Ultimately, it’s a rewarding game, which I recommend (with a caveat), and would have given 5 stars but for one problem:
The sex scenes don’t always have
full-would-hold-up-in-any-court affirmative consent. They’re not, like, rape, but the women around the protagonist often take an erection as consent. It isn’t. Oh, right, that protagonist is sexually assaulted twice. There’s a possible scene with Torr, that could be sexual assault, depending on whether he’s licking her thigh or vulva. It’s not clear from the image where he starts. I think I’ll knock a star off. So enjoy, and remember that you can't do all that stuff in real life.
Otherwise, it’s a very good game; I enjoyed it, and wanted to keep playing, and was disappointed when I got to the end of the current version. A good plot (mostly), good writing (mostly)(when they aren’t making typos [of which there are a LOT, like one character who says "limps" instead of "limbs"]), good characters, and (nearly) all the girls are people, not just sexuality.
I’m not good at writing about things I like. So here are some things I don’t like:
As usual/always, there aren’t enough POV views in the sex scenes.
You get to choose whether you call some older women “mommy” and shit, which is good, I guess, ‘cuz I’m super not into that.
There are sex scenes that cannot be avoided, which I don't like.
The gallery doesn’t let you choose your name.
The protagonist is scrawny, and has a preposterously large dick (alright, he is an incubus), a weird abdominal marking (alright, he is an incubus), and has impossibly large eyes (alright, he is an incubus). Several of the girls have breasts that are comically large, which doesn’t do it for me. Still, they don’t pretend like that’s normal, and most of the girls have reasonable sizes, so it’s just a visual problem, not an ethical one.
The MILFs look a little too old for my taste.
There are a lot of times that it almost seems like the game files lost a few screens, and they decided not to recreate them.
That’s just the most recent, but there are others.
The protagonist only ever gets sent on missions that turn out MUCH harder than expected. And there isn't talk about other missions where nothing interesting happens, so it feels a bit forced.
One of the sex scenes was too much for the laptop I play on
The creator loves to end chapters with plot cliffhangers, but that’s unnecessary and annoying in a game that’s
good. I don’t need to be coerced into continuing. Also, the post-game-credits thingy wasn't removed from the previous chapter, which is confusing and annoying.
Also, what the fuck was Elf-Cassie’s (hyper-cockney?) accent? She doesn’ talk li’ tha’, thankfully. Her accent is slightly british.