I redownloaded the game from Itchio to make sure I have the latest version, and started a new game. Here are my thoughts:
1) The lack of a full heal after resting at the inn for the first time is really annoying, especially since Lily is likely out of mana after fighting the soldiers in the village.
2) There is a notable lack of direction after getting to the second day. This would not be a problem if there was something to find when exploring – but there isn't. This part of the game is very linear, as you need to do the events in a specific order (first the prince and meeting Ella, then the orc, then the fish guy, etc.). But since there is no quest log or any sort of direction I had to wander around at random and hope that this time there will be an event on a map that was previously empty.
3) Speaking of maps, the mapping could use some work. Most outdoor maps are too small and do not fill the screen, so they end up looking kinda off. More importantly, they are largely empty, practically no people to speak to except during specific events, and nothing to find.
4) Talking to the orc in front of the arena results in having to fight five battles with no chance to heal before that. This can be a problem if the player did not heal ahead of time.
5) This is where my test of the game ended:
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I heard the conversation about the dryad, found her, and... the game froze. I can no longer move or open the menu. I can hear the music still playing, so I am going to guess that an event is trying to move but can't because its path is blocked, and the game keeps waiting for that event to move. A classic RPG Maker mistake.
6) Also, one thing I find annoying is that the various shop counters are not set as actual counters. Thus if you want to talk to the person behind the counter you have to go behind the counter, and that is not always possible.
I like the art, especially of Lily, Lily's mother, and the Queen. Not much else to say, since due to the above bug I did not get very far.