It's been an hour and as promised here is my initial thoughts on the game. Since they're preliminary after only an hour of play, they could be completely off.
Space bullet hell portion: 8/10 | Has a good foundation, it responds well and has intuitive controls. Works well with controller or keyboard
XCom turn-based combat: 6/10 | The controls are a little wonky and there is a lack of transparency.
Porn: 9/10 | Very good visuals. Very good animations. Good sound and voice.
Music: 7/10 | The music fits well for the situations. Though nothing too spectacular. The space combat could have used a catchy theme to hook you in, like Geometry Wars for example, but it wasn't anything to impress.
Voice acting/Script: 8.5/10 | Better than I expected. The actors can convey emotion well. The script is overall what you'd expect out of a lowkey cringe porno at some points. They also break the 4th wall a few times. The humor is crude but that suits my tastes.
Overall: 8/10