VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Status: Unknown [v0.1] [Mikeyo]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.1...

    This is an over the top porn fest game, not really a visual novel of any meaning so far...

    The visuals of the characters look similar to Honey Select models, but not sure if HS is used or not... All the characters look hentai inspired... The backdrops look very unique and dark, which seems to fit in with the whole secret agent theme...

    The script is alright, although it has some small amounts of broken English here and there, along with a few spelling/grammar errors... The plot revolves around what seems to be a female protagonist, although not sure if that holds true near the end of this prologue... The story sort of moves very quickly, but it seems as though it's about a secret government agent who fights crime... But half way through she gets easily captured by some thugs...

    At this point is where everything goes wonky, and the disbelief begins... After being captured she is tied up BDSM style, raped and abused sexually... The issues I had at this point stem from the fact that she's supposed to be this highly trained government agent, yet in less than one game day she is brainwashed sexually? And gives into her captors sexually, after which she willingly becomes their sex slave, even calling one of them Master... Really? In less that one game day this occurs? The suspension of disbelief at this stage of the story becomes over bearing and the immersion just gets tossed off the roof and goes splat on the concrete...

    The original idea of an erotic story about a secret government agent, who sometimes uses sex to achieve her goals, is a creative concept... Even with the rushed story telling I was intrigued, but then the whole capture and master/slave thing happened WAY too quickly... No one gets corrupted that quickly... And she even goes as far as mocking her fellow agents, with a air quotes sexual video, asking them to come join her, as if that would really work? Now at this point the current content ends...

    Overall, this VN/Game starts off like an erotic/adult visual novel, but ends up looking more like it plans to just be a porn fest game... The story moves too hastily, the plot has very little believability, and it goes from having the possibility of being deep and meaningful, to having no depth and very little meaningful story... Now, this game is still early in production, but I have a bad feeling this thing plans to be mostly just a meaningless masturbation fest... Guess we'll need to wait and see, as it continues development... Will I revisit it? Maybe, only time will tell..