3.50 star(s) 103 Votes


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
We will find out when it is released. Is the story,gameplay,plot worth 12months? Is it like EC? Better or same or worse than EC?

And here are the lists of the arts of ch5

1. White succubus 1 scene
2. Red riding hood succubus 1 scene
3. Imp 1 scene
4. Ch5 boss ( 4scenes for 4holes)
5. Ch5 4 succubus(winter,summer..etc)(2scenes
forr each
6. 1 succubus from new clan( 1sene) as
alwayss and 1 more succubus from
shiki (1 scene)
7. Some romance with girls (i dont care)
How did you get the list?


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
If I understand correctly, Zion wanted to branch out to side projects (Eden Crest) and diverted time into that. I is not what we want and it is not as good as Succubus Covenant or Warlock Saga in my opinion, but it is understandable. I don't agree with the decision to divert time and resources from the main series like Zion of Olympus did, but I get it. It's very easy to burn out doing the same thing and pretty normal to want to explore other avenues or hit a writers block and such. Been there.

Thus, I believe that this delay is not abandonment of the game or intentional long-term money milking like we've seen in many projects. I would venture a guess that the delay is caused by diverting resources and possibly burnout, but the game will come. Sure, it sucks that it is delayed, but I am rather confident that Zion will deliver... eventually.
Zion worked on Eden Crest to give Succubus Covenant's artist time to heal after their hand got hurt from overwoeking.
Oct 2, 2020
If I understand correctly, Zion wanted to branch out to side projects (Eden Crest) and diverted time into that. I is not what we want and it is not as good as Succubus Covenant or Warlock Saga in my opinion, but it is understandable. I don't agree with the decision to divert time and resources from the main series like Zion of Olympus did, but I get it. It's very easy to burn out doing the same thing and pretty normal to want to explore other avenues or hit a writers block and such. Been there.

Thus, I believe that this delay is not abandonment of the game or intentional long-term money milking like we've seen in many projects. I would venture a guess that the delay is caused by diverting resources and possibly burnout, but the game will come. Sure, it sucks that it is delayed, but I am rather confident that Zion will deliver... eventually.
I would agree with you if Eden Crest was anything but a cash grab. Eden Crest had one objective, how to artificially lengthen a game as much as possible to make it seem like it has content. It is without a doubt, the worst RPGM game I have ever played.

There is no such thing as balance, or dialog or storyline in game, its all an afterthought. It really makes me wonder what the QAs were doing during the last two weeks lol.


Active Member
Dec 15, 2019
I would agree with you if Eden Crest was anything but a cash grab. Eden Crest had one objective, how to artificially lengthen a game as much as possible to make it seem like it has content. It is without a doubt, the worst RPGM game I have ever played.

There is no such thing as balance, or dialog or storyline in game, its all an afterthought. It really makes me wonder what the QAs were doing during the last two weeks lol.
Yeah I haven't played it because I can tell it's bad lol.


May 10, 2021
Do all the items that say "sells for a good price" have the only purpose of being sold or is there any use for them later on?


Jan 2, 2022
Hello, i can't save my progress from a certain point of the story, right before the training in the south on the map at the beginning of the story, if you know how to solve it please let me know, thank you in advance. The button 'save' is just not available unlike the 'load' and 'delete' button which appear to be available

Kalam 1986

Dec 31, 2020
If I understand correctly, Zion wanted to branch out to side projects (Eden Crest) and diverted time into that. I is not what we want and it is not as good as Succubus Covenant or Warlock Saga in my opinion, but it is understandable. I don't agree with the decision to divert time and resources from the main series like Zion of Olympus did, but I get it. It's very easy to burn out doing the same thing and pretty normal to want to explore other avenues or hit a writers block and such. Been there.

Thus, I believe that this delay is not abandonment of the game or intentional long-term money milking like we've seen in many projects. I would venture a guess that the delay is caused by diverting resources and possibly burnout, but the game will come. Sure, it sucks that it is delayed, but I am rather confident that Zion will deliver... eventually.
You are missing a nut at the top or bottom.

Kalam 1986

Dec 31, 2020
I get it that you are probably insulting me, but your meaning is rather unclear, so I don't feel properly insulted. Have a nice day.

Where did you find this gem?
Not probably, clearly clearly it is an insult that why u are missing a nut at the top.
And acting like a nice guy and ran away or deleting the comments after fail to improve zion image then run away again also mean u are missing a nut at bottom.
Unless u are a woman with no nuts then i apologize for second one.

Have a nice day too )


Dec 28, 2017
I understand you disagree with me and that's what the insult is about. The "missing nut" thing went over my head, english is not my first langueage and it is a weird expression. I now understand that you are calling me stupid. Meh, I'm too old to care about insults too much. However, you could have said which points you disagree with specifically. Discussions are fun.

What am I running away from? I did delete a comment, yes, but before anyone replied to it and only to post the exact same comment again a moment later with the added reference to the picture of the Agreia to avoid double posts. Which are not supposed to happen.

As for improving Zion's image... I have no affiliation with Zion. I don't even subscribe to his patreon, just a pirate like everybody else. That being said, I respect Zion for making a really good game. Sure, the updates are slow and all that, hte game has some faults like unskippable cutscenes and filler combat. Also Eden Crest was a fiasco in my opinion. However, I really like Succubus Covenant and Warlock Saga and the delays are not enough for me to assume that Zion is milking the patrons or whatever. Personally, I suspect a degree of burnout, but that is just speculation on my part.

As for Kemono, I kind of feel that it is scummy, but I also admitted that I might be in the wrong on this. Speaking of which, I have to apologize to The Jack Sparrow - you were right and I was wrong, because I could not resist and used Kemono to read the Succubus Covenant comic. Thus I have no moral ground to argue against Kemono. So I concede on that to you.


Feb 11, 2022
I understand you disagree with me and that's what the insult is about. The "missing nut" thing went over my head, english is not my first langueage and it is a weird expression. I now understand that you are calling me stupid. Meh, I'm too old to care about insults too much. However, you could have said which points you disagree with specifically. Discussions are fun.

What am I running away from? I did delete a comment, yes, but before anyone replied to it and only to post the exact same comment again a moment later with the added reference to the picture of the Agreia to avoid double posts. Which are not supposed to happen.

As for improving Zion's image... I have no affiliation with Zion. I don't even subscribe to his patreon, just a pirate like everybody else. That being said, I respect Zion for making a really good game. Sure, the updates are slow and all that, hte game has some faults like unskippable cutscenes and filler combat. Also Eden Crest was a fiasco in my opinion. However, I really like Succubus Covenant and Warlock Saga and the delays are not enough for me to assume that Zion is milking the patrons or whatever. Personally, I suspect a degree of burnout, but that is just speculation on my part.

As for Kemono, I kind of feel that it is scummy, but I also admitted that I might be in the wrong on this. Speaking of which, I have to apologize to The Jack Sparrow - you were right and I was wrong, because I could not resist and used Kemono to read the Succubus Covenant comic. Thus I have no moral ground to argue against Kemono. So I concede on that to you.
Is this the new story of Chapter 5?

Kalam 1986

Dec 31, 2020
I understand you disagree with me and that's what the insult is about. The "missing nut" thing went over my head, english is not my first langueage and it is a weird expression. I now understand that you are calling me stupid. Meh, I'm too old to care about insults too much. However, you could have said which points you disagree with specifically. Discussions are fun.

What am I running away from? I did delete a comment, yes, but before anyone replied to it and only to post the exact same comment again a moment later with the added reference to the picture of the Agreia to avoid double posts. Which are not supposed to happen.

As for improving Zion's image... I have no affiliation with Zion. I don't even subscribe to his patreon, just a pirate like everybody else. That being said, I respect Zion for making a really good game. Sure, the updates are slow and all that, hte game has some faults like unskippable cutscenes and filler combat. Also Eden Crest was a fiasco in my opinion. However, I really like Succubus Covenant and Warlock Saga and the delays are not enough for me to assume that Zion is milking the patrons or whatever. Personally, I suspect a degree of burnout, but that is just speculation on my part.

As for Kemono, I kind of feel that it is scummy, but I also admitted that I might be in the wrong on this. Speaking of which, I have to apologize to The Jack Sparrow - you were right and I was wrong, because I could not resist and used Kemono to read the Succubus Covenant comic. Thus I have no moral ground to argue against Kemono. So I concede on that to you.
Can someone read this for me? I say nope to read these long reply again.
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Aug 17, 2020
I get it that you are probably insulting me, but your meaning is rather unclear, so I don't feel properly insulted. Have a nice day.

Where did you find this gem?
I jus image search "Succubus Covenant fan art rule 34" and found it, but im sure there is more like this out there.
Oct 2, 2020
I don't support needlessly antagonizing Zion, but I don't get this, "If you don't like it, don't play it" that all the Zion supporters here are peddling so far.

There is nothing wrong with being critical of how Zion has handled things so far. 3DCG RPGM devs have to churn out expensive renders AND make the actual game. The devs behind What A Legend, make custom beautiful handcrafted environments AND they provide biweekly updates. LAGS made an excellent plasmophobia-style gameplay loop for their game and I have no problems dumping 10-12 euros to support such devs as long as it has a [Completed] tag. In fact, I'm totally fine with even giving Zion this amount should he manage to complete this game, out of respect for his earlier chapters (with Kainkout's art).

But take a closer look at what this game offers. The animations that were there in chapter 3 were morphs, not even animated renders, and Zion said it takes too much time, so in the future, all anims are going to be removed.

Kain's art is what gave this game its popularity. Should he have started with Devil, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be as popular as it is today. It just feels "bait and switch", especially knowing that Kain hasn't stopped making NSFW art. Also, we had both of these artists injuring themselves while drawing but even after giving the benefit of the doubt, ART can be inserted at any point into the game. Not having ART doesn't mean the game's actual development has to be halted. In fact, he should have been done, way before he even got his commissioned art.

There is no gameplay loop at all, it's just generic enemies that are littered everywhere. Fuck those plants. Balance ? Did Eden Crest seem balanced to you? You had to start over from level 1, every time you got a new bot. It's fucking insane lol.

I will give Zion credit where credit is due, the writing in SC is better than a lot of other devs. Perhaps writing is his strong suit, not programming. Writing in EC sucked, but again, giving him the benefit of the doubt. It was a "side" project that no one asked for.

But with all that being said, 5 years for this product is ridiculous. Yes, you can say he worked on Eden Crest and the other summoner game, but come on. As long as there's patreon income, there is no need to timely deliver something. I get it, he may have lost interest, maybe he's doing this as a side project and he has obligations in real life but Im just calling a spade a spade.
SC should have got [Abandoned] tag a long time ago.
3.50 star(s) 103 Votes