I wish to inform the community here that I'll be making some changes in the lore, specially in the name/denomination of some races/characters.
SC lore has evolved a lot since the start of the development and I wish to move away from the concept of demons and angels.
I wish, for example, succubi to be seen more as 'magical cosmic parasites' than "demons".
"Demons" was a generic term I used in the beginning of the production since almost everyone would easily associated it with enemies due to the overwhelming number of games with them as primary antagonists.
"Demons" don't represent the succubi in SC since they don't care about sins, corruption of mortals, or taking you to hell, which is what demons do. They just want to feed on your fluids.
The same will apply to the angels, and they are more like "magical cosmic saviors/benefactors" so to speak
I don't know if I'll do that in this first game already, considering the amount of work, but you can expect that from the second game forward for sure.
Here are some of the major changes for the terms:
Sayna (means parasite in the common tongue) - Succubi
Droth - general term for "Demon"
Ky'nar Edon (means Dimension That Burns)- Scorching Hell
Azurin (means From Cold Lands) - Angels
Azuranir (means Soaring Cold Land) - Heaven