3.90 star(s) 15 Votes


New Member
Jun 4, 2020
As far as I can tell Aegis doesn't have any revive mechanic on her
She does. It's really expensive though since it needs her to remove 7 light cards from her GY, so she probably can't do it more than once or twice a game.
the only way I've managed to take down Aegis without Sacred Tree is though a lucky life swap play.
I actually recommend the Triangle Summon Thor deck for fighting Aegis. Thor's effect lets it remove a warrior from the graveyard to boost its attack and give it penetration. This means it can ignore both Aegis' damage reduction as well as all the defense gimmicks of her deck, in addition to all the benefits of summoning multiple 2800-3300 bodies.
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Here's what I use. The Reservoir trap is a great inclusion since it can be used to get Thors out of your hand and into play if you happen to draw them. Holy Knight and Boy Hero are there as fodder for Reservoir and Thor's effect since they're Light Warrior monsters. Hand Replenishment and Magician are for drawing cards, and Magician can also search out Reservoir if you use a spell. Bookmaker is for searching Triangle Summon, Hand Replenishment, or Burning Down.

It's very easy to pretty much continuously have like 2 Thors on the field at the same time, using the Lightnings they give you on summon as fuel for Triangle Summon and Reservoir, which in turn summon more Thors.

1 Bad Gloop

Feb 9, 2021
She does. It's really expensive though since it needs her to remove 7 light cards from her GY, so she probably can't do it more than once or twice a game.

I actually recommend the Triangle Summon Thor deck for fighting Aegis. Thor's effect lets it remove a warrior from the graveyard to boost its attack and give it penetration. This means it can ignore both Aegis' damage reduction as well as all the defense gimmicks of her deck, in addition to all the benefits of summoning multiple 2800-3300 bodies.
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Here's what I use. The Reservoir trap is a great inclusion since it can be used to get Thors out of your hand and into play if you happen to draw them. Holy Knight and Boy Hero are there as fodder for Reservoir and Thor's effect since they're Light Warrior monsters. Hand Replenishment and Magician are for drawing cards, and Magician can also search out Reservoir if you use a spell. Bookmaker is for searching Triangle Summon, Hand Replenishment, or Burning Down.

It's very easy to pretty much continuously have like 2 Thors on the field at the same time, using the Lightnings they give you on summon as fuel for Triangle Summon and Reservoir, which in turn summon more Thors.
I've checked her deck a couple times now and even beat Aegis and stalled for a while but I can't for the life of me find the card that she uses to revive Aegis :cry:
If you're able to can you link it please? I'd love to see if there's some counterplay to it but I really can't find it in her deck!

The idea of spamming Thors seems like a lot of fun and makes for a pretty powerful light deck! Do you find it struggling with any matchups?
I might want to look into similar strategies to build a fire deck. It's one of the only elements now that I've yet to see a strong deck for.

Edit: I forgot to ask but have you ever managed to get the Hero's Sword Equipment from the Boy Hero and actually get it equipped to a card? Even after getting enough charges and spawning in the Hero's Sword there doesn't seem to be any option to equip it.


New Member
Jun 4, 2020
I've checked her deck a couple times now and even beat Aegis and stalled for a while but I can't for the life of me find the card that she uses to revive Aegis :cry:
If you're able to can you link it please? I'd love to see if there's some counterplay to it but I really can't find it in her deck!
It's not a separate card. It's an ability on Aegis.
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Edit: I forgot to ask but have you ever managed to get the Hero's Sword Equipment from the Boy Hero and actually get it equipped to a card? Even after getting enough charges and spawning in the Hero's Sword there doesn't seem to be any option to equip it.
I've never even got the Hero's Sword. It seems like a massive hassle and Boy Hero is mostly just there to be fodder for other card effects anyway, so I've never tried to go for it.

As for matchups, I don't really know. I haven't done like anything like an in depth testing against every enemy in the game with it. It seems to work well enough against anyone vulnerable to having 2800 bodies churned out every turn or so, but I'm not recording data or anything.
Jun 30, 2020
As far as I can tell Aegis doesn't have any revive mechanic on her, though Silvia's Shield Charge magic card lets her draw an Aegis and if the magic card remains on the field for 4 turns, lets her special summon an Aegis from her hand when you declare an attack. If you destroy Shield Charge it'll stop the process of course, but she has multiple of them in her deck, and the only way I've managed to take down Aegis without Sacred Tree is though a lucky life swap play.
I had her self-revive Aegis every time I killed it like 5 times in a single game :D She eventually stopped when she was down to 800 HP and I got to finish her off. The game was kind of a brawl so it makes sense that her graveyard was stacked. But yah, she never got to keep a spellcard in play that game; I blew them all up (the Shield Charge does make killing Aegis even more of a hassle so it's nice to take down anyways).

You've got the gist of Food Chain but it's important to note that it brings out a random 5 or 6 star monster, meaning it's a guaranteed Boy Captain if that's the only 5 or 6 star in your deck. Food Chaining is great because it lets you discard Pirates or cards that are essentially useless at the moment (such as Take the Helm if you already have Ocean Voyage out) and in turn gives you a free special summoned Boy Captain.
Right. I'll have to think if I could use it in my deck. If I could use it to go from Guud to Poseidon, I'd be all for it but right now I'm mostly Hiding out Guuds and then just using draws and Water Warriors to get out Poseidon. Poseidon conveniently makes getting Tsunami out supereasy too (though you might need to set it before you cast Poseidon to avoid having to discard it).

Your deck looks pretty good imo! If you haven't already you should try it on hard mode and if that's still too easy then add in the 6000LP/1000Attk Hero Limiter. It's a great way to see where the deck could use some reinforcement and if you can get through all the opponents with it relatively unchanged then your deck it pretty much completed :D
Oh yeah, I played through the whole game with a development version of this deck on Hard already. It definitely has some legs (heh)! Only matches that really occasionally give me trouble are the fights with Eiraira-sensei (if she has a good hand, she can destroy my magic cards and use her Harpy abilities to wipe out my board, and attack for basically enough in the same turn, but her deck seems horribly inconsistent so she rarely does that), Gemini (sometimes double Jewel Empress is annoying; Tsunami is of course a keycard there), and Sylvia (mentioned occasional Aegis-issues though now with Sacred Tree she seems much more beatable). In all those cases, I'm thinking if Magical Frozen wouldn't just solve most of my probs by preventing all that spell chaining. And even in those matches, if I have a good hand I should be fine; it's mostly a mediocre hand combined with good enemy hand (well, Eiraira-sensei's good hands seem enough for almost anything I can muster). And well of course, that's assuming accurate play; if I'm careless and e.g. Necro gets to steal some creatures with the zombie girl, that fight suddenly gets hard, and Cammy-fight can occasionally be tough too due to the spell card blocker.

EDIT: I didn't realize Reminiscence-matches gave you gold again. That made it really easy to get it done while playing; I just ran Eiraira-sensei a bunch of times; it's 3000gp per win (though the higher level arena fights give plenty too).
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1 Bad Gloop

Feb 9, 2021
I had her self-revive Aegis every time I killed it like 5 times in a single game :D She eventually stopped when she was down to 800 HP and I got to finish her off. The game was kind of a brawl so it makes sense that her graveyard was stacked. But yah, she never got to keep a spellcard in play that game; I blew them all up (the Shield Charge does make killing Aegis even more of a hassle so it's nice to take down anyways).

Right. I'll have to think if I could use it in my deck. If I could use it to go from Guud to Poseidon, I'd be all for it but right now I'm mostly Hiding out Guuds and then just using draws and Water Warriors to get out Poseidon. Poseidon conveniently makes getting Tsunami out supereasy too (though you might need to set it before you cast Poseidon to avoid having to discard it).

Oh yeah, I played through the whole game with a development version of this deck on Hard already. It definitely has some legs (heh)! Only matches that really occasionally give me trouble are the fights with Eiraira-sensei (if she has a good hand, she can destroy my magic cards and use her Harpy abilities to wipe out my board, and attack for basically enough in the same turn, but her deck seems horribly inconsistent so she rarely does that), Gemini (sometimes double Jewel Empress is annoying; Tsunami is of course a keycard there), and Sylvia (mentioned occasional Aegis-issues though now with Sacred Tree she seems much more beatable). In all those cases, I'm thinking if Magical Frozen wouldn't just solve most of my probs by preventing all that spell chaining. And even in those matches, if I have a good hand I should be fine; it's mostly a mediocre hand combined with good enemy hand (well, Eiraira-sensei's good hands seem enough for almost anything I can muster). And well of course, that's assuming accurate play; if I'm careless and e.g. Necro gets to steal some creatures with the zombie girl, that fight suddenly gets hard, and Cammy-fight can occasionally be tough too due to the spell card blocker.
Now I see why I couldn't find any self-revive ability on Aegis. It's a hard-mode exclusive effect and I hadn't changed the difficulty back since switching from my water deck to my wind deck and experimenting on normal lol. Given that it's a hardmode exclusive on what's essentially supposed to be her win condition card I can understand why it would have such a strong ability attached to it. I'm not sure if there's much you can do about it once Aegis is already out, but I'd want to look at cards that cancel other card effects and graveyard clearing card first before I can say for certain. The amount of flat damage reduction she can get with hardmode Aegis + Shield Charge + Light Leader is crazy though and makes the Thor penetration Illyaster was suggesting seem like the way to go for her fight.

Unfortunately I'm not sure sure Food Chain will be much help in getting out Poseidon without Boy Captain's active ability since Food Chain doesn't add any additional monsters to the field on its own. I do love summoning a Poseidon with a crazy big hand though, seeing the numbers jump to ridiculous values is so satisfying :coffee:

Eiraira-Sensei is a beast that gives to good challenge to most decks for sure. Hopefully we see more tough fights like her's in the future content of the game! I would love to have her Aerial City magic card or some wind cards with abilities as strong as the ones her harpies have but would the game be too easy if we could access cards like that without modding? Gemini's Jewel Empress can be real tough too, especially if she gets an early Triangle Summon off but it's definitely not a much trouble as Aegis is. I might consider seeing if I can fit Frozen Magic into my deck as well since it really can stop snowballing in its tracks but if it doesn't affect trap cards it might not be very useful against trap-heavy opponents like Patra and Yatsune so I'll have to play around with it a bit. I don't mind when opponents have some strong cards or capitalize on misplays but it's always heartbreaking to draw a useless hand on turn 1 and see the opponent fill out their board right away. I think that's a problem just about any deck can suffer from but I want to be extra careful when adding cards that don't driectly let me combo into other cards in the same turn which is why my deck only has Mirror Force in its trap selection at the moment.
Jun 30, 2020
Now I see why I couldn't find any self-revive ability on Aegis. It's a hard-mode exclusive effect and I hadn't changed the difficulty back since switching from my water deck to my wind deck and experimenting on normal lol. Given that it's a hardmode exclusive on what's essentially supposed to be her win condition card I can understand why it would have such a strong ability attached to it. I'm not sure if there's much you can do about it once Aegis is already out, but I'd want to look at cards that cancel other card effects and graveyard clearing card first before I can say for certain. The amount of flat damage reduction she can get with hardmode Aegis + Shield Charge + Light Leader is crazy though and makes the Thor penetration Illyaster was suggesting seem like the way to go for her fight.
I found that Poseidons can get through her easily enough as long as you can make her vulnerable with Sacred Tree. If I can chain those, it's easy enough to kill it enough times to hit through. Another awesome thing about it is that Poseidon draws an extra card in addition to cycling through your deck so you don't really suffer that much of cards you don't want to cast later and it's easy enough to draw to your one-offs like Sacred Tree (I only run one), Tsunami, or Mirror Force. Those are literally the only cards currently in my deck that aren't a part of the main engine; I ultimately decided that I don't really need the swap card either. It's hard cutting down to 20 but given how reliant I am on getting some of my engine cards (Pirates, Water Warrior, Wakatsumi Believer + Hiding/Ocean Voyage) down early, I feel it stupid to add anything extra.

Btw, what booster is Triangle Summons in? I don't think I actually got one, let alone 3, yet. It seems like a card I'd definitely want to play around with at some point.


New Member
Jan 14, 2018
Poison effect does full damage on Aegis and there are some cards that reduce max hp (prob designed just for aegis).


Feb 10, 2024
I just started the game, its OK, but Every deck I make pretty much sucks, No matter how hard I try, It never seems to well together, so if anyone has any suggestions for main decks, that would be awsome!
Jun 30, 2020
I just started the game, its OK, but Every deck I make pretty much sucks, No matter how hard I try, It never seems to well together, so if anyone has any suggestions for main decks, that would be awsome!
For the starter deck and the very first booster, most cards you get are really nothing special. Your own attack is actually a big part of winning there, as well as using the cards you get well. As a rule, you generally want to get higher ranked monsters into play; this means Defense is actually not a bad option if your big monster is strong enough.

Bookmaker and spells are the best thing you've got early; 3 Bookmakers gives you pretty reliable access to the spells you get and those spells are what lets you actually win fights. You also have the Black Knight and Holy Knight and even the much-maligned Bandit Captain that are all decent upgrades on your basic creatures (Bandit Captain in particular with Protection/Healing Potions can punch through almost anything thanks to the increasing attack at the cost of your Life). I think the portrait you pick might influence your starter deck? Not that it really matters, most of the stuff there is pretty bad; good enough for the first matches even on Hard though, and you'll have Bookmakers and Black Knight anyways.

Anyways, you gotta go though Master's deck and then the Slime Succubus to get to battle other opponents; here's where you first get to buy cards but most of the stuff in the first two boosters is frankly fairly uninspiring. After you beat the 3 starter masters (they aren't all that tough) and win the Rank-up match to E-rank (probably the hardest of the bunch but with decent draws with the starter deck, you should have little trouble), you unlock the Water Booster though and that's something I would recommend you buy if you want a strong deck early on. I went through my Water-deck in this post and while it'll take you a while to get all the rares, the core of Water Warrior + Wakatsumi Believer is REALLY strong and all commons if you just get a single Poseidon and General Guud. Pirates is an AMAZING card for this deck too. Hiding is also easy to get and very strong with General Guud; getting a single Ocean Voyage is very key though (you can use Bookmaker early on to find it more consistently). I just did a test run and got 8000gp for the first Water booster (buying nothing before then) getting almost everything aside from Poseidon in the first 40 boosters; and it's plenty strong to beat the second tier masters (the Nun is a close match as is Flare while Munin is pretty easy; add some traps and spells that damage enemy creatures or remove enemy spells). Get a bit more gold, get your rares from said booster and the deck is already strong enough for almost the whole game (Poseidon is a superkey card here since it gives you enough muscle to punch through and this deck has an easy time generating sacrifices to summon it). Just did a test run and it took me about 20 mins to go from the Master fight to beating the 3 E-tier masters - I did lose one game I played carelessly against the Nun, but it was a win if I didn't misclick a turn end.
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Only prob is, you might end up just trying no other decks once you find one that works. But generally, the things to look for are strong beefy bodies, ways to deal with enemy creatures, and anything letting you special summon stuff early is great (the reason I'm harping on the water deck is because it's very easy to special summon stuff with to tribute your big stuff into play (or stuff that just drops big stuff into play, like Hiding > Guud); Water Warrior is amazing at common though its stats are horrible, it basically only exists to tribute for your bigger stuff).
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1 Bad Gloop

Feb 9, 2021
I found that Poseidons can get through her easily enough as long as you can make her vulnerable with Sacred Tree. If I can chain those, it's easy enough to kill it enough times to hit through. Another awesome thing about it is that Poseidon draws an extra card in addition to cycling through your deck so you don't really suffer that much of cards you don't want to cast later and it's easy enough to draw to your one-offs like Sacred Tree (I only run one), Tsunami, or Mirror Force. Those are literally the only cards currently in my deck that aren't a part of the main engine; I ultimately decided that I don't really need the swap card either. It's hard cutting down to 20 but given how reliant I am on getting some of my engine cards (Pirates, Water Warrior, Wakatsumi Believer + Hiding/Ocean Voyage) down early, I feel it stupid to add anything extra.

Btw, what booster is Triangle Summons in? I don't think I actually got one, let alone 3, yet. It seems like a card I'd definitely want to play around with at some point.
I struggle to cut down to exactly 20 too, most of my decks end up right around 22. Triangle Summon is in the Dark Booster with the big red gem on it btw.

Poison effect does full damage on Aegis and there are some cards that reduce max hp (prob designed just for aegis).
I remember someone saying that the reducing max hp card is good against Aegis but I never really considered it since it's a bit of a niche use. Do you use a poison deck normally? I usually avoid using poison effects in just about any game so I had pretty much entirely overlooked it lol.

I just started the game, its OK, but Every deck I make pretty much sucks, No matter how hard I try, It never seems to well together, so if anyone has any suggestions for main decks, that would be awsome!
The Water Deck Sindarinelealar uses is probably your best bet if you want a strong deck in the early game since the cards become available rather quickly. Until that booster (it's the one in the shop that looks like it got frozen) becomes available though you best bet is likely to get some tankier monsters like Holy Knight and Stubborn Dwarf so that you can get high level cards like Black Knight and High Bandit out.

1 Bad Gloop

Feb 9, 2021
This game will have a part 2?
Yes, the dev posted on Ci-en before the release of Part 1 that they were splitting the full game into parts so that they could spend more time working on areas they felt weren't yet polished enough to be ready for release. No eta on when Part 2 will release as far as I know though.


New Member
Mar 23, 2024
Yes, the dev posted on Ci-en before the release of Part 1 that they were splitting the full game into parts so that they could spend more time working on areas they felt weren't yet polished enough to be ready for release. No eta on when Part 2 will release as far as I know though.
Nice, it's a really interesting game.


New Member
Jan 14, 2018
I remember someone saying that the reducing max hp card is good against Aegis but I never really considered it since it's a bit of a niche use. Do you use a poison deck normally? I usually avoid using poison effects in just about any game so I had pretty much entirely overlooked it lol.
I avoided making a poison deck early on because the mtl on some of the cards doesn't work properly. I messed around with it after reading some of the posts here. Basically, the poison swamp card (continuous magic) applies (200) poison to everyone at the end of the opponent's turn. The skilled assassin (the hooded guy you can get really early) applies (600) poison as an activation effect. The poison trap card doubles the poison that they already have (it triggers if a monster attack your rogues) and you get to draw cards on each monster affected (the draw effect still applies even if they have 0 poison, so you can potentially draw +3) The poison damage is applied at the end of each player (yours and the opponent) turn and it ignores Aegis's damage reduction effect. This is just the basic idea, but you can just kill Aegis in 1-3 turns. I spammed matches (hard mode) and I consistently won.

For the rest of the deck:
1. Pirates and ocean ship card for draw power. Also you can use pirates to get you core cont. magic.
2. The hit job spell gets Zaki and the skilled assassin.
3. Mirror force is not for aegis, but actually for her other monsters.
4. Zaki is for her other monsters and is also your definite win condition because you can get rid of her hand. Watch out for her own mirror force though. He needs rouges for the win harder effect, but that just combos well with your pirates.
5. The shota captain really helps with fielding more pirates either as a shield or as tribute for Zaki.
6. Magician is for when you somehow brick.
7. You're going to end up using the defend command a lot.

Loses to Eilira and probably to Cammy (cheating gamba bitch) and maybe gemini (need to test).

I also beat her with aegis out using a freeze deck, but it was inconsistent. Gonna mess around with it some more. I'll post it if you're interested.


Feb 26, 2019
Can someone share a link of the last updated version of the game please ? The link on the opening doesn't work for me


Feb 10, 2024
I struggle to cut down to exactly 20 too, most of my decks end up right around 22. Triangle Summon is in the Dark Booster with the big red gem on it btw.

I remember someone saying that the reducing max hp card is good against Aegis but I never really considered it since it's a bit of a niche use. Do you use a poison deck normally? I usually avoid using poison effects in just about any game so I had pretty much entirely overlooked it lol.

The Water Deck Sindarinelealar uses is probably your best bet if you want a strong deck in the early game since the cards become available rather quickly. Until that booster (it's the one in the shop that looks like it got frozen) becomes available though you best bet is likely to get some tankier monsters like Holy Knight and Stubborn Dwarf so that you can get high level cards like Black Knight and High Bandit out.
I went pretty far without using this deck, just random cards, until I found the green hair sword girl, and figured to just copy her deck, ( How I managed to get that far was by hacking my save file, getting more that a million health and attack ) Then jut deleted the game because I thought I was spending too much time on it.But I am planning to redownload, Thanks for replying!!
Jun 30, 2020
I avoided making a poison deck early on because the mtl on some of the cards doesn't work properly. I messed around with it after reading some of the posts here. Basically, the poison swamp card (continuous magic) applies (200) poison to everyone at the end of the opponent's turn. The skilled assassin (the hooded guy you can get really early) applies (600) poison as an activation effect. The poison trap card doubles the poison that they already have (it triggers if a monster attack your rogues) and you get to draw cards on each monster affected (the draw effect still applies even if they have 0 poison, so you can potentially draw +3) The poison damage is applied at the end of each player (yours and the opponent) turn and it ignores Aegis's damage reduction effect. This is just the basic idea, but you can just kill Aegis in 1-3 turns. I spammed matches (hard mode) and I consistently won.

For the rest of the deck:
1. Pirates and ocean ship card for draw power. Also you can use pirates to get you core cont. magic.
2. The hit job spell gets Zaki and the skilled assassin.
3. Mirror force is not for aegis, but actually for her other monsters.
4. Zaki is for her other monsters and is also your definite win condition because you can get rid of her hand. Watch out for her own mirror force though. He needs rouges for the win harder effect, but that just combos well with your pirates.
5. The shota captain really helps with fielding more pirates either as a shield or as tribute for Zaki.
6. Magician is for when you somehow brick.
7. You're going to end up using the defend command a lot.

Loses to Eilira and probably to Cammy (cheating gamba bitch) and maybe gemini (need to test).

I also beat her with aegis out using a freeze deck, but it was inconsistent. Gonna mess around with it some more. I'll post it if you're interested.
Yeah, I honestly don't think Sylvia is that hard of a match in general; Aegis is certainly tricky but has some weaknesses and otherwise she doesn't do anything too unfair - her deck just has a bunch of fairly durable creatures but they're offensively weak - if you can deal with her spells and Mirror Force (which she uses way too early if you don't have anything tough out yet), you should be able to win most of the time with even mediocre decks. Even before I added Sacred Tree, I often just beat her with my early version Water-deck before she got Aegis down (as long as she never starts the turn with two creatures and you destroy her magic cards, she basically can't get it out) - that's how I got the initial victory over her. I definitely find Sacred Tree worth a lot vs. both, her and Luca (and also most other high-end opponents).

I think Gemini, some draws of Eilaira's deck (hers often does nothing and sometimes just totally crushes you), and maybe Cammy are the hardest of the bunch (Cammy has Fever Time to fix her rolls and the ability to block your spellcards, which is really strong against most decent decks; she has something). Luca is occasionally pretty tough too; her ability to block attacks entirely without permanent magic cards is frustrating since there are few enough ways to deal with it (of course, the constant QTEs are the biggest pain in that match).

I actually just got around to collecting all the Freeze-cards and was thinking of fiddling around with it (and a Ninja-deck); I'd definitely be interested in the shell you're working with.

I also tested Illyaster 's Triangle Thor-deck, which is certainly good at smacking around Sylvia (I don't think I ever lost that match even with terrible draws), though I did find that it's somewhat vulnerable to flooding out on non-Light cards for Reservoir (I found that I usually got the first Thor out with Reservoir) and doesn't deal with Luca's deck or traps all that well (the "Destroy trap"-card from the first booster looks interesting). I cut it down to 21 cards cutting a Bookmaker, Burning Down & Magician alongside single Replenishments [I basically never wanna use Replenishments to Triangle, and Cool Time makes two-three awkward until you're already cruising] to try and counteract the non-Light flood (I was uneasy about using Magician if I had Reservoir out simply because I didn't feel I could count on drawing two light-cards). I also noticed it occasionally has a problem with running out of Thors in the deck for Triangle before you get to reshuffle if you draw multiples early; cutting down the decksize seems to help with that too. I did try Lightning Magician, which is a fun card through it's not a Warrior for Thor, so probably not optimal - but after you're done chaining Thors it gives you a lot of extra value for the Lightnings you're left with and it's good at stalling early (an interesting feature of the deck is that most of your cards are actually kinda useless most of the time; you really don't care about the Holy Knight or the Young Hero for anything but tributing, discarding, or sacrifing - so you often have discard fodder).

I went pretty far without using this deck, just random cards, until I found the green hair sword girl, and figured to just copy her deck, ( How I managed to get that far was by hacking my save file, getting more that a million health and attack ) Then jut deleted the game because I thought I was spending too much time on it.But I am planning to redownload, Thanks for replying!!
Good luck! I'm sure there are plenty of other decent decks, but that one stood out to me for how early and easily you can build it, how consistent and powerful it is, and how easy it is to insert silver bullet -like answers to specific issues (since the deck draws a lot and cycles through a ton of cards, you get to see your whole deck a bunch of times over a game; you can often go through the deck in 2 turns when you need a specific answer). None of the other shells have impressed me quite as much (and most require more SR/UR cards as workhorses, while a single Poseidon is all you need for a Water-deck to be amazing).
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1 Bad Gloop

Feb 9, 2021
Yeah, I honestly don't think Sylvia is that hard of a match in general; Aegis is certainly tricky but has some weaknesses and otherwise she doesn't do anything too unfair - her deck just has a bunch of fairly durable creatures but they're offensively weak - if you can deal with her spells and Mirror Force (which she uses way too early if you don't have anything tough out yet), you should be able to win most of the time with even mediocre decks. Even before I added Sacred Tree, I often just beat her with my early version Water-deck before she got Aegis down (as long as she never starts the turn with two creatures and you destroy her magic cards, she basically can't get it out) - that's how I got the initial victory over her. I definitely find Sacred Tree worth a lot vs. both, her and Luca (and also most other high-end opponents).

I think Gemini, some draws of Eilaira's deck (hers often does nothing and sometimes just totally crushes you), and maybe Cammy are the hardest of the bunch (Cammy has Fever Time to fix her rolls and the ability to block your spellcards, which is really strong against most decent decks; she has something). Luca is occasionally pretty tough too; her ability to block attacks entirely without permanent magic cards is frustrating since there are few enough ways to deal with it (of course, the constant QTEs are the biggest pain in that match).

I actually just got around to collecting all the Freeze-cards and was thinking of fiddling around with it (and a Ninja-deck); I'd definitely be interested in the shell you're working with.

I also tested Illyaster 's Triangle Thor-deck, which is certainly good at smacking around Sylvia (I don't think I ever lost that match even with terrible draws), though I did find that it's somewhat vulnerable to flooding out on non-Light cards for Reservoir (I found that I usually got the first Thor out with Reservoir) and doesn't deal with Luca's deck or traps all that well (the "Destroy trap"-card from the first booster looks interesting). I cut it down to 21 cards cutting a Bookmaker, Burning Down & Magician alongside single Replenishments [I basically never wanna use Replenishments to Triangle, and Cool Time makes two-three awkward until you're already cruising] to try and counteract the non-Light flood (I was uneasy about using Magician if I had Reservoir out simply because I didn't feel I could count on drawing two light-cards). I also noticed it occasionally has a problem with running out of Thors in the deck for Triangle before you get to reshuffle if you draw multiples early; cutting down the decksize seems to help with that too. I did try Lightning Magician, which is a fun card through it's not a Warrior for Thor, so probably not optimal - but after you're done chaining Thors it gives you a lot of extra value for the Lightnings you're left with and it's good at stalling early (an interesting feature of the deck is that most of your cards are actually kinda useless most of the time; you really don't care about the Holy Knight or the Young Hero for anything but tributing, discarding, or sacrifing - so you often have discard fodder).

Good luck! I'm sure there are plenty of other decent decks, but that one stood out to me for how early and easily you can build it, how consistent and powerful it is, and how easy it is to insert silver bullet -like answers to specific issues (since the deck draws a lot and cycles through a ton of cards, you get to see your whole deck a bunch of times over a game; you can often go through the deck in 2 turns when you need a specific answer). None of the other shells have impressed me quite as much (and most require more SR/UR cards as workhorses, while a single Poseidon is all you need for a Water-deck to be amazing).
I personally think Cammy is one of the hardest fights in the game, depending on luck of course. If she goes first she can easily end a run before you even get to play by getting out Casino and Puff Puff Gate and getting a Drunk Bunny on the field. if that Drunk Bunny wins the coin flip and blocks your magic first turn then you're left having to chop down ~2000HP in one turn without magic cards, which is even harder than usual since your first two attacks can get blocked by the Puff Gate. Fail to get rid of that Drunk Bunny and she summons Big Bunny to obliterate your HP. The fight wouldn't be so bad were that not a relatively common setup for her to do, which can be made even worse if she gets and early Fever Time up too.

A freeze-based deck seems interesting! When I first used freeze I remember not loving the effect but it's so rare to see in the game naturally that I can't really remember what it does exactly. I'd love to see what ideas for a freeze deck are getting floated around though.


Sep 21, 2019
I personally think Cammy is one of the hardest fights in the game, depending on luck of course. If she goes first she can easily end a run before you even get to play by getting out Casino and Puff Puff Gate and getting a Drunk Bunny on the field. if that Drunk Bunny wins the coin flip and blocks your magic first turn then you're left having to chop down ~2000HP in one turn without magic cards, which is even harder than usual since your first two attacks can get blocked by the Puff Gate. Fail to get rid of that Drunk Bunny and she summons Big Bunny to obliterate your HP. The fight wouldn't be so bad were that not a relatively common setup for her to do, which can be made even worse if she gets and early Fever Time up too.

A freeze-based deck seems interesting! When I first used freeze I remember not loving the effect but it's so rare to see in the game naturally that I can't really remember what it does exactly. I'd love to see what ideas for a freeze deck are getting floated around though.

I think ninjas are basically the only way to beat Cammy consistently, except that the catch is that you're unable to get the packs that have ninjas until you've already beaten Cammy. Ninjas don't need spells to function, and they can brute force through the card that stops 2 attacks (as you can attack 4x per turn with ninjas even from an empty board, plus a 5th attack from your main character).
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