What are people's opinion on how complete this game currently seems?
Most unique NPCs have only few discussions in the discussion menu, a lot of them have stuff like INITIALDISCUSSIONWITHnpcname with only the option to close,
Tons of weird bugs like being able to gather leather from town but gaining 0 forever,
Balance is silly, either game is super hard or you know how to abuse the shit out of it and nothings a challenge and its just a grind to get the events. (BTW why can we choose to get dragonkin for the freebie first slave when you can just put them in farm and never need to worry about money since selling dragons skin etc is pretty profitable, with growth 5 character.)
UI is annoying, especially moving people between places, theres weird 5 second wait after doing some things before being able to interact with anything in the game again (while the animation lasts 1-2 seconds)
TBH i just want to see more interactions with unique NPCs, shouldnt even be that hard for devs to do, just make standard talking events slightly adapted for each one, and then special questline talks just like now but more.
And make the game flow more smoothly, battles that are trivial feel slow even with just spamclicking the 1-hit-kill proper element attack the waits between actions are too slooooooooooow.
And with how important the factors are, and them being the only real use for 99% of slaves you find from dungeons its retarded that theres 5-10 second wait after doing factor improvement.
Oh and BTW cant recruit from towns anymore, searching works, game informs when 1 search is complete but the found recruit is nowhere to be actually recruited