VN - Others - Streaming for Love [v0.4.0] [Love-Joint]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I find this one a little more intriguing than Shale Hill Secrets, which I in turn enjoyed much more than Double Homework. That this one is told around adult life and responsibilities, instead of college life or high school hijinx, contributes to its novelty. Not crazy about the point and click segments that have appeared so far, but they've all been skippable. I do hope that MC's drinking problem is eventually addressed, though.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Shadow Emperor

    i've been playing this on & off for a while since chapter 2's been out, In my honest opinion, it's Not a bad game so far, i enjoyed the previous game Shale hill secrets & i'll admit i am curious to see how this develops over time.