VN - Ren'Py - Strong Desire [Ep.6A] [TheBlueInk]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Minor grammatical errors and slight discontinuity issues but basically a solid effort. Animations are OK but not great.
    But the story is solid and pretty well told. As with others, he may be getting carried away with too many women. But it's a pretty good harem story that's believable, well above the bulk of this kind of AVN. Hope the team finishes it - because that's what I dislike about AVNs in general - most never really finish the story! And when it's a relatively good one like this, you want to see it end well!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Stunning and lots of LI's. Pretty cool plot. Strong, alpha MC, not some sissy.
    Good music, i would add SFX to sex scenes.
    Very good renders.

    As a fan of harem games, this is a dream game for me!
    Thank you dev :)
    Overall 5/5 game!
    Keep up good work, looking forward for more.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    There is a tendency that if an AVN doesn't include a "serious theme," it is taken lightly, resulting in unfairly low ratings... and I think this is exactly what's happening here. Sure, the games that touch your soul are great (you know a few games I'm talking about, they are my favorites too), yet games like this are also amazing in that they simply serve the MAIN PURPOSE of AVN, which is letting a man live the ultimate male fantasy!

    Also, I love the fact that the dev didn't neglect one of the most essential parts of visual novels, MUSIC. I appreciate the dev's ability to tell what's important and what is not and to invest their effort in things that ACTUALLY MATTER!

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  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    I like the girls ngl.. Needs work on animations though.
    Renders were beautiful but story needs a little push. I would love to see a little corruption, little taboo and little more effort on developing relationship between characters even though mc and all in game characters had some history priorly.
    Also stop the addition of furthermore ladies and focus on primary characters becz believe me you as a dev will be feeling the heat as you go along.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Game was pretty decent, its fair enough to force a LI on you to start with but if your then forced to cheat on her and theres no faithfull route then whats the point of it and to make it really stupid game starts out being choice driven which it then dosent deliver on later when things starts to be forced on the player.

    I hated the sister Macy told her i dident miss her and picked all the choices against being with her, but even when picking wait to talk to Anna, she is still forced on you and i just hate forced LIs with a passion, even more so in games where theres choices with proberly everyone else.
    And why did it force that scene? just so Jessie would walk in on them to create some weird drama that arent even needed in any way since MC can do whatever he wants so why the fuck not make it a choice...

    The hole Macy deal makes game way to kinetic since all past choices are 100% ignored by the game.

    As for story its a bit bland since there is just to many possible LIs, so they will all lack in romance and build-up which results in having 0 emotions for any of them, you can pretty much play this as a pure mindless fuckfest if you like that kind of thing, you do have a choices with proberly most girls but not all.
    More LIs dosent = a better game, Less would be a million times better so you can get more depth with each LI instend of them feeling empty and emotionless.

    At times it feels like all there is to the game is MC meets girl say hi and girl goes hi breed me and of they go, when done MC will take two steps ask whos next in the que?
    When MC gets the letter from hes grandpa on the airplane, about making a harem and make em all pregnant, i can see where dev got hes ideas from, another game with aloooot of sisters you had to make pregnant....

    The writting aka the english needs a bit of an improvement as well.

    Girls 2/5
    Some does have good looking faces but its just lacking in diversity, main focus is big tits fetish so if you dont have that it proberly wont be for you.

    Animations 3/5
    Average at best, they got so weird jerks going on with the screens in alot of scenes, but i will give them that they made nice virgin scenes with optional show of blood which alot of other games seems to get worng.

    Music 3/5
    Average background stuff nothing special, nothing with lyrics.

    Choices 2/5
    Forced LIs and relationships not just the fiance, Forced fetishes, Forced sex scenes, no faithfull route, just feels kinetic where past chocies are 100% ignored, Forced incest.

    Game had the potential to be 4-5 star game but when choices dosent matter and are even ignored it will never be a good game, way to much forced stuff.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Hmmm-it's not a bad game. The women after the rework are attractive and varied. The models are one of the good parts of the game. So why average? Firstly there are still a few of those weird looking original models in the game. It's off-putting to see a bunch of fairly realistic looking women and then one of the original models wanders in with her fryingpan flat face with the buckteeth and weird nose. They're bad and need to be reworked. Cho for instance before the rework is nothing special-after the rework though she is one of the best characters at least looks-wise. So why leave her original character in for the sexy times? It's like going to the bar and seeing a five who after 6-8 beers will become a 10. She might look good at 1am, but you won't be happy in the morning. If you're going to rework things, do it all the way because leaving her original model in for the one sex scene just ruined it.

    Another thing is there are just too many women. There is no depth of any kind in the game because the MC is largely just going flower to flower. Not only does this make building up the story largely impossible but the side-effect is you start to feel like the MC doesn't really care about any of them except for adding another notch to his GFs fantasy bank. This is the other irritating part. Sure cuck-queens are a thing but it doesn't have to play this central a role. At this point I feel like the only reason to have her there is to scratch the poly itch. Sure she loves it but if the Mc's and her family are just fap fodder for his GF then it's a shit story. At some point they have already discussed her watching the MC nail the family of which she is a part. It feels like a needless addition unless you're just going for porn style action.

    Anyway I think average fits pretty well. Beautiful women (minus those hideous original models) and lots of action but little soul. The dev does some things well but the central theme of simply going around fucking everything gets stale.

    3 out of 5 for now.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A rare harem where the story starts with Mc having a bride and for some reason she becomes a Cuckqueen( every guy's dream, isn't it?) :coffee: :HideThePain:
    But seriously, this game is partly Netori, only so far Netori is just beginning, the story is already heating up in tension and Mc is slowly gaining competitors in the company, the game is already becoming better with each episode, and also the last two updates are visible as well the renderings and animation quality look, if you're looking for harems with two families and mysteries, you might like this! :devilish:
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Great renders, but ruined by d tier writing, an absurd amount of women resulting in no deep development of any, and a lack of meaningful choice.

    Just extract the renders and fap to the good ones; it will save you time and brain cells.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Took all of five minutes for the constant barrage of bad grammar and poorly constructed, Engrish-ass sentences to do me in. If you're more tolerant than I am maybe you'll find something to enjoy, but it needs a bit more time in the oven before I can bring myself to bear putting any real time into it.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a fun game all in all. Like... the usual tropes are all present and accounted for but the issue is that involves the bad as well as the good.

    The visuals are fine, everyone looks pretty, the cast is varied, the sets are familiar but at least well done it's not just the standard "generic room #4"

    The plot is..... interesting but I still can't decide if it's good. The MC is a Cock God, everyone wants a piece. He's got a degree, a fiance and a good life ahead of him, but there's a TWIST. Granted this is at least partially explained by the plot but if anything that in itself makes it somewhat insidious. No spoilers but it feels like everything that happens is set up to happen, so the MC has almost no free will. So when you're interacting with women and they're wanting a ride on your bones, are they doing it for fun, or cause they have to? Obviously thinking too much into a AVN but it's definitely in your head as you play. The whole plot of the game has been orchestrated by others and sure you can choose to dip your wick or not, and I've not played that path cause.... who would? But I get the feeling that even if you say no, the game will make it end up the same way anyway.

    The characters are good but it's struggling with overreach. Having a glossary of characters is handy and all but a sure sign of issues. I appreciate Devs feel the need to have a wide cast but really it makes the game feel hollow. I don't NEED 4 "sisters", 12 "aunts", 23 "cousins" that I'll maybe see once and that's it. If anything it's worse than that because the dev insists on throwing in work colleagues as well. Bar staff, chauffer's, randoms on the street maybe? Everyone gets a shot on the magic dick. A game with a cast a third the size and expanded plot for them would be infinitely better than what we have currently. It IS a fun game, but it feels like it's on borrowed time before it ultimately collapses under its own weight.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Really average run of the mill game. I've been here for years rocking my peers - shit is pretty stale to me. Way too many characters, boring dialog, ultimately unmemorable. This is why I am leaving a review, because I will undoubtedly forget I've already played this unless I make a record of it.

    If you're new, maybe you'll like this. The one thing that makes it unique is unfortunately a negative - a massive cast who you will struggle to remember their names, relationships, history and more.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It's the best running game for harem, inc£st and pregnancy fetish lover. The storyline is pretty decent with enough amount of action. You will love it for sure.
    Shout out to the dev for the brilliant character development and design. Dev really did a great job while making the female characters.
    But, I think Macy's facial appearance can be changed a bit. Otherwise it's one gem of a novel.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I just played and i liked it a lot
    very good story , nice story flow ,good visuals,and beautiful LI and Good and strong MC.
    Moreover for me at least i found it very refreshing that the LI aren't lesbians or bi and for once i found a good harem VN without lesbian content.
    Though i feel pity for Anna because i feel that her own family and the psychologist manipulated her to be a cuckquean... from what i saw at least Anna was pushed in that direction....
    Nonetheless i found it very good harem VN , i trully enjoyed it and im looking forward for more chapters.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    If you ever wanted to experience the chaos and confusion of managing an extended family without actually having to live through it? Look no further than Strong desire, the visual novel that doubles as an extended family simulator. In this game, the protagonist is burdened with so many family members that keeping track of them all becomes a daunting task. Just when you think you've got a handle on who's who, another distant cousin or estranged aunt pops up, leaving you scrambling to recall their significance.

    At one point, the game becomes less about unraveling a compelling story and more about maintaining a mental notes of family relationships. I found myself hitting pause more often than advancing the story, desperately going through the relationships tab like a confused genealogist. Some people might like having so many characters, but for others, it's just too much to handle and if you're really into one of the characters, you might have to wait a long time for anything new about them.

    Still, no love lost.. With such a humongous cast, I thought the dev would prioritize the family, But instead of focusing on the juicy family drama, the developer throws in all sorts of random characters like office characters, casual acquaintances, and even friends of family like they're trying to pad out the story with whatever they can find lying around.

    Also, brace yourselves and prepare to meet the epitome of a Gary Stu. Our protagonist is a magnet for female attention, as if he's the only guy in a world full of starved romance novel heroines. Be prepared for eye-rolling moments as every female character seems to swoon at his mere presence. If you can't stomach another dose of unrealistic charisma and effortless charm, you might want to reconsider embarking on this journey.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    English - Fine, don't remember
    UI/UX - moderately edited
    Story - Starts fine, then dies
    Dialogue - "Hello, MC, you are the greatest man that ever lived because I have never seen a human male before this moment, we do the sex now?"
    Art - Stills: Add sharpness Add sharpness Add sharpness Video: grainy, slow motion, and floaty

    I'm not gonna do my usual ultra in-depth review because this is kinda pitiful. IF this continued to do what it started, I'd probably enjoy it. It starts out with MC meeting his fiancé's family, getting pulled into heated situations, and putting MC in a tough spot. I thought "Hm, maybe they'll make a story with actual consequences and a plot that has things happen." You can point and laugh at my optimism, I know now, I'm here in the future as well. I hoped it'd lean into the cheating and morality aspect of it. No. MC meets a woman, they display their one, loose, character trait, two scenes happen with them interacting, and then you make a choice to sleep with them. And immediately after, it's like it barely or didn't even happen. And after chapter 2, the fiancé literally just disappears and MC just sleeps with everyone except her. They drop her and suddenly MC starts fucking his sister. You can almost see the exact timeline where the hamster wheel in the dev's brain starts running: "Hm... I'm not getting enough supporters. Let's make him a fucking redneck." It's a joke. Incest is dumb for a multitude of reasons, one of the biggest in terms of this, is it's just a gimmick to get people that froth at the mouth for that content to jump on this.

    MC literally just becomes breeding stock for the women, all tied together loosely with over-sharpened renders and half-assed dialogue. And, if that were the point of the story, I wouldn't care. However, I don't think there is a point to this story. Sure, some of the models look alright. But before you step into the first scene you have five women to worry about, defining their relationships for content that will either never happen or not for a year(s). Then, when the game suddenly changed genres and content, add about 6 more plastic bimbos. So even IF you like one or two, MC has to make the rounds to get back to the girl you find appealing. Not that any of them have more personality than a talking doll. I guarantee after you're "done" with this game, you won't remember anything about it until it pops up again and, like an Alzheimer's patient, click on this thread and say "...Oooohh. I DID play this. Meh."

    If you hold CTRL, have never played an actual game, or read an actual story before this, this will probably be 5 stars to you. But this is as default a story you can throw up. MC walks room to room, sex happens, suddenly his sister is there. If that's all you need, lucky you. I'm jealous, truly. But if you need a story to happen, or at least some amount of effort to go into the writing to enjoy loosely connected sex scenes, you'll probably be disappointed.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    As of v0.5


    • Some models are OK
    • Slightly different setting than usual.


    • Forced into scenes.
    • Most models are really weird looking
    • MC stating how he feels about NPC's rather than letting the player decide.


    The story's actually unintentionally quite creepy & unsettling. The "Family" act like some B-movie cult. The LI's are mostly disturbing & unlikable (not all but most) and as you're unable to refuse them and the dev simply decided for you how the MC feels it's very annoying.

    It's a Kinetic Novel in disguise so if you're looking for routes and choice don't bother.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, although a common nowadays with the whole MC suddenly getting rich and then suddenly starts building harem with every women he sees, but still the graphics are top notch and if you don't mind this kind of genre, just go for it.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Apart from good renders and models. This one is average writing and story are basic. You have a fiancee you meet her family it's full beautiful girls, you know what happens next. This one's a simple harem game. Got tired of this one after episode 2. If you are looking for story centric game this one's not for you. If you are looking for basic harem game this one's for you.

    I'm a big fan of harem games. But this one's soul less
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It is not for those looking for a deep plot, it is a harem game that advances at a good pace thanks to the fact that the MC's fiancee is a cuckquean, good renders, good writing, attractive female characters
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Really boring game. Your typical harem game where you go from girl to girl and they all want to fuck you because you're "perfect' (lol) which really is nothing special. You also have the same problem with a lot of harem games and that is that they add incest just for a gimmick, I think a lot of developers just put incest in their games just to add some "artificial" flavor, because honestly that's how it feels. The fun thing about incest is the immorality aspect, the difficulty of said relationship and the fear of being caught, when you take all that incest it's just boring. and to be fair very few devs do this job well but it's still no excuse.

    And that's the sad thing, this game has tags that I could like but in my opinion everything is very poorly executed. and I'm not talking about realism, that's not so much the problem (since games that seek realism end up being tryhard and cringe) I'm talking about the approach, my problem is the approach that many devs give to these harem games in which the girls want to fuck you because you are Mr. Perfect and every virgin girl wants to have your babies. For me, a harem game has to have aspects of corruption and manipulation, I'm not telling you a game focused entirely on corruption but some aspects, a girl who is a cuckqueen because you manipulated her and made her do It and that turn her on?. That's HOT, but one who is a cuckqueen just because she loves you and stuff? that's boring.

    Well, that's my opinion, if you like games where you can insert yourself into Gary Stu No. 500, which everyone loves because yes, then this is your game. If you're looking for something more exciting or with more sense, then clearly I don't recommend this game. .