
Quiet Eldritch Horror
Jan 2, 2018
Are there ways to upgrade your master's factors after character creation? I know you can upgrade your slaves as the game goes on and some classes will raise factors, however is there any other way to raise factors for your master?


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Are there ways to upgrade your master's factors after character creation? I know you can upgrade your slaves as the game goes on and some classes will raise factors, however is there any other way to raise factors for your master?
Unless the classes were reworked again they won't raise Factors.
until 0.6.5 Factors were improveable via EXP, now you need to sacrifice slaves for that and paying the slave trader for the Job


Oct 24, 2019
Well for the main character and your first slave I think it's more efficient to start off as casters no matter how you plan to build your characters, even if it means you have to use a respec potion to redo it later. When you first start off, the ability to heal is pretty much non negotiable and you also really need the ability to open locks, both of which are wits based. Max wits also gives you an xp bonus.

So no matter what my plan is I always give both my main and my first slave max wits, max magic, and apprentice to start off. I side with the mage guild for the free staff and health/mana crystals. If I can get a second staff either by buying one from the shop or a lucky mage quest reward then I do that, otherwise I trade the staff back and forth between those first two characters for healing once they level up. My 2nd class for both is always Acolyte for the healing.

Starting off with wits and mind blast means you can usually manage to open locks on the goblin lair without the thief class but not always. Same with the bandit cave. I usually will grab thief on my 1st slave as my second level up to guarantee lock opening ability. After that it's pretty much always archer and then ranger.

Depending on RNG, sometimes I have to buy a few extra health crystals to get through the goblin lair before I have anyone who can cast heal, but mind blast is pretty good about 1 shotting everything except the boss for anyone with a staff.

I prefer having max'd charm on my protag (to make social skills more efficient. You start with them no matter what, might as well get use out of em.) Which kind of closes off being a mage. First slave is always a mage, and yes I'll make a point to pick up thief on her.

Having to train two separate stats does slow down the early game a little bit, but I am usually able to cludge up enough gear and stats to clear out dungeons by mid-week 2.

Goblins have such low health that you can probably one shot them regardless- assuming you actually have a weapon that isn't total garbage.

Usually, I'll breed my first slave asap. If the resulting child is a dark elf (which is the race I pick for the first slave) with good caster stats than I'll use them as a second caster. Bad caster stats means I sac them to improve one of my other "keepers".
If the child is a seraph with high phys and wits, I keep them for melee warriors. Otherwise, they get sac'd. It's a more reliable way of maxing out your stats- but it's worth running bandits early on because sometimes you get lucky. Go ahead and breed daisy asap as well.

And for those that didn't know- you don't need to wait for them to finish "training" to sac them. You can do it the same day they are born. Obviously, you should choose "no training" to save on gold if you plan to sacrifice them.

I don't rely on heal much, at least not enough to need two people able to use it- lots of fight will drop crystals and if you play your cards right you won't need any while killing goblins anyway. In truth though, with a little luck you can basically just skip gobs and go straight to bandits.

If things get really bad- for instance, you simply don't manage to get enough health crystals or have heal- you can pass time even in a dungeon to heal, or simply go to town without leaving the dungeon to get items. This is far from ideal, but it's better than "dying" and being taken out of action for about a week.

If you aren't familiar with what to offer to what shrines- I'd recommend looking it up on the wiki. It doesn't matter much mid to late game, but early game it's an easy source for crystals and the offerings are dirt cheap.

Usually, by the time I'm mayor, I'll have two or three combat spec'd characters with max (relevant) stats and two or three menial slaves used to do busy work or raise cash. I pick up knight and Valkyrie usually the same day I take the fighters guild lich hunting quest, which makes killing the lich a lot easier. Within a week of becoming mayor I've usually got enough to kitbash full sets of mithril tier gear- at which point you can basically do all the content in the game, although you might want to take some time to fill out your ranks.

Kitting out in adamant, in comparison, takes a *lot* longer, and is rather tedious. Having three strong melee with holy lance makes it a lot easier though- and if you pick up rogue you can get water slash without a skillpoint cost for dealing with Salamanders and Cenotaphs- although the best answer to Cenotaphs (do to sheer defense) is probably lightning orb until you can stack armor pen.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I guess it partly depends on how early you focus on combat. I clear out the goblin cave on day 1 with just my main and my 1st slave which means I've only had time to do 1 date with her to train stats (wits in my case), I'm only guaranteed to have 1 weapon of any sort (the staff from the mage guild), and all of my stats suck. So that early I do need heal crystals at a bare minimum for the goblin cave since I don't have anyone with heal yet. Clearing the goblin cave gets me 1, sometimes 2 xp scrolls which gets 1 or both of my starting characters access to heal. From that point on whatever random crystals I get from dungeons is plenty to keep all of my characters healed and topped off with mana.

I'm not sure if I know what all of the shrine options are but I do know that a shrine with a hole in the top gives mana crystals if you feed it stone, the one with something on the side gives you heal crystals if you feed it food, and the one with a woman buffs one of your girls if you give it cloth.

It can take a long time to find enough slaves with excellent stats to truely max people out so early on I will usually upgrade my main character's charisma to at least great in the first week if I don't find a slave with an excellent cha to sacrifice. That gives me a decent boost to social interactions and quest rewards. I mostly hold out for excellent for the other stats unless it's time to get archer and my physical is still terrible, in which case I'll grab an upgrade to good or great just so I can get the class upgrade.

I usually sell most of the loot I get initially to buy upgrade materials for my base and for gold to spend on upgrading my main character, my first slave, Daisy, and Cali. I don't focus too much on the base at first except for the forge, the mansion rooms, and the tailor shop, usually in that order. Usually one of my first quests involves making a tool of some sort and I tend to have bad luck finding the right one in the shop so I usually need that forge built by the second week. The tailor shop is usually less necessary but sometimes I don't find whatever I need for a quest in the shop or a dungeon and have to actually craft it in the 2nd week as well. The mansion rooms upgrade is high priority as well since by about the 2nd week I've got my main character, my first slave, Daisy, Cali, and most likely 1 other slave mostly maxed out so without the mansion rooms I can't get anyone else.

I tend to wait on breeding until I get stats boosted a bit but maybe it works better to start immediately, will have to play around with that more. My initial goal is to get earth shatter (or overgrowth) and fire arrow on at least 3 characters as soon as possible so I can move from clearing the bandit cave to the bandit fort which is a lot more lucrative and trains skills up a lot more efficiently. I usually start clearing the bandit fort sometime in week 1.

Usually by the 2nd week I have at least 5 characters with great growth and great or excellent in every stat as well as at least 50-80 in physical and wits. My main usually has charisma maxed by then as well just from recruiting so many slaves to sacrifice for stat upgrades.

Usually I shoot for becoming mayor in week 3 since 2 weeks of quests is not enough to reliably get 500 faction with all 4 guilds even if you switch the quests to medium difficulty instead of easy for week 2, maybe if you start with excellent charisma it would be, not sure.
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Oct 24, 2019
Forge is pretty much a must, tbh.

Breeding slave immediately has a good chance of netting you at least 1 useful Excellent, especially if said slave already has Excellents. Although there is a chance that your luck is simply shit and you get a dud. I usually don't see that happen, but it's not impossible.

You don't really need a lot of slaves for early game stuff if your gear is decent- it's actually not hard at all to kitbash up to steel by week 2. Early game enemies basically don't have armor pen, so even mediocre armor counts for a lot. Still need to worry about enemy mages though.

I usually don't go ham on combat or guild quests until week 2, though I'll do any that are simple in week 1. Week 1 is mostly about getting infrastructure set up. This also means I'm generally a week slower on getting to Mayor unless RNGesus is kind. BTW- if you didn't know, you can get a special neckless if you get support from all four guilds (servants is a bitch imo.). Raises all stats by 5, which is nice if not amazing.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Yeah I definitely think it's worth waiting for support from all 4 so you can get the necklace. This is why I focus on combat so early. By the end of week 1 this is where I'm at and it doesn't seem like anything other than a combat focus gets you as much of a boost as this.

week1_main.jpg week1_mc.jpg

All 4 of my characters are at roughly similar stages of advancement with 5 class upgrades and most stats upgraded to great or excellent by the end of week 1 with the forge, tailor shop, and mansion rooms all bought and paid for but not finished building yet. All of my week 1 quests are done except for a bone handled something I have to craft.


Oct 24, 2019
Better grades than mine would be at the end of week 2. Although that's partially because I don't bother to transfer anything but Excellents if it's not a relevant stat for the role of the character in question. It's cheaper, and I've always been kind of a miser so >_>.

I'd have phys capped and charm near cap though. Don't bother with talking, just go straight to training. Means less loyalty, but it's not that big of a deal, especially if you can get some collars and maid dresses.
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Oct 24, 2019
Actually, now that I think about it- you've probably got what, two or three purchased skills by now, plus three more classes than I'd have. That's some pretty efficient shit.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Just stumbled across a nice little easter egg involving Daisy that I kept meaning to check and forgetting about it until now. I don't know if this is intended or not, but if you upgrade her growth to great before you buy her a new outfit, she gets a free upgrade to Excellent growth. Not sure if any other character can ever get that high growth.

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Oct 24, 2019
Just stumbled across a nice little easter egg involving Daisy that I kept meaning to check and forgetting about it until now. I don't know if this is intended or not, but if you upgrade her growth to great before you buy her a new outfit, she gets a free upgrade to Excellent growth. Not sure if any other character can ever get that high growth.

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I haven't tested it in the most recent patch, but marriage can push growth to excellent.. Or rather, it used to be able to. Also, I hadn't considered using daisy that way.

Edit: I checked, it still does. That leaves us with two ways to get excellent growth, barring getting *very* lucky.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
What are the requirements for marriage? I just checked in my current game and I have nobody eligible so far.


Oct 24, 2019
What are the requirements for marriage? I just checked in my current game and I have nobody eligible so far.
During a date you can propose- The mechanics for whether or not they accept aren't entirely transparent, but at minimum you should make sure to fill up the "nice" bar before asking.

if she accepts, you then go to the priestess and ask her about arranging a wedding. She gives you two quest which basically boil down to providing cloth for outfits, gold for labor, and food and drink for the party. Nothing rarer than magic cloth.

Once you marry someone, their growth shifts to Excellent, no matter what it was before. Any children they produce can also become "heirs". Heirs take penalties to menial stuff but get access to heir tier training, which is pretty good.

You can only marry once as far as I know, so make it count.
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Dec 15, 2019
During a date you can propose- The mechanics for whether or not they accept aren't entirely transparent, but at minimum you should make sure to fill up the "nice" bar before asking.

if she accepts, you then go to the priestess and ask her about arranging a wedding. She gives you two quest which basically boil down to providing cloth for outfits, gold for labor, and food and drink for the party. Nothing rarer than magic cloth.

Once you marry someone, their growth shifts to Excellent, no matter what it was before. Any children they produce can also become "heirs". Heirs take penalties to menial stuff but get access to heir tier training, which is pretty good.

You can only marry once as far as I know, so make it count.
If you marry that gona harm the plot history of marrying the princess later?


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Well since you can get Daisy to excellent growth without marriage, Cali is probably a better marriage option. Or maybe your first slave if you designed her just the way you want her. I'll have to say that Daisy has become quite the badass in my current game. She's arguably stronger than my main character now because of the passive boosts that excellent growth gives to so many things. She's the only character I have so far with excellent growth. She's got close to 200 in every stat now and excellent in everything. All of her AOEs do over 100 damage per hit whether physical or magic. Her single target attacks do over 200 per hit. She heals for massive amounts. She's a freakin boss.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I tried some light skills last night when I did the jungle again and I'll have to say I was surprised how well it worked, but mostly because of the magic resistance debuff it gives. The AOE doesn't do very much damage even as a bishop, but it makes ALL other magic attacks do more damage so it's still a pretty good option. The single target light attacks do good damage but they're all melee attacks I believe. So the AOE is probably best off on a race more suited to magic like a fairy and the single target damage on a more melee oriented race.

There are some other interesting options for harder fights like earthquake if you know for sure it's going to last more than 1 round. I tend to favor the attacks that don't have a mana cost since I tend to be in combat constantly.

I think the necromancer class plus decay is probably a stronger option for fights against anything that is not undead. For a party of tankier builds that don't mind a fight lasting more than 1 round, Earthquake is pretty nuts. No mana cost, no cooldown, and 3x as much damage as overgrowth or earth shatter. It's pretty rare for me to have a fight last more than 1 round though.
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Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Well since you can get Daisy to excellent growth without marriage, Cali is probably a better marriage option. Or maybe your first slave if you designed her just the way you want her. I'll have to say that Daisy has become quite the badass in my current game. She's arguably stronger than my main character now because of the passive boosts that excellent growth gives to so many things. She's the only character I have so far with excellent growth. She's got close to 200 in every stat now and excellent in everything. All of her AOEs do over 100 damage per hit whether physical or magic. Her single target attacks do over 200 per hit. She heals for massive amounts. She's a freakin boss.
You can't complete Cali's Story before becomeing a mayor though (the noblemen won't see you since you are not important enough)
Jan 5, 2019
I got some kinda glitch during Daisy's questline where she's just traveling forwever and won't return to the mansion, any ideas how to fix this? Thanks in advance.


Oct 24, 2019
The single target light attacks do good damage but they're all melee attacks I believe. So the AOE is probably best off on a race more suited to magic like a fairy and the single target damage on a more melee oriented race.
Only AoE light melee attack in the game is Holy lance- which, for whatever reason, is a Valkyrie exclusive. It also does 100% atk, which isn't bad for an AoE, even a limited one.

Yes, this is why I always run Seraph > Valk for my melee characters.

Most of the other racial battle skill (for melee) are meh- exception being Dragons might, which is definitely better if you aren't building around the idea that you can finish every battle in 1-2 turns. Hammerfall getting switched to earth is a bit of a nerf in the mid to late game.

Radiance probably has the lowest Matk rating of any AoE spell. Still, it has some uses. Holy light hits decently hard, but light is generally better on melee characters IMO. BTW, Templar also empowers light magic, and despite the icon for it's ability being a sword, Righteous fire does spell damage.


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Only AoE light melee attack in the game is Holy lance- which, for whatever reason, is a Valkyrie exclusive. It also does 100% atk, which isn't bad for an AoE, even a limited one.
Last time I checked it was a pierce attack meaning it allowed to attack enemies in a row
AoE is either attacking enemies in a collumn or all enemies at once
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