Unity - Completed - Stop~King! ~Start on That Girl, Do something Naughty and Have Sex With Her Anywhere! [v1.02] [Brewale Brewery]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Well this game, is just that kind of game that is just Grinding Hell. The desings are meh the 3D its nice But everything else its bad the Va its generic meh and the scenarios and actions you cand do are Meh i guess you can call it a game but still its just boring, it has a free mode that i recommned to play it and do not play that Grinding hell. Bad game Meh Wank 4/10 (Sorry for my bad english)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best in its genre/mechanics. The way everything is presented, the visuals, the gameplay has its own charm. Incomparable, especially if there was a choice of characters, different locations and a standard set of positions and categories of intimacy. (sry my eng)
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Stop King is a short 3D game with emphasis on stalking, touching, and mind control.

    • Animated 3D H-scenes
    • Open world movement
    • Decent visuals
    • Perk system is fun
    • Interactive touch gameplay
    • Jank gameplay (heroine sees you through walls and the NPCs can get stuck on each other walking)
    • Optimized somewhat poorly
    • No voiced lines only text and plap noises
    • MTL translation
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Do you like grinding? If so this is your game. The game is beautiful, the 3D is ok and the story... what story? haha The problem with this game is its repetition. You start by grinding to get points and unlock new powers... but this whole part is very boring. I recommend playing the free mode right away.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    An very good game, it starts off slow and by the time you got all the abilities to help with the corruption, the girl isn't bothered as much since her affection/lust is nearly at max. It would be nice if there was an little ending that would of happened if you reach max affection and/or lust with the main girl.

    The side characters/NPCs are just there to catch you in the early stages of the game. There is abilities/skills that make it harder for them to catch/spot you. After unlocking said skills they just feel lifeless, they walk around and can get stuck on stuff. There's nothing you can do with them and they just become the fun police preventing you from making efficient progress at the early stages.

    Scenes: There is 6 scenes you can watch that don't affect gameplay or points, 3 outside when you following the girl and 3 inside.

    The game looks great in terms of Graphics for an Unity Game and I do recommend giving this game a try if you mostly interested in scenes and not story.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excelent game for what it does and what it wants to do.

    Yes, it could have some more content, but honestly, the game had me glued to the pc for 3 hours and I've never enjoyed beeing a stalker like this in my life.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a good game that feels kinda unfinished for 1.02 version.

    Translation is what you would expect from MTL but it gets the point across.
    Game is running smoothly and is almost entirely bug free. I encountered only 2 bugs - one where girl will not move after you leave her and one where once UI for fondling stayed active even when I was already walking away.

    Both bugs were easily solved simply by talking to the girl again, so all in all minor inconsequential bugs.

    Story is simple but sufficient for game of this kind.
    It is very nice that the game has progression system, but as previous comenteer said, the moment you get to stage where you can touch her without her freaking out is the moment where you can get enough points to buy all abilities, making many of them useless.

    On one side, this is not balanced or engaging at all, on other side it is consequence of a really good game design that I like about this game - and that is minimum limitations.

    There is no failure state. No time limit. Even when you are caught, all that happens is that your points are halved for that day. There is no limit on how many times you can interact with the girl while she is walking on the street. No limit on how many times you can make her orgasm. No limit on how many points you can earn in day etc.

    Abilities you can buy are pretty straighforward and would be even balanced if not for fact that last rank on several of them allows for infinite use.
    But at the same time, this infinite use on some abilities is what will keep you playing this game a that little bit longer, to try and mess with things.

    But it will not be that much longer because the game does not have that much content.
    There is a very light corruption system in the game but you can progress through it very very quickly.
    There is no variation within molestation/sex scenes and there is not that many of them, with most sex scenes being practicaly just cut-scenes.
    There is no variation on how the girl reacts to your abilities. For example simple orgasm caused by touching her for a moment is exactly the same as if you stop time and do it hundred times in row and then unpause time.

    You can not mess with any other girl on the street, even with your abilities (outside of making them nude without anyone caring that they are nude).

    All in all, this game is good but it feels as if there is a lot of things that are waiting to be implemented. Few more game mechanics, bit more story expansion. Few more ability upgrades. More variations of sex-scenes. More in-depth corruption system etc.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    When I started the game I thought it could get 4 stars, but the early grind and the lack of content means that I can only rate it a 3.
    You stalk and harass a girl on the street and use the H point you earn to upgrade your skills and abilities.
    You can stop time, hypnotize the girl and later on increase her sensitivity or force to orgasm, but you'll have to grind to have unlimited use of your abilities.
    My issue is that once I got past the early grind I unlocked everything else quickly and didn't get to use it to further corrupt the girl.
    Even worse, you have to walk through the same short route and the NPC's (that will detect you if you raise your suspicious bar) spawn and take the same routes every time, so it was too easy to just dodge them if you wanted to make the most of your special skills and later on have no influence in the game, you can't even interact with them.
    You get a couple of extra scenes once you can get the girl to follow you but it really felt that the game was lacking in content.