The idea that there is going to be a whole series of these games is rather laughable. I have even less belief in such a planned series actually coming to fruition and completing than I did for Berserk to finish.
Yeah, I might have believed it in 2019 or something. Well, not a complete series, but maybe it could reach the halfway point, or maybe in a different reality the dev would have gained some common sense and decided to cut on his goals a bit which are honestly excessive (100 chapters are too much for a compelling game series and this story, and most stories really, don't need those many chapters, no matter how epic or complex they are, and obviously no single dev or small team is realistically able to undertake such a massive project), and be done with it in a decade, but with consistent releases. We are in 2023 now, and the first game has not been completed yet. Instead of focusing on it and expanding on it, the dev thought it would be a good idea to release side projects and other crap we don't really need which slows down the development. I mean seriously, artist injuries and other problems are things the dev should have overseen already and were pretty much expected to happen during development. The fact that this is pretty much the beginning of the series and those complications have already pretty much halted its progress just shows how poorly equipped this dev is to deal with the inevitable problems that are to pop up further down the development line. This is a shame, because this game showed promise and could be the start to a great series.