Unity - Completed - Succubus: Hunt For Meal [Final] [Phracassado of the Deep]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is completely senseless with no real difficulty as in those few levels you only need to think how to move arround bullshit RNG.
    I give one more star because it is nice to look at and at least meditative enough to empty your brain because it is so brainless in levels without Bullshit RNG. If you are in for the story, just play the start of each level until 20 and the last level after inserting the already complete gameplay.
    Playing this for story is like putting of your clothes and on the floor guarding them, expecting someone to steal them.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A very short and simple puzzle game with pretty good pixel h-animations. An hour or two of decent, moderately engaging content.

    As many on this thread have pointed out, the biggest flaw is the randomness that simply has no reasonable place in a puzzle game.


    I completed this game in under an hour and only once had to reset due solely to rng (and in that case on the very first move of a level). Every other time the rng appeared to hurt me, there was more than enough forgiveness in the puzzle to make back the loss and clear the level with enough strategy. Without giving the secret away entirely, try to leverage the assassin's stat transfer power solely to your benefit (a sequence of moves to force that is nearly always possible).

    More specifically...
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    Likes: ryxp
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Painfully slow and has randomness where it should not be.
    This game was not playtested, some puzzles can not be solved successfully on first try because you don't know which enemy will get his number increased. And there's no restart button, you have to exit to the menu, select the stage and then you can retry it. If your stage is on page 2 you'll have to wait some time until it slowly scrolls to page 2 so you can select your stage.
    Music sucks too
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent enough sprite work, but the mechanics are overly simple and repetitive with the "challenge" coming from RNG rather than strategy.

    Could be improved with better thought-out level design and removal of the random factor.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Levels fall into 2 categories, incredibly simple, or incredibly simple with pure rng. pixel animations were what you would expect, decent but very basic. Not worth your time, tons more entertaining pixel graphic games out there
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll give the game an extra star because of animations and the small story-arc (including tutorial I suppose).
    The minigame is alright but it gets repetitive real fast and becomes tedious to play after a while.
    Animations could've been more polished but seeing as this game was probably made to milk some $$$ I don't have much hope for the future of this game.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this game. The animations are really decent, I enjoyed them a lot. But unfortunately, that is all good there is in this game.

    Personally I think the gameplay wouldn't be THAT bad if not for the RNG. This ruins the whole experience.

    I still give this game 2 stars, because I think the animations alone are worht it. But I don't recommend the game alone. Just watch the gallery if you are interested.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    the game is what you expect from the mobile ads.
    nothing special. its basic math. "hey your power is 5. theres 2 enemies with 3 and 6 power. which one will you pick?" duuuh.

    the animations are short but decent.

    the issue is that the game is boring.
    rng heavy (at first i didnt get what the other review talked about but then stage 17 hit and i had to replay it 6 times just to get good rng. literally did the same order all 6 times)

    honestly its just a lot of scrolling around so you can place the girl where she needs to be.
    i recommend getting a savefile to check out the galery. it will only take you 30 sec but at least the animations are decent. the gameplay is absolute shit.

    i give the game 0 stars for what it is and a 3* for the animations. but since this is a GAME i give it the lowest i can because the GAMEplay is shit.

    edit: if you double click-grab the girl, she moves twice as fast as she should and thus gets de-synced from the cursor resulting in her ending up in weird places like outside the towers. it does nothing but hey i like breaking games.
    give me an upvote <3
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2191732

    Review version: "Final"

    You know what's terrible? What's really, really horrible?
    Having a puzzle game rely exclusively on RNG without actually requiring you to think.

    This thing is a VERY simplistic order of operations kind of affair, except for the fact that it has a "fun" mechanic wherein taking a certain type of enemy adds its power to a RANDOM unit from the same tower. In many of the levels, you will be REQUIRED to have that RANDOM element hit a particular target (whether avoiding a target that reduces your power, hitting another target with transfer so you can benefit from the bonus twice, or hitting a double effect).
    This means that you'll be going through the same level multiple times just praying that this one time you'll be lucky. It's especially galling when it's a forced RNG check at the very end of a level, so you have to go through all those stupid basic operations and watch those animations so many times.

    The worst part is that it would have been SO VERY EASY to remove this RNG element; just make the guys that transfer only transfer to one particular target, not at random (so they transfer to the first target above them, or the first target below them, or whatever) and turn this into an actual puzzle game rather than an RNG fest.

    1/5. Nobody should be forced to play this.