That was very informative data in your spoiler. Thank you. You've confirmed my logic for having CHA 5 on the MC.
BTW, I never put my MC on prostitution, despite her having CHA 5. She's always busy using her PHY skill to craft or upgrade instead. Besides which prostitution will earn me gold, yes, but it's far more important to me to be using my PHYS skill to make useful things and to improve the skill I use in combat. Improving CHA and SEX skills doesn't help with that.
I put Daisy on prostitution. Along with any other high-CHA slaves I acquire. They provide a small, steady income. But the real money makers are the people I send out to kill stuff and harvest. Collecting wood or leather earns much more gold per hour than does prostitution.
BTW, I never put my MC on prostitution, despite her having CHA 5. She's always busy using her PHY skill to craft or upgrade instead. Besides which prostitution will earn me gold, yes, but it's far more important to me to be using my PHYS skill to make useful things and to improve the skill I use in combat. Improving CHA and SEX skills doesn't help with that.
I put Daisy on prostitution. Along with any other high-CHA slaves I acquire. They provide a small, steady income. But the real money makers are the people I send out to kill stuff and harvest. Collecting wood or leather earns much more gold per hour than does prostitution.