A decent fairly short game. it perfectly scratches the need for a dopamine boost through a new game and is easily finished on the same day, i completed it at around 6 hours
Very barebones and simply exists to support the game's premise, incredibly linear and lacking character writing or any for that matter, but it's a matter that can hardly be criticized from a product meant for sexual gratification.
It's a simple, casual and light hearted story that leaves little to be commented on
The obvious strongest aspect of the game, while the controls themsesvles are quite lacking which might lead to some mishaps during playtime the game itself isn't hard in the slightest, it's in fact too easy even as i played on hard mode.
I find the continous sex mechanic to be incredibly tedious, while you can certaintly skip enemies once pacifying them or not pacify them at all, the game encourages having sex with every enemy as it gives (miniscule) rewards for it. They slightly mitigate this by giving you a slight boost the more you have sex with a particualr species, but the boost is too little, considering the fact that the affection meter doesnt fill up the moment you start, cumming takes a good 3 seconds to finish and pulling out takes 3 more, while this is a small amount of time the fact there's maybe 5-10 enemies in each area just makes the whole process needlessly tedious.
Some skills are clearly better than others, in a way that it makes the other skills look utterly useless, maybe diversifying the quality of the skills would've en couraged more player choice.
Simplistic low bit pixel art style, while im not particualry against it, for this game in particular, it really takes the effect away from the scenes. You could fill the rest in with your imagination, but you shouldn't have to do such a thing, perhaps bigger cgs or a higher bit would've enhanced the effect of scenes better. Sexual content aside the art itsself is good, this is reffering to kill animations and enemy attacks, which are quite well done.
I'm not one to care too much about this since most porn games have free royalty sound, assuming this isnt the case with this game i can just say it's alright, nothing that enhanced or worsened the experience.