Unity - Completed - Succubus Affection [v1.09e] [Diary of Sakiba]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best adult games ever, but only if you like shota and monster girl content. Otherwise, it's a pretty boring 2D action-platformer.. thing.
    The animations and (simple) dialogue are really the highlights here.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Really nice story, replayable, fucking sick comboo. You can basically play this game for hours just to maximize your combo. The graphics are not too bad, you can definitely fap to this, but the frustation just to finally show a boss whos on top is definitely worth it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Noah Neim

    A decent fairly short game. it perfectly scratches the need for a dopamine boost through a new game and is easily finished on the same day, i completed it at around 6 hours

    Very barebones and simply exists to support the game's premise, incredibly linear and lacking character writing or any for that matter, but it's a matter that can hardly be criticized from a product meant for sexual gratification.
    It's a simple, casual and light hearted story that leaves little to be commented on


    The obvious strongest aspect of the game, while the controls themsesvles are quite lacking which might lead to some mishaps during playtime the game itself isn't hard in the slightest, it's in fact too easy even as i played on hard mode.
    I find the continous sex mechanic to be incredibly tedious, while you can certaintly skip enemies once pacifying them or not pacify them at all, the game encourages having sex with every enemy as it gives (miniscule) rewards for it. They slightly mitigate this by giving you a slight boost the more you have sex with a particualr species, but the boost is too little, considering the fact that the affection meter doesnt fill up the moment you start, cumming takes a good 3 seconds to finish and pulling out takes 3 more, while this is a small amount of time the fact there's maybe 5-10 enemies in each area just makes the whole process needlessly tedious.
    Some skills are clearly better than others, in a way that it makes the other skills look utterly useless, maybe diversifying the quality of the skills would've en couraged more player choice.


    Simplistic low bit pixel art style, while im not particualry against it, for this game in particular, it really takes the effect away from the scenes. You could fill the rest in with your imagination, but you shouldn't have to do such a thing, perhaps bigger cgs or a higher bit would've enhanced the effect of scenes better. Sexual content aside the art itsself is good, this is reffering to kill animations and enemy attacks, which are quite well done.


    I'm not one to care too much about this since most porn games have free royalty sound, assuming this isnt the case with this game i can just say it's alright, nothing that enhanced or worsened the experience.

  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, movement is smooth and not laggy...
    many different skill and option, and easy to lvl up.

    the control keymap are a bit unusual so it's a bit hard to know what you need to use, but once you get used to it, easy. and knowing where to go is the problem, cause i lost a few times.

    but at least it is one of game that i play until end credit roll, so i will add this one to my steam list.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is fun. The controls are unwieldy and keyboard-only. It made my RSI act up. All the animation is sprite animation which is great IMO. The intro text looks a little janky but it's not a dealbreaker. If you like collecting and upgrading then you might like this game. Just make sure you've got an ergonomic keyboard.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    So far I think its pretty good gameplay-wise, its just weighed down significantly by the typical anime autism of overexplaining everything in great detail via forced VN segments instead of just letting the player play the fucking game. The game also AUTO PAUSES when you tab out. so GLHF waiting out the extremely long dialogue segments.

    It also has the great sin of requiring you to use A and D keys to progress cutscenes or dialogue. No button prompt for them shows up in game and you'd figure it would be Space, Enter, or Z and X as is standard for emulating the "A and B" buttons on a gameboy and there's no rebinding option for it. Just hire me to make control schemes for your games. You suck at it. Hell I'd even work for free just to save the world from this kind of neglectful autism.

    The tutorial/prologue is waaaay too long and unskippable. All we need to know is that "you were left on the succubus doorstep and are now the chosen one. No one knows what happened to the rest of the human race but you were kept by a kind succubus adventurer." We don't need several anime OP's and cutscenes full of exposition dumps that may as well be watching random forum users congregate.

    You can't "git gud" when the game simply doesn't let you play it. There's also an invisible wall in the backyard not letting you go fuck off into the forest that the plot tells you to go to after the tutorial and no other way to progress. As in you can't even leave through the other side of the starting house. so 1/5. Failed the first 30 seconds test and certainly failed the first hour test.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    firstly i recommend using the official microsoft app PowerToys with Keyboard Manager extension as you cannot bind keys to numpad without it to enable you to better play one-handed.

    this is one of the few games i will argue is overrated. it has many gameplay features but they all lack any depth making them pointless to include or interact with (bare-bones farming, the way you level up skills to 10 as soon as you acquire them, the ability to just infinitely refresh gather-able materials, stats permanently increasing every day against my will.) the pixel animations while ok aren't something you're really gonna care about seeing more than once but you are forced to sit through them multiple times in a row as you'll be capturing the same monster-girl repeatedly in a row. the plethora of skills, navigable areas, boss fights, and boss ero scenes are decently enjoyable.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is good, the amount of combinations between passive and active abilities is really nice and the graphics and really good too

    Being able to set your controls at will is really handy and having so many signs telling you where to head to next really helps

    I love the fact that every single enemy has atleast two sex scenes and you can switch between them as soon as you befriend them and having the Gallery at every moment makes it top tier

    Overall, good playing experience and a top-tier adult pixel game
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 730497

    I never rate games here, but this is the exception for me. I have probably 13 different playthroughs of this game under my boner-bracing belt, and it is for a good reason. The H-animation in this game is top-class, and it has never lost its charm on me. Additionally, putting the content we are all here for *wink* aside, at its core, this is just a very well-put-together game with many great things working for it. There is a reason that I consider this one of my all-time favorite H-games. Even if you are not a fan of side-scroller platformers, this classic is worth a playthrough, just for the experience of experiencing one of the most influential H-games ever made, in my opinion.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7694788

    10/10 game

    +Pixel art sex animations
    +You get skills by fucking
    +Boss sex scenes are hot and kinky
    +Doesn't drag too much on the story
    +Lots of action

    -After you kill a boss, you can get lost on where to go for the next one since the game map progression doesn't follow a line
    If you get lost, read the signs.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The god of dot platformers. With quality and quantity, affection is a masterpiece for one simple mechanic...you progress through sex. Truly, a revolutionary idea in the platformer porn game space. You do not need to lose to jack off in this game and by making it like this affection is a joy to play instead of a chore.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7655918

    +You get skills by fucking girls yourself
    +Lots of skills to combine
    +Exploration feels good with hidden loot
    +Nicely animated pixel art porn
    +Nicely paced game, doesn't feel "too long" to finish
    +Lovable characters that feel real damn good to fuck

    DON'T skip the dialogues when they say where you should go next, specially after beating a boss or you might get lost. Read the wooden signs for direction.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Pixel art is really nice. Music and sound design is great too. Overall the game is a great visual experience and well worth playing.

    Controls are a bit clunky and trying to remap them consistently froze my game. Once you get used to them though the combat is enjoyable.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Best h-game of the platformer genre, the gameplay is hot

    There is some backtracking but it doesn't get too annoying and there is a lot to see. You don't have to lose on purpose but I did so anyway lmao
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    played every game from zell, and i loved every game, this one is no different, hope he makes more games every character is highly animated and you have the gallery for you for every scene and character after you encounter them once
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game, it is overall a good evolution from forest of the blue skin. with good action/gameplay and the pixel animations are *Chefs kiss*.

    An interresting story and enough content to keep you busy for about 8-12 hours depending on how fast you go through the game. Simple but can't recommend enough.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Very fun game with a good story that is needlessly hampered by poor controls and even worse an inability to properly adjust them. Trying to change keybinds means they won't always work all the way, and further more, restoring default controls doesn't work either since it doesn't handle normal attack for example which isn't in the settings. So you have no way to do normal attack and no way to change back to old controls. That being said, if the original controls work for you, then the game is very fun
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I've raved about this game since i first played it almost 3(?), 4(?) years ago. God damn is it the quintessential 2d sidescroller platform imo. Movement is crisp, fighting is fun, and god DAMN the art and the animations. 5/4 amazing game, is the sole cause of why I'm now infinitely down for anything pixelated now. Can't wait for the second version to come out once Zell's finished with his horror game!!!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite porn games, hands down
    There's plenty of enemies and a handful of bosses, so even if you're a god at side-scrollers, there's still plenty of content for you to enjoy.
    The default difficulty isn't stupid easy, but at the same time it's a good challenge. Most enemies give you a new ability to use when you defeat them, but you can only have so many abilities equipped at once, meaning you have to use the long-forgotten tactic of "using your brain", which may sound hard for some of you, but trust me, it's easier than it sounds
    Overall, good game. I'd recommend it if you're into side-scrollers or if you're a fan of Zell's art style.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I did enjoy the game but it just felt like a demo for something else, nothing really happens in the story, the keybindings are kinda messed up, there are only 5 cg cutscenes only if you lose and admit defeat to the bosses the rest is pixel sex, there are like 200 enemy npcs that you should befriend by having pixel sex with them to get stronger, the beginning is a grind due to the time it takes to befriend npcs and just when it gets faster the game ends.

    I finished the game on the hardest difficulty and it's pretty easy.