VN - Others - Completed - Subarashiki Hibi ~Furenzoku Sonzai~ (Wonderful Everyday) [Final] [Front Wing]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    If I had the possibility to make everyone in the world read this I would, one of the most insane stories in existence up there with Saya no Uta, just because of a guy that didn't want to become a philosopher because he loved anime girls too much.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Most insane story I've ever read

    It makes you feel a range of emotions - it makes you laugh, makes you angry, happy, sad, and even despair

    The one con of this VN is it gets extremely depraved and twisted - not twisted in the sense of extreme fetishes, but in the sense of people doing fucked up things to other people. It's certainly not everyone's cup of tea but it covers a lot of topics so imo it's worth a read just due to the sheer uniqueness of it

    - I didn't want to see bestiality; you can remove it by following the instructions in the comments
    - You should play with a walkthrough to see the full story
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing storytelling with social commentary, philosophy, mental balance/outlook and lots of twists. So many detailed characters and a unique story progression system. Kind of cool a lot of good endings early while a lot of progress requires bad endings.

    Writing is great and while it spans from comedy to horror to romance it never feels forced or fabricated. While there is a lot of darkness I found it was handled very well, the rape, bullying and suicides were not romanticised, glorified or glamorised and had real impact and did not try to make it erotic. Still a lot of erotic content throughout and ability to use CTRL to skip uncomfortable content.

    One of my fave VN's of all time.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    First chapter of the game is sweet and fairly innocent although (if memory serves) kind of confusing. That is where some versions of the game end. Which cuts out pretty much the entire game.

    The rest of the game is a fairly bizarre story following unreliable narrators through traumatically fucked up scenes with a story that gets more and more twisted as it goes on. You have your drugs, brain washing, cults, delusions, orgies, death, and all sorts of things that could make people uncomfortable.

    Wanna see a guy have sex with the desk of a girl he witnessed commit suicide? It's there! It's one of the tamer portions.

    Still, for me, it was quite the experience. Not the best, but I don't think it deserves to be shat on.