Unity - Completed - Strike! Ovulation Divine Fist! Rebellion to Extinction! [v1.5] [EIROS HENTAI GAMES]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    What the fuck is this?
    - Terrible drawings
    - Shit animations (it's like Queen Bee animated this powerpoint game)
    - Can cause your Y key to be broken
    - There's no "combat"
    - Is almost a 1GB "game"

    I could watch raindrops race through my window and find it enjoyable than this piece of shit. Don't install. Waste of space. Makes you want to give back your 5 mins
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The animations are terrible.
    The gameplay does not exist almost
    And you are pressing one button over and over again.
    Though the only benefit I can think of is if you need to practice mashing a button on your keyboard this is the game you would need for practice.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Mediocre art, boring mash 1 key gameplay, and the translation isn't even Google Translate, because they also managed to "fack" up the spelling beyond recognition, which I didn't even realize was an "opsion" (alright, that one was forced). If you must play it, use Razer Synapse or an autoclicker of your choice to mash the Y key. Avoid at all costs.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    5 minute game that is impossible to lose
    Boring art, stilted janky animations, and basically no content.
    Even if you're a fan of impregnation games or games featuring pregnant women, this is not a fun or worthwhile game.