RPGM - Completed - Stockpile Slut [Final] [Mephisto]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    3 animations and a pun on the Corona Lockdown, hence Covi Daniels, age 19....COVID 19 being the scientific name of the virus.

    Basic premise, blond goes into store, everything gone, violated social distancing....then to get supplies definetly violated social distancing. Imagine being so desperate for toilet paper and water your willing to take dick off a stranger. I don't think the situation is that bad or that that would ever happen. Not that I've been visited my local TESCO repeatedly to find out...wink wink, "'ey luv I got some toilet paper here...." ;-)

    Oh yeah the game, short sprite porn. that s it.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Supreme Leader

    Short and stupid. Shoulda added more characters for this at least. Coulda had a bit of fun with it. Seems to be just rushed out for the Coronavirus.

    But at least there's a positive message. Oh and you don't need to download. (No viruses!)