentioned are annoying, as well as how it occasionally freezes, but again, what you get for ignoring it is awesome.

    This game is an 8.5/10, that if modded and/or patched to fix the problems listed, would be a 12/10, but what's there is great all the same.

    Anyway, here's hoping the dev learns from his mistakes with Stationmaster 2.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are not sure what this game is, think Theme Hospital, but with a space brothel that has war ships and fighting pits. You won't find many porn games similar to this one.

    I can't ignore that there are flaws with this game. There are bugs, mostly minor ones though. The sex is kinda terrible, the story is not worth it and the body art is a gamble. The gameplay however is great and really makes up for a lot of the flaws.

    I've really enjoyed this game and strongly recommend it for strategy game and base building fans. You will get well into double fingures on gameplay time with this.

    Thank you Dev, you clearly have put a lot of time and effort into this and i've had a lot of fun playing it. Really hope you continue with StationMaster 2.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Bulleted list:
    • Gameplay loop: Actually pretty engaging without taking away from the H content. Seems like a galactic conquest type game. I went about this in a militaristic way, conquering all unclaimed systems within reach, but presumably there are more pacifistic methods as well.
    • Story: It's okay. For unexplained methods, your character has ownership of a planet, and a new space station above it. Time to turn it into a slave-driven sextravaganza vacation hot spot.... And meet some friends/enemies along the way.
    • Body/Art models: Pretty good - Lots of variance even just within the human race, but others are implemented as well. I'm not sure if you get more control over aesthetics in late game but you have a tiny bit mid-game... Could do with more though.
    • Sex content: It's... poor. Man it could have been good but it's just not. 100% of characters have clothes clipping very badly. Although the sex scenes allow speed/camera/multi-climax control, again you have the severe clipping issues. Dude humping with his dick not even touching the girl, or the girl riding the guy but the penis is penetrating her naval instead of her vag/ass... etc.
    • Characters/Dialog/Background info - Decent to poor. There is some but not enough. Very rarely will you fuck a character you know much about before hand (although there are some).
    So yeah. All the pieces for a good game are here at v1.1 (tagged completed...), but most have blemishes that hold the title down. 2.5 to 3 stars.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    garbage animations ruin the adult scenes, lack of basic stuff to make the areas actually rooms and instead of just large sectors (probily intended but meh) got boring kinda fast aswell.

    as a base frame there is alot of potential but i dont see a polished complete game yet.
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Grand Duke

    I really wanted to rate this game above 3 stars because of how unique and ambitious it is but I just couldn't. This game is more of an "idea," than an actual finished project, with the scope of this game I think it's really sad to see the dev just give up and called it done.

    This game might have the highest potential out of any on this site and if something like this was made by with the depth of a paradox grand strategy game it would be simply phenomenal. But it simply isn't.

    This game has struggled with having the width of an ocean but the depth of a puddle. There just simply isn't enough to keep you engaged after you've seen most of the "story," events.

    It's extremely repetitive game play and the "war," part of it involves clicking a button, waiting like 3 minutes for your ship to arrive and then getting one of two events. Since the chance that you will win is already shown it's not like anything unexpected is going to happen.

    It makes wars feel so damn stale and going after the main nations is repetitive button clicking grind because of how many planets and stars they have across the entire map.

    The game never gives the player a sense of "reward," for putting in this work and the game play literally does not change from when you have 1-1000 influence to when you have 100,000 influence, literally just have more money and can buy from different slave auctions, which is an overall useless feature considering how easy getting slaves for free is.

    Most stats don't do much and there isn't really an incentive to actually try to be efficient, simply because it barely does anything. The game expects the player to be motivated enough to micromanage 150+ slaves, giving them jobs that line up with their skills without actually making it worth it to do so.
    I would say that fear and obedience are the only actual stats that matter much, although getting a 100 obedience 0 fear slave is extremely easy with all the events they give.

    I haven't even mentioned the hentai scenes and that's because of how terrible they are. They are clunky, literally broken, visually unappealing and have almost no positives. The dev literally said that the h-scene glitches aren't fixable because to fix them he would have to rewrite the entire system. So a broken system is just left in. You would have to actively pay me to fap to this game, it's truly a train wreck in that regard.

    In terms of the city-building gameplay that's something I also enjoyed for quite a while although it does get repetitive eventually, with a game of this type, being made by a small dev, that's really unavoidable.

    For my first 10-20 hours I did actually have a lot of fun with it and the events it offered but once I had seen all those events there just wasn't anything left to do besides repeat the same old boring war system.

    Overall I had fun with this and would usually rate this a 4 however there are just so many huge problems with the game that I simply can't rate it anything above 3 stars. I would love to see this get remade properly, given if it takes 4-5 years I think it would be one of the best games on the site.
    I would recommand if you like city-building and managment content but wouldn't recommend this for the porn.
  8. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Thats a whole lot of bugs.

    Quite frankly the bugs themselfs fuck up the game, better make sure you have multiple saves if you want go deeper into the game, just in case.
    You dont often see base building games on this website, that is quite frankly the only reason i have tried this game and in all honesty this is a pretty fun base building game, i really enjoyed milking out as much content from this game as possible.

    Would have been 4/5 if not for the bugs.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This game provides all my fantasies in a management game i ever wanted.

    Bro, if not for the bugs, it would be a 5 * without doubt

    Ofcourse, the animations are far from perfect..but if what you really want is a nice amount of content and freedom in management, this is your game

    You can be the best hero in the galaxy or the most cruel villain!!!

    Have slaves, while you can buy them , you also can adquire them by events in your station. You can enslave queens, kings, couples, ex-lovers and have them see how you fuck and train each other! ( that's my stuff) even if there are not dialogues involving the wife and queen, you can have your own fantasy pretending they know what you are doing...

    like i said, is a game that gives you free access to your likings

    You don t want to run slaves¿? then go to conquer the leaders of the galaxy and make them kneel before you or if you want make them love you...

    amazing game im eager to see the second one.

    the amount of stuff you can do with the people in this game is amazing, you can transform them, mindbroke them, put implants, make them gay or lesbians, do whatever you want... dude this game is so insane that is hard to think that only 1 person is behind it !!! i want the second !!!

    and i didn t talk about the training process , the school, weightliting, treadmill, sex training... you have fucking lot of things to enjoy if you don t focus on the graphics and performance ( but is annoying i know
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Version: v1.1

    A pretty fun base building game, it has the basic mechanics required to make an alright managment. But two most glaring flaws is that this game gets boring after a few solid good hours, because after like 5-8 hours of playing you wont really see much more, But thats okay. No the biggest problem personally for me has been the buggy sex scenes, That shit is scuffed as all hell. Overall i had a fun time despite everything.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Bugs, bugs and bugs.

    Playing it is a fight, not a game.

    Perfect idea. Enormous possibilities. Execution? Nothing works well.

    I think too much at once. Nothing finished.

    Project abandoned. It is impossible to say: finished.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Good: Holy shit. Someone put fucking Free Cities on a real-time engine. In spaaaaaaaace
    Ugly: The graphics are janky and lol Unity.
    Bad: I hate to call it abandonware even though that's what it is. All sorts of insane features are implemented to a decent degree to make it playable. But then the dev seems to have given up right at the point polishing would start getting tedious. This game did not deserve it, I can tell that much
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I am shocked by the state of the game, played like early alpha v0.001. Utterly buggy, tutorial window can't be moved and blocks the interaction windows it requires me to use, doesn't show how to connect rooms, then was forced to close tutorial because it's window was blocking everything, tried a few interactions and there was bug after bug, floating dicks in midair, woman clipping through floor, etc. Then I double checked I am not actually playing the super early alpha, nope labeled v1.1. Sorry but utterly beyond terrible.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The Good:
    The freedom of choice between being a small time station flying under the radar, building up into a benevolent ruler or a genocidal galactic overlord.

    Having the option to turn the extreme content on/off is nice, as you can do some really messed up stuff should you want to.

    It's also really easy to edit the save file using programs such as Notepad++ to cheat/experiment with things.

    The Bad/Ugly:
    As other users have mentioned, the models, animations and overall presentation aren't great. The developer had updated the face generator a while ago so the characters are a bit better. The character customization is also a bit limited but at least that option is there.

    Performance also seems to be pretty strange with low CPU/GPU usage resulting in some pretty big FPS drops.

    Overall there is some fun to be had here (especially if you're into the extreme content), especially from a very small developer.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It-s the only game i bought in my life refering to porn games, for real the only one, that-s says all i want to say

    this stuff is goooooooood gpd

    the bad things are the bugs, but man what do you want...this game has all the kinks you can imagine
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Models are ugly, animations are shit, this aren't explained well. Overall this game is just one big concept and a failed game. The amount of choices you can make are very promising and the fact that you can change NPC appearances is very helpful. But overall this is an ugly version of Sim City with sex included.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is best described as Freecities IN SPACE! And it pretty much hits all the beats free cities did. However, it has this really cool mini-game where you actually build your brothel and your club. Imagine Dungeon Keeper IN SPACE! but with more porn involved. And then the H-Scenes happened and it fell short. Either go for the management side or the pr0n side, never both.

    Then it got worse, the game got hit by a lot of bugs. When interacting with slaves, the game will freeze up after a while, it slows down a lot.

    So why did I give it 3 stars? It's a solid C grade, if you like the more management side of the genre. The graphics could be better but I could work out which slave was which by looking (kinda). The sound is palatable, but the voices are recorded way to loud.

    Would I recommend it? If you like the grand slave management genre then why not? It hits all those beats, however, the animations really drag it down.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    At the basic level its free cities sci-fi which is also 3d now the biggest problem with making a game like free cities 3d is that due to how customizable you make can every slave in free cities is how this is going to displayed which of course in 3d fashion unless its been hand done makes all the characters look like they have been made out of playdough this goes doubly for the "sex" scenes much of the customisation you have made to the character goes out the window same as when you put clothes on a character which is why i guess why they scaled back from free cities how big you can make you slaves assets, frankly the biggest problem of this game is how it looks i feel i could have done much better making most the game text based and try to focus on how it looks.
    Likes: t727
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Game is looking so good but so buggy and some of them are game breaking. When i am trying to buy a slave showing bold slave and there is no way to click something. Sometimes when i am trying to have sex with slave if i click to fast game is freezing again.
    Likes: t727
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    The management side was pretty close to being a good game, but unfortunately the developer got sidetracked into what I consider a difficult and time wasting 3d controllable sex animation simulator... which is not what interested me in this in the first place. The management side is pretty decent, about 50% of the way there to what I would consider an enjoyable stellar slaving experience.

    In the end the game is basically undone for a management sim and not exactly a high quality sex animation sim either. Ample bugs abound, the storyline and writing has a good framework but no meat. Everything in the writing is done in a "tell not show", broad based historical textbook description way rather than actually giving you a compelling novelistic story.

    If the dev didn't get sidetracked I think the outcome for this game would have been very different. Oh well.