Story or just directly into fucking?

Story or just pics and jerking the shit out of yourself?

  • Story

    Votes: 37 15.0%
  • Fucking

    Votes: 25 10.2%
  • Story/Fucking

    Votes: 184 74.8%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Dec 22, 2016
Both are important, it's all about striking the right balance.

The usual way this is achieved is have plenty of story and build up with the main characters, then secondary characters where you mostly 'skip' to the fucking with only minimal build up and story.
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Oct 19, 2017
When I start the game, first time I do it to jerk of. Then on a 2nd-3rd run I begin to get invested into story. But not so many games got the story to hook me up. Still few that did got me into a 4 to 6 hour long jerking session without cumming that I had a swollen dick for 3-4 days after.
Still I don't like rpgm games because I can't do first fap-run to get into game, and also they all look the same (chibi model in square rooms) I don't know if Fall:Out is a RPGM game, but it is only one that was made good from all the ones I've tried.

P.S. a swollen penis is a motivator to get into story instead of jerking.


May 21, 2017
I said this in my longer post above, but I feel like the small scale of most porn games makes such RPG elements more noticeable. I played my share of old school sprite based jrpgs in my youth. Almost everyone has played pokemon at the very least. It isn't that we don't understand the format. Its that the format requires a larger scale. I tried Incest Story, because it was complete and I thought oh cool, a complete game. This was the first one I came across. I stopped playing and deleted it in minutes because I just am not interested in doing all the insane shit that comes alone with the format.

I'm not saying that it's impossible to make a good game in RPGm format. I'm simply saying that its a huge handicap on the development. Because not only do you have to make your characters engaging, but you have to tie this world together in a way that makes it worth exploring. The best of these for me was My sweet summer with mom and sis. I really enjoyed the art so I played longer than I normally might have. But I won't be following the production and downloading the next release. It was fine, but it wasn't noteworthy.
It comes down to personal preferences, I guess. Although I don't mind a bit of wandering, I can see why it would annoy people, especially if it's a necessity rather than a possibility.
Maybe you should check out Violated Heroine if you don't know about it already; it's perhaps the RPGM game with the biggest amount of content (or atleast the biggest ambition), there are plenty of straightforward quests and storylines and also a ton of exploration to do, which is usually rewarded by more H-scenes. Perhaps it matches the scale you're talking about.
Although if you have a true aversion to RPG, maybe you won't enjoy it.


Active Member
May 28, 2017
I really like how the iceton (my sister mia) games go about it. There is a ... "story", but it works as an excuse to show different sex scenes. I don't have to grind or do anything to achieve these. I have enjoyed alot of other adult games too, but the fact that this works without a grind is just such a relief. To be fair, I am playing adult games for masturbatory purposes, so anything other than the direct porn are bonuses, but not the focus.

On the other end of the spectrum we have witch trainer, which involes alot of grinding, it is work I am willing to do, but only if the art is good enough. Something with that amount of grind, and lacking the quality of Akkabur's drawing's would have me shut the game down fast.

A third type of game is the visual novel Euphoria. This game had an amazing the story, but the art, and violence was too much for me, so I have never returned to it, unlike the titles above. Even though the story is like 10+ and deserves mainstream recognition.

( I almost creamed my pants last year when I heard Eva Green and Alicia Vikander were staring a movie called Euphoria..., Then I read it wasn't an adaption of the anime/vn)


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I really like how the iceton (my sister mia) games go about it. There is a ... "story", but it works as an excuse to show different sex scenes. I don't have to grind or do anything to achieve these. I have enjoyed alot of other adult games too, but the fact that this works without a grind is just such a relief. To be fair, I am playing adult games for masturbatory purposes, so anything other than the direct porn are bonuses, but not the focus.

On the other end of the spectrum we have witch trainer, which involes alot of grinding, it is work I am willing to do, but only if the art is good enough. Something with that amount of grind, and lacking the quality of Akkabur's drawing's would have me shut the game down fast.

A third type of game is the visual novel Euphoria. This game had an amazing the story, but the art, and violence was too much for me, so I have never returned to it, unlike the titles above. Even though the story is like 10+ and deserves mainstream recognition.

( I almost creamed my pants last year when I heard Eva Green and Alicia Vikander were staring a movie called Euphoria..., Then I read it wasn't an adaption of the anime/vn)
I've never tried My Sister Mia specifically because it's in RPGM format. Are there ever any backgrounds, or is it just cg characters over the old school rpg background the whole time, like in the photos on the page?


Dec 10, 2017
The only good adult rpgm game I've played is The Last Sovereign. There's little in the way of art but there is a lot of story and fucking.


Active Member
May 28, 2017
I've never tried My Sister Mia specifically because it's in RPGM format. Are there ever any backgrounds, or is it just cg characters over the old school rpg background the whole time, like in the photos on the page?
Only few backgrounds. They are redoing the hole thing in renpy though, so that will have backgrounds and play out like a visual novel (Way too little content, if you actually want to experience go to the rpgmaker one)


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Only few backgrounds. They are redoing the hole thing in renpy though, so that will have backgrounds and play out like a visual novel (Way too little content, if you actually want to experience go to the rpgmaker one)
If they finish it in ren'py I'll look into it. I really can't stand RPGM
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Aug 8, 2017
If they finish it in ren'py I'll look into it. I really can't stand RPGM
I gotta agree. I've yet to see a RPGM game that I didn't think would be better in Renpy. I want to play these games for the story and the sex. I don't want to spend my time running a little guy around a map. It just wastes time and doesn't add anything to the actual game.
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Jul 18, 2017
To answer OP's initial comment

Don't pretend you are making or playing a masterpiece of a game. I say, keep it as simple as possible and make the gameplay as enjoyable as possible, with the best story and art possible. RPGM FAILS IN THIS REGARD MASSIVELY, or at least that is my opinion. It can work, but it usually does not.

RPGM offers, if you boil it down, only two things: A 2d world to walk in, and horrible, outdated, miserable combat. So I ask you, is misserable combat and forced grind something your game needs? If no, is a 2d world to simply walk in something you need? what does it really bring to the table?


To answer the thread title

It's context sensitive.

Either it hits my desired fetish check mark list (mostly outlandish stuff like bestiality) while avoiding my instant turn offs (foot fetish, futa). Or it is a well written / well crafted game. Those are fucking rare, so I usually go for the outlandish stuff, the really crazy stuff.

THAT IS NOT TO SAY I DON'T LIKE STORY! Let me get into that a bit.

Well Written Games Are Few And Far Between

Again, despite my outlandish preferred fetishes, I can completely get onboard with a romance game. But it has to bee extremely well written. I have to fall in love with whom I am having sex with. It's not the sex that matters, it's the person. This is so freaking rare, that it's astonishing.

Do you know the only section of the only game that comes to mind when I think of this? It's fucking "Something Unlimited", the game where you mind control and rape super-heroins as Lex Luthor. Specifically Mercy, Roulette and Galatea, will go into details later on.

How can that be, you ask? well, Lex is an established character whom I know very well, and the developer also knows him very well. He is completely true to character (in my opinion) and is portrayed "true to life". Half of the work was done by years of comic books and shows, so doing something similar in an original IP game would be quite difficult. Second of all, the main "love interests" (henchwomen and roulette) are done exactly how all romantic interest should be. They have a personality, a real, well defined, interesting one. You learn about them trough conversations, and nothing is "given" to you, nothing is said directly. It's all interpretation and reading between the lines.

Mercy never says she loves Lex, and she probably doesn't - but you don't know. However, what you can notice, is that she is a bit infatuated with him. She clearly isn't willing to do what Lex asks of her, at first; actually she's quite furious at most of his suggestions. Yet she still does them, reluctantly and yet you end up feeling she likes it. Not the act, but the attention and response she gets from Lex. She's willing to do things she'd normally not do, but she does it for him. She never says it, the game's narrator doesn't say it, the MC's inner monologue doesn't say it, but you can piece everything together for yourself.

Roulette is the same. She is clearly using Lex for his money, influence, power, access to technology and super heroine dancers / prostitues (mind controlled). She starts offering him massages, clearly because she wants to expand her empire and she needs help in doing so. She is manipulating the MC, but does it in a magnificent "I scratch your back, you scratch mine" way. Yet, later on, you get the feeling / impression that there is more going on here. She never says it out loud (that's the running theme in my post), she implies that Lex is special. Yes she is manipulating him, yes she does the same thing with other people. But she goes farther with you/him, to a more intimate place, not necessarily a more sexual place.

Galatea is a clone of super girl that, in this game, Lex makes from the reaserch of the man who made her in the show (technically more complicated but let's leave it at that). She is completely infatuated with Lex. She worships the ground he walks on, without being completely submissive. I absolutely hate the japanese stereotype of "submissive woman who is infatuated with you, completely shy but very hot, will do anything for you, etc"; yet Galatea is my favourite fictional porn character in any game ever.

I play a lot of incest games, not because it's "my thing", but because I don't mind it - I love the naughty taboo element (we shouldn't be doing this, thus it's hotter that way), and because they are EVERYWHERE. Yet somehow, here, Galatea, calling you "daddy" at every occasion, despite not being your daughter in any way (I suppose you did create her in a lab) is infinitely hotter. It's more intimate because of her personality, she says it with love, but also naughtiness, she says it almost as if marking her territory. Every line of dialogue is oozing personality, every time she calls you "daddy" it adds context to the situation (getting people worked up, making people jealous, declaring that you two belong togeather, declaring her love).

The alternate costume she gets with "daddy's little monster" is pure gold. It says so much with 3 words. She knows she is to some degree a "monster"; she is a clone, she was created as a weapon, she delights in hurting people, she sees her "maker" as her father and she is completely in love with him. It's magnificent.

I also don't like NTR. I don't get it, it's a turn off, it's just not my thing. Yet here, when Galatea proposed in an offhand joke that you should capture superman, have her rape him and get her pregnant with dozen of Kryptonian babies got me so hard, it was unreal.

Sadly, there aren't many games like this ... and even this game is very light in this departament. What I've written here is more or less everything I like about that game, and it represents ... maybe 12% of said game, if I'm being generous.

In Conclusion

Good artwork is mandatory.

You can't have every fetish, some people have massive turn offs that will kill the game in their eyes.

Gamplay that does not annoy is appreciated (grinding games and most RPGM titles are just not for me)

Story is what elevates the game to greatness, but good story in porn games is very rare.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
To answer OP's initial comment

Don't pretend you are making or playing a masterpiece of a game. I say, keep it as simple as possible and make the gameplay as enjoyable as possible, with the best story and art possible. RPGM FAILS IN THIS REGARD MASSIVELY, or at least that is my opinion. It can work, but it usually does not.

RPGM offers, if you boil it down, only two things: A 2d world to walk in, and horrible, outdated, miserable combat. So I ask you, is misserable combat and forced grind something your game needs? If no, is a 2d world to simply walk in something you need? what does it really bring to the table?


To answer the thread title

It's context sensitive.

Either it hits my desired fetish check mark list (mostly outlandish stuff like bestiality) while avoiding my instant turn offs (foot fetish, futa). Or it is a well written / well crafted game. Those are fucking rare, so I usually go for the outlandish stuff, the really crazy stuff.

THAT IS NOT TO SAY I DON'T LIKE STORY! Let me get into that a bit.

Well Written Games Are Few And Far Between

Again, despite my outlandish preferred fetishes, I can completely get onboard with a romance game. But it has to bee extremely well written. I have to fall in love with whom I am having sex with. It's not the sex that matters, it's the person. This is so freaking rare, that it's astonishing.

Do you know the only section of the only game that comes to mind when I think of this? It's fucking "Something Unlimited", the game where you mind control and rape super-heroins as Lex Luthor. Specifically Mercy, Roulette and Galatea, will go into details later on.

How can that be, you ask? well, Lex is an established character whom I know very well, and the developer also knows him very well. He is completely true to character (in my opinion) and is portrayed "true to life". Half of the work was done by years of comic books and shows, so doing something similar in an original IP game would be quite difficult. Second of all, the main "love interests" (henchwomen and roulette) are done exactly how all romantic interest should be. They have a personality, a real, well defined, interesting one. You learn about them trough conversations, and nothing is "given" to you, nothing is said directly. It's all interpretation and reading between the lines.

Mercy never says she loves Lex, and she probably doesn't - but you don't know. However, what you can notice, is that she is a bit infatuated with him. She clearly isn't willing to do what Lex asks of her, at first; actually she's quite furious at most of his suggestions. Yet she still does them, reluctantly and yet you end up feeling she likes it. Not the act, but the attention and response she gets from Lex. She's willing to do things she'd normally not do, but she does it for him. She never says it, the game's narrator doesn't say it, the MC's inner monologue doesn't say it, but you can piece everything together for yourself.

Roulette is the same. She is clearly using Lex for his money, influence, power, access to technology and super heroine dancers / prostitues (mind controlled). She starts offering him massages, clearly because she wants to expand her empire and she needs help in doing so. She is manipulating the MC, but does it in a magnificent "I scratch your back, you scratch mine" way. Yet, later on, you get the feeling / impression that there is more going on here. She never says it out loud (that's the running theme in my post), she implies that Lex is special. Yes she is manipulating him, yes she does the same thing with other people. But she goes farther with you/him, to a more intimate place, not necessarily a more sexual place.

Galatea is a clone of super girl that, in this game, Lex makes from the reaserch of the man who made her in the show (technically more complicated but let's leave it at that). She is completely infatuated with Lex. She worships the ground he walks on, without being completely submissive. I absolutely hate the japanese stereotype of "submissive woman who is infatuated with you, completely shy but very hot, will do anything for you, etc"; yet Galatea is my favourite fictional porn character in any game ever.

I play a lot of incest games, not because it's "my thing", but because I don't mind it - I love the naughty taboo element (we shouldn't be doing this, thus it's hotter that way), and because they are EVERYWHERE. Yet somehow, here, Galatea, calling you "daddy" at every occasion, despite not being your daughter in any way (I suppose you did create her in a lab) is infinitely hotter. It's more intimate because of her personality, she says it with love, but also naughtiness, she says it almost as if marking her territory. Every line of dialogue is oozing personality, every time she calls you "daddy" it adds context to the situation (getting people worked up, making people jealous, declaring that you two belong togeather, declaring her love).

The alternate costume she gets with "daddy's little monster" is pure gold. It says so much with 3 words. She knows she is to some degree a "monster"; she is a clone, she was created as a weapon, she delights in hurting people, she sees her "maker" as her father and she is completely in love with him. It's magnificent.

I also don't like NTR. I don't get it, it's a turn off, it's just not my thing. Yet here, when Galatea proposed in an offhand joke that you should capture superman, have her rape him and get her pregnant with dozen of Kryptonian babies got me so hard, it was unreal.

Sadly, there aren't many games like this ... and even this game is very light in this departament. What I've written here is more or less everything I like about that game, and it represents ... maybe 12% of said game, if I'm being generous.

In Conclusion

Good artwork is mandatory.

You can't have every fetish, some people have massive turn offs that will kill the game in their eyes.

Gamplay that does not annoy is appreciated (grinding games and most RPGM titles are just not for me)

Story is what elevates the game to greatness, but good story in porn games is very rare.
If you don't mind a depressing game I suggest Dual Family. Play as the father though. The mother, to me, is completely unlikable, and so playing as the son didn't do anything for me. The daughter is pretty easy to fall for though. Good looking, sweet, and eager to enjoy your company.

I also think it's easy to fall for the daughter in My Sweet Neighbors. It's a relatively contained romantic story. The daughter in the story is fleshed out much better than the mother who, while likable, seems to be falling for you before you've been given the chance to actually fall for her.

I also think you'll like wicked choices if you're not already playing it. I wouldn't call it a romance, but it is a very well written erotic story with heavy fetish content.
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Jul 18, 2017
I've only recently begun getting into these games, I'm kinda new to the site also. I did a "preliminary check" of what seemed like good games, that is to say I made a bookmark folder for games I thought were interesting on this site. All those you've mentioned were already there, but because of the recomendation, I've moved them to the "Worth Playing" folder.

I'll get to them sooner rather than later, so thanks :)


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
No problem. Based on your post's I'm absolutely sure you'll like Wicked Choices, the other's are more or less vanilla, in spite of Dual Family being incest based.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
I love the games that have a perfect balance on those.
I mean, if the art is good and the game have a lot of sex scenes, of course I'm going to have a perfect fap, everyone happy, no?

Well, sometimes it's not enough, what's the point of the protagonist having all those sex experience? If the approach to events is simple, the scene feels inorganic. For example, there are a lot of games (most of them are rpgmake games) where we have a female protagonist that have a lot of sex and all that stuff just because "I'm a freacking nympho hahaha oh look a dick, lets suck it" and the 50% of the time this kind of stuff makes the game a lot shorter and not enjoyable.

And viewing this form a narrative perspective, a good story or at least, a good approach of the events can make the writter think a lot better of how to unite the sex events with the context of the game and make the game feel not like a "Lewd game whit story" but a "Story with lewd scenes".

Just to finish, a great example that have a great knowledge of how to balance those things (in my honest opinion of course) it's hreinn games, I mean, their last game have a good story with some delicious sex scenes, maybe it's not a deep story with great complexity, but at least it's enjoyable and the scenes are where those should be.
Great ideas don't always translate perfectly into a great story... It really comes down to the authors skill and experience at telling a good story while also presenting the erotic scenes, when they fit into the right points of the story... Without the ability to tell a story well, then you end up with either crap for a story mixed with some sex scenes... Or you end up with a porn fest, because the author just doesn't have what it takes to tell a good story, and makes up for it with lots of sex...

You can usually tell pretty quickly when someone is a good story teller, a bad story teller, or is a ill experienced story teller, in these things... And in a lot of cases when it's the later 2, you see a lot of over compensation with the sex stuff...

Deleted member 339696

I think it depends. I don't like sex games with 200 pages of text which I have to click through to see the first pussy. And straight to the sex is boring too (after some while).
Story can be fun, but if it is an adult game the developer should not make the story part too long.
Kinda hard to explain. :coldsweat:


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
I think it depends. I don't like sex games with 200 pages of text which I have to click through to see the first pussy. And straight to the sex is boring too (after some while).
Story can be fun, but if it is an adult game the developer should not make the story part too long.
Kinda hard to explain. :coldsweat:
Each person has different takes on what works for them... Some folks like a balanced mix, some like mostly story, some like more sex less story, some just want porn, and some just don't care...


Game Developer
Dec 24, 2017
Both, interesting story and teasing content.
The story or dialogue should not be to long or at least I think if you should combine a dialogue with more than 1 render and different perspectives (viewpoints) to keep up the motivation (see some key-areas etc.) of the reader (that would be good).

What I'm trying to say is, not to just have a Character in front of your main character and talking to much without anything happens.


Jan 14, 2018
Story/Fucking, but mostly story. If a game has a shit story, I'm not sticking around long enough for the sex scenes. If I wanted just sex I would watch porn with real people. The story half of the time is what really creates tension and makes things sexy.

I recently finished playing through Zoe's Temptation and there were points where I was just skipping through the sex scenes as fast as possible because I was mostly playing for the story.


Jan 14, 2018
Elena is has less dimension than she does breasts
Elena is pretty much the only reason I play DMD. and the hope of a future with Margo.

I understand there's a linear story in there but I really wish I could choose who to focus on and maybe even have a normal, healthy relationship with my daughter?

The overall situation is creepy though, don't get me wrong, I like my share of creep. But D is dumb af and some times its really annoying and uncomfortable and massages get boring eventually. Unless your getting sneaky with Elena during

Daughter for Dessert is still an early game. However it seems, already, to have a much more approachable and robust cast of characters. The father, far from being a deadbeat loser who lucks into poon town is actually a struggling businessman who is devoted to his daughter and to protecting the business that he feels is the rock in their relationship. The daughter is an active participant in the story as well. She wants her father to come to her. To rely on her. And its implied, to see her sexually. Further, the two other female characters we've met seem pretty cool as well. The daughters friend is an erotica author and is adventurous while also seemingly damaged, I can't wait to learn more. The bartender is you, only, as far as we know, she doens't have a daughter. Honestly what little I know about her so far has me happy I met her. There was one other character that I didn't experience in my playthrough, the woman at the bar on the second trip there. However I went for the bartender because I cant resist a hot ginger.
Daughter for Dessert is streets ahead of DMD from what I've played. So much so that I haven't even played Ch. 3 because I don't want to deal with the anticipation of Ch. 4 so I'm waiting for more to be out. The other character besides the Ginger was really nice too tho. Similar to you, in an entrepreneurial since, but failed. And she kinda uses you for a one night fling, instead of you using her. Which is kinda nice.