
Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
but i want to observe and play the game as it evolve and grow, i like this game, it's good.
it's just annoying that something so frustrating that could be fixed in a matter of second, is still a thing.

why can't we just have a simple add a "+1000 guilds points" cheat?
i don't think it would take that long to make, and it would pretty-much deal with the problem for peoples who don't feel like grinding it everytime they restart the game.

if we can have a "+1000 gold" cheat, why not just a "+1000 GPs" as well?
Have you taken a look at the cheat password on the OP?
You can basically do what you want when you want to.
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Jan 19, 2018
Have you taken a look at the cheat password on the OP?
You can basically do what you want when you want to.
i was about to say "of course i know the cheat-menu, that's how i dealt with most of my games after having to restart"
but just in case, before starting to open my mouth like a complete morron, i decided to check again just to be sure

and oh my fucking god you're right, you could actually SCROLL DOWN in the cheat-menu
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Active Member
Jan 2, 2018
i tried it and it's not very unbalanced, and not in "too OP" or "too big a nerf" way.

before the update,
all you had to do was go to the slave-market, and raise the Growth stat in exchange for a lot of money,
and the other stats you could raise simply with XP instead of using money or anything else.

now here's how it work:
let's say you have a slave with Average Growth and Average Magic stat, you want to upgrade it's stats.
you need to catch a slave with better Growth and/or better Magic so you can transmit the stat to your first slave.

let's say you caught a slave with both Excelent Growth and Excelent Magic while exploring a dungeon,
you will have to sacrifice the new-slave to raise the stat of the first-slave plus a totaly ignorable ammount of money.
Problem is: you can't raise multiples stats at the same-time, only one.
so you will have to decide whether you want to raise Growth, or Magic, you can't do both at once.

i understand what they're trying to achieve here,
they probably wanted a way to slow-down progression to avoid having a entire army filled with characters with maxed-stats.
which is also the reason they changed how XP work, because in previous versions you could easily get characters to high-lvls.

they tried to tie the reworked stat-raising system with their new "capture" system you get from exploring dungeons,
which on paper is a great-idea, but in practice it remove agency from the player's choices.

in previous versions,
If i wanted to raise the stats of a slave, all i needed was to pay the cost,
now i need to find a character with EXACTLY the stat i'm searching for, despite it being completely randomized.

the Slave-Market and Guilds won't be that much help unless they've been upgraded to show up characters with higher stats,
and capturing slaves in dungeons entirely depend on RNG, for example i struggled a bit to find a slave with Excellent Magic.
(tho' they said it depend on the region and difficulty, and i still need to check in differents dungeons beside bandits den/forts)

anyway, here's my final thought on the current itteration of this system:
i think it has a lot of potential, they're trying to make a gameplay-loop that ties all the submechanics together,
which is really ambitious and sound great on paper, and it's working pretty well for now.

but the main-problem is that it heavily force players to focus on the dungeon-exploring part of the game,
at least if you want a reliable source of slaves to upgrades the ones you're planning to keep.

and i'll be honnest, not only dungeon-exploring is the least interesting mechanic of the game, as it's very barebone,
but it also end-up removing some freedom from the player as they now have to rely on RNG to get what they want instead of currency they can get albeit a bit too-easily.

Dungeon-Exploring still need somes additions to become really fun, things like events and skill-checks.
because for now it's just rooms and rooms of enemies with the occasionnal slave, chest, trap, and ritual place.
I can definitely see something really fun come-out of their new system tho' once it's been polished a bit more in the future.
So now if I understand well xp points are less valuables, the amount of time and fight a character does do not count only the rng of finding better stats captives. Without good stats character the higher difficulty dungeon can be almost impossible but you won't be able to get those stats without doing those higher dungeons.
Do I understand well or is it different?


Jan 19, 2018
So now if I understand well xp points are less valuables, the amount of time and fight a character does do not count only the rng of finding better stats captives. Without good stats character the higher difficulty dungeon can be almost impossible but you won't be able to get those stats without doing those higher dungeons.
Do I understand well or is it different?
it is indeed RNG, but to be fair you can find slaves with Excellent (max) Stats even in the Bandit-Den and Forts.
it's just hard to get precisely what you want, but i still have to check other-dungeons to say for sure.

but you're correct in thinking that it make exploring a lot more dependant on RNG and/or your first choice of slave when you join a guild as it's the only-one you have entire control on with it's stats.

so yes, you understood well but it's not as bad as you think.
it mostly mean that you WILL have to make sure to make a good character for yourself and a good first-slave for combats,
and then probably recruit unique characters useful in combats like Cali and Lilia as soon as possible.

my observation for now is that in Bandit-Dens and Forts, you mostly meet slaves with high Timid/Tame stats.
While my expectations are that in Groves you'll meet slaves with higher Magic-Stats,
And in volcano-Regions you should probably meet slaves with higher Physical-Stats.

i still haven't checked to see if thoses expectations are correct, but that's how i guess the game work now.
i'll explore somes differents types of dungeons and come back to tell you if my guess are right,
if it is, then it won't be THAT MUCH reliant on RNG, just a bit i guess.
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Jan 19, 2018
So now if I understand well xp points are less valuables, the amount of time and fight a character does do not count only the rng of finding better stats captives. Without good stats character the higher difficulty dungeon can be almost impossible but you won't be able to get those stats without doing those higher dungeons.
Do I understand well or is it different?
okay, so i spent some time exploring dungeons to see if they would bring-up differents kinds of slaves, and the answer is yes and no.

it seem like it's easier to get some specific races of characters depending on the dungeon your exploring.
-In Bandit-Dens/forts i mainly found humans, elves, cat-girls, a single Seraph, and somes gobbos for somes reasons.
-I didn't explore Gobblins-caves yet but i'm gonna take a wild-guess and say you'll mostly find gobbos there.
-As expected, in a "Grove" you'll find more Fairies, Elves, and Beastkins.
-While in Jungles you'll find a lot more Dark-Elves and other-types of beastkins.
-As for the Volcano, the hardest dungeons... well i found they spawn the same things as the Bandit-Dens/Forts for some-reason.
i was expecting to find Demons, Taurus, maybe somes Spider-girls, you know, vicious and strong predators, but not.
i mostly found elves, and cat-girls like in the bandit-dens/forts, so i can only guess it's still a work-in-progress.

Speaking of Cat-girls, they're ALL OVER THE PLACE for some reasons,
just found somes in the Crypts, found somes in the Volcano-dungeons, in the Groves, and i think i found one in the Jungle (not sure anymore)
I guess they really ARE like cats, because they're all over the godamn place, even where you least expect them.
either someone need to tune down their spawn-rates in somes dungeons, or the next-act will be about cat overpopulation.

anyway, now as for STATS which was really the topic
well i'm gonna disappoint you and say no, stats aren't influenced by the region/dungeon characters spawns in.
i was expecting to find characters with high stats in Strenght in the Volcano-Dungeon, and a high Magic-stat in Grove/crypt.

But every characters i met had about the same stats,
for some reasons the most common Excellent stat you'll find are for Timid, Tame, and Sex (the most useless stats).
i found about only two characters with a Excellent Strenght Stat, and same number for Excellent Magic stat.
so yes, now we're definitely at the mercy of RNGesus if you want to max-out the stats of a slave you own.
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Active Member
Jan 2, 2018
okay, so i spent some time exploring dungeons to see if they would bring-up differents kinds of slaves, and the answer is yes and no.

it seem like it's easier to get some specific races of characters depending on the dungeon your exploring.
-In Bandit-Dens/forts i mainly found humans, elves, cat-girls, a single Seraph, and somes gobbos for somes reasons.
-I didn't explore Gobblins-caves yet but i'm gonna take a wild-guess and say you'll mostly find gobbos there.
-As expected, in a "Grove" you'll find more Fairies, Elves, and Beastkins.
-While in Jungles you'll find a lot more Dark-Elves and other-types of beastkins.
-As for the Volcano, the hardest dungeons... well i found they spawn the same things as the Bandit-Dens/Forts for some-reason.
i was expecting to find Demons, Taurus, maybe somes Spider-girls, you know, vicious and strong predators, but not.
i mostly found elves, and cat-girls like in the bandit-dens/forts, so i can only guess it's still a work-in-progress.

Speaking of Cat-girls, they're ALL OVER THE PLACE for some reasons,
just found somes in the Crypts, found somes in the Volcano-dungeons, in the Groves, and i think i found one in the Jungle (not sure anymore)
I guess they really ARE like cats, because they're all over the godamn place, even where you least expect them.
either someone need to tune down their spawn-rates in somes dungeons, or the next-act will be about cat overpopulation.

anyway, now as for STATS which was really the topic
well i'm gonna disappoint you and say no, stats aren't influenced by the region/dungeon characters spawns in.
i was expecting to find characters with high stats in Strenght in the Volcano-Dungeon, and a high Magic-stat in Grove/crypt.

But every characters i met had about the same stats,
for some reasons the most common Excellent stat you'll find are for Timid, Tame, and Sex (the most useless stats).
i found about only two characters with a Excellent Strenght Stat, and same number for Excellent Magic stat.
so yes, now we're definitely at the mercy of RNGesus if you want to max-out the stats of a slave you own.
Thanks for your responses and tests. I'll try myself later to see what is needed for my build.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2018
So to increase stats now, everything depends on dungeon-diving RNG. So much for wanting to play anything OTHER than a combat-centric game. I don't mind the combat so much, but there are players out there that love the idea of this as a slave management game where the social skills, not combat, are the most important to the Master.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
So to increase stats now, everything depends on dungeon-diving RNG. So much for wanting to play anything OTHER than a combat-centric game. I don't mind the combat so much, but there are players out there that love the idea of this as a slave management game where the social skills, not combat, are the most important to the Master.
I like the management part of the game to and use the cheat menu to make it how I want it.
I been playing 1 game now for as long as I was able to transfer my save over that I have never started the story yet and have well over 100,000,000 saved up.

Have not tried this last update yet and may not try it for a while now.


Jan 19, 2018
Quick question, guys. Are you able to sacrifice the unique characters?
just checked, no you can't for somes reasons.

I like the management part of the game to and use the cheat menu to make it how I want it.
I been playing 1 game now for as long as I was able to transfer my save over that I have never started the story yet and have well over 100,000,000 saved up.

Have not tried this last update yet and may not try it for a while now.
you don't even have to use cheats tbh, in the previous version,
i maxed my number of slaves and maxed almost all of their stats.
and since my character already had maxed stats, every kids he would make would have insane stats as well.
which is why my mansion is mainly filled with daughters, like that one-guy from games-of-thrones.

the very beginning of the game can be a bit rough, but once you make enough money to survive and get slaves along the way.
any difficulty the game had completely disappear, especially if you play as a Mage.

i've built my character as a Mage with both Necromancer, Dominator, AND Soul-Eater.
Meaning that i can change normal-slaves into UNDEADS, which don't need any food or sleep, they lose 100 points in their charm-stat and can't get pregnant/impregnate anymore, but i don't care since i only use it on slaves i don't care about.
As for Dominator, it let you use Soul-Bind, which completely remove any forms of disobedience they could have.

Theses two skills makes the ideal slave:
-a slave that dosn't consume any food, and can't ever revolt.
they're literally a net profit on your estate.

Any-slaves i didn't have use for, i used to drain out of their XP.
if they banked enough XP, you can get a CRAZY ammount out of it, check this.
My character had 6355 XP before, the slave had 10158.
After doing it my character had 16513 XP.

At this point this XP is useless to me, because at this point i had already maxed my character.
but in the previous version this XP was usefull to upgrade your stats.
Too bad you can't do it anymore, so this skill has just become totaly useless as i don't need any classes anymore.

Anyway, my point was: you don't even really need to cheat in this game.
The only thing REALLY annoying to get are Guild-Points, and to previous my embarassement, you cant cheat it.
I won't even start talking about cash, literally DROWNING in it, 600K, almost a billion here.

i like a good power-fantasy that let you turn into a absolute GOD if you played your cards right.
which is why i agree with the guy you were replying to.

So to increase stats now, everything depends on dungeon-diving RNG. So much for wanting to play anything OTHER than a combat-centric game. I don't mind the combat so much, but there are players out there that love the idea of this as a slave management game where the social skills, not combat, are the most important to the Master.
i absolutely share this opinion.
i feel like this simple change into how you can upgrade and get slaves absolutely make the game a lot more combat-centric that it already was.

I understand what they're tying to do, they want to streamline the game so every mechanics play into each-others.
-You need slaves so you go exploring, you get slaves but now you need classes.
-to get classes you need to unlock somes in the guilds, and to do that you need to answer to their requests.
-to answer to their requests you either need to train specific slaves, or more often to give them something or go exploring.
-to craft items you need materials, materials that you can get either by harvesting with slaves or completing dungeons.
-after completing the requests you get your guild-points, which let you unlock more classes to train better slaves.
-with better slaves you ca-
you get the gist.

but it does feel like the game is now a lot more about RPG dungeon-crawling than management.
which is a bit of a problem considering the dungeon-exploration is still very barebone.
very little events/skill-checks, and each dungeons feel like the exact same only with differents enemies.

i'm sure with a little rework and more content they might feel fun, but for now they're just annoying.
having to go through 40 floors of enemies extremely easy to kill just to maybe get something you need,
isn't exactly fun, it's grindy and frustrating, especially if by the end you didn't get what you wanted.

As for the Management aspect of the game.
I feel like it's kinda the most barebone aspect of the game for now.
You can upgrade your mansion to have fields where you put your workers.
There's a lot of things to craft and differents types of crafting.
There's a slave-management system but to be fair you can almost ignore it, especially since the last update.
There's guilds, but they're pretty-much radiants-quests and their use almost completely disappear once you unlocked their classes.

I think the solution here lies in the Guilds actually.
Let's say the Guilds could let you rend some services from them.
-You're not a fighter but you need a specific material or race of slave from a dungeon?
Ask the Warrior-guild, they'll get it for you for both money and a small ammount of guild-points.
-You need to craft an item but don't have anyone to do so and/or your mansion isn't upgraded to?
Pay the Worker-Guild to do it for you, why doing something yourself when you can pay experts to achieve better results?
-You need to train specific stats for a slave but you don't want to go exploring dungeons and be at the mercy of RNGesus?
Send your slave to the Servant-guild and wait for a couple of days, i'm sure Amelia would gladly help train someone.
-You want to customize a slave's body or maybe reset it's classes and skills?
Send him to Myrh and the Mage-Guild, if your slave isn't lobotomized or switched gender by the end of the day, it's free!

If the player had more ways to get to what they need, i think the game would be absolutely great.
-You could have your classical RPG combat-oriented grindfest if you like it,
-Or your management-hell in which you have to plan for the next 10 hours if you prefer it.

anyway, keep in mind that the game is still in developement,
and i feel like they're clearly testing the water with a lot of their mechanics.
let's just hope that once they're done with their focus on combat, they focus on Management.
the game is still a lot of fun even in it's current state tho'.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
The download on OP is actually v0.6.6a

maverik — 11/29/2022 2:58 PM
Updated to 0.6.6a
Fixed erebus stone enemy/hammerfall skill
Fixed certain events not working properly due to recent changes
Fixed skills missing names


Active Member
Jan 2, 2018
So I found a slave with quite a number of 3 and 4 stats except for growth, had pet class (human in a goblin dungeon) but bad traits making her not quite useful. She was valued at 80 golds so I wanted to try the sacrifice mechanic except I didn't realize that it still cost gold to upgrade stats factor, and it costed me 600+ to upgrade a stat from 1 to 4 (magic). A slave useless in the beginning of the game, worth not much and can't even sacrifice her because cost too much.

Also am I the only one that has difficulty to find item for guilds quest, can't craft them in the first 2 weeks?

Frankly I don't understand why refactoring the stats system and not using the guilds to improve stats linked to them. (Fighters for strength, workers for strength + wits, servants for charm, sex,tame and timid and mages for wits + magic).

And from purely a concept perspective I don't like the fact that improving my character stats factor is not linked to the usage of the characters.

Edit : the stats cost seems to be always the same, cheaper for the mc and 600+ for others. Had a pretty good dungeon with lots of slaves their poor value being compensated by the amount. Maxed some stats sell the others for money, kept a few that were usefull probably selling them later once the get some training.
Last edited:


Active Member
Jan 2, 2018
There is something wrong with obedience drain and characters training/traits, Daisy who begins with timid 5, basic servitude and master acknowledgement has a drain of 8. Meanwhile my starting servant has 6 timid, basic servitude, combat and advanced (advantage of 2 drain without the timid factor) has a drain of 3, either going from timid 5 to 6 reduce by 3 the drain or there is a problem. Other example, a slave with 6 timid, basic and advanced + a trait that reduce by 5 obedience drain has a drain of 1, I think traits and training given at character creation doesn't correctly modify obedience reduction, I've easier to make a perma slave from a blank state than from an already trained slave.

Sora666 AOTK

Apr 7, 2021
i love this game and have been playing it for a long time but man, this "Factors now increased by sacrificing a character at slave market." is actually pretty stupid.
A lot of the changes you've made have made this game less enjoyable
The whole loyalty systems also really stupid
Not to mention nerfing XP. Like @anon6076 "yay more grind in a porn game"

Instead of trying to make the game more grindy and bad, why dont you focus on extending the story line, adding more unique characters, or even add in art during dating/sexual scenes to increase the immersion / enjoyment of the game.
Also limiting dating and sexual scenes to X amount per week is probably one of the most annoying, dumbest things you've changed.
Kinda what erkper said, some of us enjoy this game as a slave management type of game and not so much of a combat focused game.
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Jan 19, 2018
So I found a slave with quite a number of 3 and 4 stats except for growth, had pet class (human in a goblin dungeon) but bad traits making her not quite useful. She was valued at 80 golds so I wanted to try the sacrifice mechanic except I didn't realize that it still cost gold to upgrade stats factor, and it costed me 600+ to upgrade a stat from 1 to 4 (magic). A slave useless in the beginning of the game, worth not much and can't even sacrifice her because cost too much.
Once you get rolling in the game, you'll have WAY MORE money than you even have uses for it.
So the price isn't a problem at all, for me the problem is the RNG, i'd like a way to at least influence it.

Also am I the only one that has difficulty to find item for guilds quest, can't craft them in the first 2 weeks?
the beginning of the game is the roughest moment in the game because you lack about everything you need to survive it.
but once you start rolling, you won't ever have any problems again.

here's some tip:
After creating your first-slave, (make sure it fit with your character, like a bodyguard if you play a mage, and reverse).
Then immediately get yourself a couple of slaves high charm/sex, then put them on service-duty, it will get you some bucks.
Use that money to buy Whiskey, Aphrodisiacs, and anything else you often see often asked by the guilds.
Don't even bother trying to craft items, it would take too much time and require exploring dungeons.

Only accept requests that can be completed in less than a day.
Like requests asking to kill some wolfs, gobblins, rebels, or deliveries like Aphrodisiacs and Whiskey.

Focus exclusively on grinding theses Guild-Points as trying to pay the Loan is impossible in a new-game.
It's basically a run against the clock to get to the first-act when your Loan will be paused indefinitely.

Frankly I don't understand why refactoring the stats system and not using the guilds to improve stats linked to them. (Fighters for strength, workers for strength + wits, servants for charm, sex,tame and timid and mages for wits + magic).
some additions to the Guilds would be welcomed indeed.
i'd like for them to give services for the player to give more alternatives to how you want to play.


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
There is something wrong with obedience drain and characters training/traits, Daisy who begins with timid 5, basic servitude and master acknowledgement has a drain of 8. Meanwhile my starting servant has 6 timid, basic servitude, combat and advanced (advantage of 2 drain without the timid factor) has a drain of 3, either going from timid 5 to 6 reduce by 3 the drain or there is a problem. Other example, a slave with 6 timid, basic and advanced + a trait that reduce by 5 obedience drain has a drain of 1, I think traits and training given at character creation doesn't correctly modify obedience reduction, I've easier to make a perma slave from a blank state than from an already trained slave.
Level 6 Tame also provides a passive Bonus to Obedience reduction of 20%


Jul 3, 2017
i run into a problem .. i unlocked some jobs like prostitute .. but i can't apply it on my slave.
also is saw some classes with bonuses from classes for jobs like waitress or dancer .. here the same .. never found a city where i can put my slaves to one of thoses jobs.

what am i missing? do i need dresses for those jobs?

El Presidente

Jun 11, 2018
i run into a problem .. i unlocked some jobs like prostitute .. but i can't apply it on my slave.
also is saw some classes with bonuses from classes for jobs like waitress or dancer .. here the same .. never found a city where i can put my slaves to one of thoses jobs.

what am i missing? do i need dresses for those jobs?
When you select for work you should select "rest" then it will open a new interface with every job your gigolette can take and for any option they can take.

I don't know why they decide to complicate things but that's the new wayi guess
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3.40 star(s) 63 Votes