I see...
So, the dev has decided one scene a month is a bit too much, and thus is delaying Sorceress's 2 until mid-October.
To compensate, NINE new cards, including one Token:
Vitamin Supplement: 2-cost Creation, heal 6 draw 1.
Heavy-Armored Angel: 2-cost 2/1 Angelic Disaster. Protector.
When summoned, heals you for your Faith value. Actually, gains LIFE equal to your faith value. When you gain faith while it's out, the card gains +1 Life.
...Really fucking fragile for a Protector, even with the ability. Probably would be better with 1 or even 2 Armor. Still a bit fragile when popping out, but better late-game... Which angels don't really struggle with, but hey, snowball cards will snowball.
Dragon Food: 2-cost Trap Strategy, when an opponent summons a Dragon, gain control of it. Honey Trap for Dragons, spooky except not.
Acid Rain: 3-cost Natural Stationary Miracle. Durability 3. Negate 'Armor' and 'Long Handle' for all cards on the field. Now THAT'S a pretty big F-U to Humans, ain't it?
Demon General: 5-Cost 4/5 Lesser Demon Disaster. Ranged (!?!). Grants +1 ATK and LIFE to all 'Demon' minions on your side of the field. Note that this doesn't cover 'Incubi' so watch out! ...Anyway, when you heal 2 or more while this guy's on the field, summon a 1/1 token with Protector. Behold, your Dark Royal Knight, who is significantly shittier then Royal Knight out of the gate but is much more powerful in a Healing Deck.
Murmuring Demon: 6-Cost 6/6 Greater Demon Disaster. When summoned, target an enemy minion, take control of it. ...It's a Monster Reborn target, I guess, but Nightmare is so much cooler...
Demon of Judgement: CRUSH- I mean, 6-cost 6/6 Greater Demon Disaster again. When summoned, deal 3 damage to all minions on the field except for itself. A worse Monster Reborn target then Mumbles. Shame, that's a kickass design, one I'll struggle to fill.
Generous Demon: You're not gonna believe this, but 6-cost 6/6 Greater Demon Disaster again. When summoned... Heal 4, and then Heal 3? Okay, but why though?
They added an option for Swapping in the Squeezer Edit Menu, and changed it a bit to fit it. Good.
When selecting an ability, it shows the damage it'll do below your health, so less surprises. Great!
Some auto-fleshlight crap, who cares.