Wolf RPG - Completed - Stolen Newlywed Monica ~Tsundere Wife's Titillating~ [v1.02 + DLC] [Acerola]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Vanilla as fuck. 80% of scenes are basic reusing of vaginal intercourse.
    If it's your thing - suit yourself. If you want sex toys, tentacles, even anal - you got petty crumbs.

    Okay clothing system though
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Although it says a virgin run is available, it doesn't mention how 90% of the scene I ran into eventually led to the MC randomly getting raped. It also tracks sex stats, yet the anal content is woefully lacking.

    Not my kind of game, honestly disappointed. If you don't care about that you'll likely enjoy this one.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    When people mention Acerola they always mention Brave Alchemist Colette or they mention President Yukino, but whats better than an corruption job collector or a fantasy adventure corruption? Yep, a fantasy adventure job collecting corruption. I've played just about every Acerola game, even the ones that came out after this one, and by far, this is the BEST Acerola game. It has the content, customizability, and the best NTR mechanics so far for an Acerola game (Emphasis on Acerola game, best NTR mechanics will always go to Nebel Geisterjaeger, probably until BBQ Lover releases their newest NTR games). Just in terms of quality and quantity of content I give this game 5 stars, but the writing, voice acting, and even the gameplay make for a fun 10 or so hours as well. Also playing through this made me remember what I love about Acerola the most, SQUISHY BOOBS and GROUP SEX. great game
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Your classic Acerola game of being a pure girl that slowly gets corrupted into a puddle.

    • A lot of scenes to collect
    • One main girl but also two side girls to get some scenes for
    • Multiple routes with multiple endings
    • Different kind of fetishes included
    • 4-6 hours to complete. may take longer if you don't save a lot and have to redo routes

    • Can't avoid NTR really (a con for some)
    • You only have a certain amount of days before the game ends

    It's your classic Acerola game, play it out and enjoy
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Basic Acerola game.
    If you've played one of them, then you've played all of them.
    A couple get indebted in some way and the wife gets progressively more lewd in the back of her husband, when trying to gain money.

    Almost nothing new from their previous games. One can wonder how much you can milk a concept.
    Still alright as per H-games standards, just except nothing if you know the devs already.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this game and actually enjoyed it. It's not often you can find an RPG game where you are constantly kept on your toes. When you can play and hold your penis all the time . When you are not suffocated by an unnecessary plot, when you can turn at any moment, if you wish, and you know where H scene is waiting for you. Acerola studio make great games in their style and they should keep doing what they do. And those who want "something new" should look for other developers and other games.
    Out of the entire line of games from Acerola, I liked this one the most because of the context of the story. It is not the plot that is important, but rather the context, the plot in such games should be indifferent. Great characters and game design.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Playing a Acerola game is like buying fast food, you know it's not gonna be the best meal you ever had but it's good enough, and you know what you are paying for, you can't be dissapointed by it.

    All in all the game mantains the same structure as other games by the same developer, which i don't have a problem with personally but i can understand people wanting a little bit more.
    Art is good, characters are cute, music is ok, gameplay is boring, you know how it goes.

    tl;dr: it's a bad game, but it's a above average porn game (just by a little bit)
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Finish it after 4 hours, i haven't unlocked everything but wasn't bad wasn't good also, the animation is lagy for me so i can't really rate everything. Boss fight is easy asf. No thrill in the battle. The MC is idk what it is probably terrible. But however the cg is Top notche. Also some translation error especially for the ntr of both 3 females char.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    If you've played Leanna's Slice of Life, expect a very similar game to it. The formula Acerola's created they follow it down all the way. A busty blonde whose naive falls into debt and has to pay it off in a town by working different jobs where she gets sexually harassed to the point of where she enjoys it later on. Her husband may or may not know.

    Following up on the story, is the gameplay, where it's just as I described, you run around town to find workplaces to get harassed at.

    The boring and average aspects aside, the art is decent. There are different scenes with the various amount NPCs in town but usually they're revolved around the same fetish or positions. If you're a pregnant degenerate, you'll enjoy the in-game mechanics for it, as well as the scenes to go alongside it. There are also different outfits to use, and compared to Leanna's Slice of Life where there was only one other side character hopelessly in love with the cuck MC, there's two.

    Not bad overall.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Acerola basically has its own game style. If you're looking for something new, you won't find anything new, but if you like acerola, you know what you're going to get. My problem with the game is that in reality, it's not really a game, it's a set of situations for the protagonist to make money. The scenes are good and the voice acting too.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    It seems as if Acerola doesnt develop anything new anymore. Ten years ago the first games of the series were great. Now the game is EXACTLY the same as before, neither the graphics nor the situations have been updated. The only thing new is a VERY loose connection to NTR. But thats it.

    I hope the Acerola gaming studio finally learns and develops new and better stuff and not reproduce the same old all over again.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    If you're here for an Acerola game, this is great. Girl needs to make money and will be forced into situations where she becomes corrupted. Guy doesn't suspect anything until a certain number goes high enough, then he can see things going around him. Typical Acerola with new art. Though, doing a full virgin run seems new to me.
    The male protagonist also has two other romantic interests with a few scenes each. You can't access it until the exposure is high enough, but the guy isn't just left out to just watch.

    If you're here to see something new from Acerola, you'll be very disappointed. There is no major ground broken here. Honestly, Acerola seems to know what their consumers want, so they'll keep making new of the same until the majority want something else. But as long as they slowly change their formula, it makes each game feel fresh enough that anyone who is a fan of Acerola will enjoy for a little while.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, I don't understand the complaints from others about it being similar to others - I don't mind.
    I like the system of smooth corruption itself. There are 60 days and you choose which events are interesting to you and move on. The main character is a beautiful blonde, which in my eyes is an additional plus for the game.
    The combat system... well, it exists, nothing complicated - either you defeat the enemy or have fun with him.
    The music is pleasant and not boring.
    If the developer releases at least 10 more similar games, I will be glad to play them.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok...so, for those who wants to try and play this game...not yet..don't hold the fort, the MTL the dev did breaks the game worse then the Acerola's take on Demon Queen Mellisa..., AKA no voices, bunch of bugs and text clipping and not-so-understandable garble of texts

    It also has the same formula as your usual Acerola games but this time it has animations and all the improvements so that is a big plus...

    Again, for those who wants a good playthrough of this game...hold the fort, maybe Kagura will be forced to release their version now that this is out kekw

    Overall, I'll give this 3.5 stars since its not bad...its just that i know and probably most of you will know how this goes and how the routes will be so its not gonna be revolutionary
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    It just so happened that the other day I decided to replay all the Acerola games and was glad to see even the AI translation of their last game. But it's hard to write a detailed review... For these are the same games.

    Classic advantages: Excellent art, lots of scenes and 1-2 interesting ideas for the game.
    Classic disadvantages: Everything is done according to the same formula, the branches are almost unrelated to each other, the constant use of the same art.

    And now specifically for this game

    Technically, this is by far the best game according to the technical execution of the developer, they have kept the good finds of previous games and are adding new ones. In this regard, their growth has been noticed. In terms of the plot... +- the same thing, which is not so bad for that type of game.
    What disappointed me a little is that the branches here are very similar to each other. This was evident in previous games, but here it infuriated me more. Previously, it seemed as if different branches offered a little more fetishes, but here it feels like 90% of the branches are the same sequential events, but the description of the man changes slightly.

    The good old 60-day limit is also more important here, especially considering pregnancy and with the trigger of the corresponding events.
    I liked that the game has a choice of the heroine's breasts (You need more love for small tits)

    In general, the game is good, I don't mind that Acerola would continue to churn out the same games, but I was really disappointed by the degradation of the branches in this game.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm going to ignore the AI patch because that deserves 1 star and because it's the minimum one can give.

    Acerola is like a fast food restaurant, you get burgers (part time work NTR game) and pizzas (semen collector game), and while they might change in flavour they're still the same old burgers and pizzas you've already eaten time and time again, at first they're nice because it's new but they start to get old at the 4th new recipe. And sometimes they try mediocre experiments that get forgotten in weeks.

    This game is no exception, it's the same formula copy pasted again but with a shiny new hat, there's nothing new to expect here outside of not losing your virginity at the first 2 minutes. It still works, but that's it, it gets carried because the art is nice and nothing more.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    While this developer is known for recycling concepts, this game was actually a step up from past titles. There's the possibility for virgin clear, RPG exploration and combat, and of course the classic corruption style plotlines. The developer has also returned to their roots, bringing back classic (if controversial) tropes like sex while sleeping. Instead of being a cash grab, this felt like they were genuinely trying to improve upon their most well known style of game and honestly, it worked greatly.

    I strongly recommend this game for NTR fans or for people who play NTR games only to go for the pure route. Its a five star title and deserves a fair shake instead of crying about tropes.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    As another review pointed out. All acerola games seem to be the same base game with a different looking protagonist to play as. I could probably copy paste my previous review of another acerola game where I compared it to the yearly FIFA release and it would be just as valid here. It's an average game, that seems to work without issues. Everything is presented very well and looks good. This is a step up from the previous one but it has no build up to the corruption which is a disappointment.
    I did a playthrough. It starts of pretty strong but then the excessive reuse of cg and excessive number of scenes of a minor variation got oled pretty fast. This is still much better that the last game.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Acerola can make exactly two games: one with semen collecting, and one with part-time jobs +NTR. This is the one with part-time jobs + NTR.

    It's pretty much the same game, as they previously made it. You have a little city, and part-time jobs. You have a boyfriend part in the evening, that becomes boring very quickly. You have a number of sets of clothes, including the mandatory school uniform and bloomers. You have your unneeded time limit.

    There is a fully castrated fighting system, but besides that, the game is pretty much about going from one event to another. The level of goofiness of events is at the "an senile old man confused library with a toilet and pulled down his pants, and at the same time MC slipped and fell on his dick face forward, and gave him an accidental blowjob".

    Graphic is the same. Music is the same. The engine is the same; why can't they let him just die already.

    All in all, everything is the same, and it's o.k.