RPGM - Completed - Succubus Tamer 2 - White Cat Charlotte and the Hiyoko Wizard [v4.1] [circle-tekua]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a nice mix up of RPGmaker combat mechanics. It can be a little challenging. As a piece of advice, use your medals to buy the fake Excalibur and the fake Aegis, then use the rest of them on the stat boot drug kits.

    The story is pretty meh but I didn't expect much to begin with.

    The lewd content is also pretty meh. Censored static images that stick around too long. Good thing there's a setting to skip drain events because it would get very tiring to feed levels otherwise. I would highly recommend turning and keeping this option on, because if you DO want to see the scene, it asks you beforehand if you want to skip anyways.

    But really, it's a 5/5 for me because it was actually fun. I went ahead and did a 100% clear without it feeling like much of a chore.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The more futanari titles I play, the more I learn to appreciate Succubus Tamer 2. It is a fullfledged RPG with a lot of effort put into it and lots of secrets to uncover and still gives you the option to be a guy (why would you though?) or a futanari as this dev will continue to do in later games.

    I am not a particular fan of the level drain focus and it is a little bothersome that everyone is either a succubus or only uses level draining for sex instead of normal sex scenes, but it is what it is. The extra content (which i think used to be DLC) has one bad ending where the futa protagonist specifically gets knocked up by another futa girl. I wish the game had more of that, but I assume that the male protag was ass raped, which most guys don't enjoy seeing, so I get why it got so little play.

    Overall I recommend this to anyone who likes good H-games with some substance and especially to people who either like true futanari or have a light tendency towards masochism/getting dominated.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I cannot overstate that Circle Tekua games are all masterpieces. It truly feels like there was thought, love, and care put into every aspect of this game, and all their others.

    There is so much to praise, that I have struggled for years to think of where to even begin. The dialogue and world building is so rich and detailed, the gameplay loop is so genuinely fun, and the artwork is so unique and charming, that this is one of those times where I want to borderline sexually harass my friends by pointing at this game and claiming both that hentai is art, and that it can be just as deep as any other art. I know it might not appeal to everyone, but I'd honestly recommend it to anyone who might be interested in whatever a "hentai rpg" might be, because THIS IS IT.

    Also worth noting that there is a lot of text in these games, so the translators did an astounding job covering everything and making it playable. But also that this studio's games have so many hidden secrets in them that I still (RARELY) encountered things that the translators seem to have missed. That applies to Lillith in Nightmare, and Succubus Tower 2 as well. If the localization team happens to read this, thank you, you are doing God's work.

    p.s. Succubus Tamer gives you the option to pick between a boy and a girl... I've played the game both ways and it's clear that the game was meant to be played as a girl, so it seems like the option was only included to make the game more palatable to people who hate futanari. Which ironically includes me, but this is the rare case where I actually like it because it's clear that it was their intended vision and it vastly improves the dialogue and story.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I've been meaning to review this game for a little while, but hadn't got around to it. I remembered because I've been playing the spiritual sequel, Lilith in Nightmare, which has a much higher rating on this forum (but which I've personally enjoyed quite a bit less). I'm not a big fan of RPGM games in general, but I decided to play this after playing Succubus Tower 2, another game by this circle, which I also rated 4 stars. I'm tempted to rate this game a full 5, as the experience is definitely a step beyond ST2, but this game is by no means perfect; however, I'd rate it 4.5 if I could, as it's much better than the 3.4ish it's rated on here today.

    The big advancement this game makes compared to ST2 is that all non-succubus battles are auto-resolved on the map without turn-based combat. This means that the only "traditional RPGM" battles are sexbattles vs succubi, which makes them more entertaining and keeps the flow of gameplay moving. You will, however, find yourself avoiding succubus battles while grinding levels, as they aren't a great way to get xp. Overall, the combat/xp isn't a highlight, but the system has been streamlined to not be a point of friction. (However, you will need lots of XP to fully explore the "level drain" mechanics of the game, so you'll need to engage with this a lot.)

    For me though, the real brilliance of this game is in the writing and the party system. From the very beginning (which is technically "tragic"), the game sets a light and fun tone and even tosses in a handful of fourth wall breaks. The dialogue pokes light at the nature of RPGs etc, but to me the jokes are clever enough to not be grating or groan-inducing. Circle-tekua also provides a charming number of callbacks to ST2 via characters you can see in unreachable areas, etc.

    What really pushes the characterization and depth of the game is the aforementioned party system. Every day, you leave the house with up to 3 companions, each with a distinct personality. Who you have with you changes your interactions with objects, dialogues with NPCs, and abilities in combat and the overworld. There are even buffs/debuffs from different combos of girls whose personalities do or don't mesh. This system makes the game fun to explore, as different dialogues and interactions can result in unique items or funny character interactions. When it comes to the handful of characters who give overworld powers like flight, they act against you in combat, whereas the other girls give a passive or active bonus to your character (including the mushroom/mouse girls giving as much as 300%+ xp/gold after the fight).

    One cute thing about this game is the theme of your enemies becoming your allies. Most of the girls you team up with are originally evil succubi who you "tame" via sex battle as the name of the game implies. While gritty and dark H-games have their place, I enjoyed the relatively fluffy and comfy vibe of this game where everyone ends up being friends etc. (Although they maintain the circle-tekua canon of succubi draining men to death, it's rarely played up in a grim or gritty way).

    My one other issue is that the game devolves into a grindfest after achieving your first ending, as getting more endings involves getting various girls to high levels. You don't have to start from scratch for the different endings, which is awesome, but I didn't bother to unlock more than 2 of the 4 as it got quite repetitive.

    Altogether, I spent over 14 hours with this game, the vast majority of which were quite fun. This game is a much streamlined experience compared to ST2, but unfortunately gives up on the cool random elements of that game. Compared to its spiritual sequel, Lilith in Nightmare, this game is a bit less sexy (stills instead of animations in combat) but provides a more interesting world and better moment-to-moment characterization. This is not your average RPGM game, and is absolutely something special, even if it's not a perfect product.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This is an alright game. It's one of those RPG games where you explored set maps, beat enemies to level up, and have battle-sex against succubi. Sadly it's not that sexy. The animations are basically non-existent. There is some art for the booby lovers out there. But most of it is quite tame. It feels more like a normal RPG game than a porn game.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The game start well with funny dialogues and a goofy reinterpretation of classical RPG spells in an erotic key.

    To go straight at the point, the erotic scenes are divided between fighting the succubi and screwing with your companions. The fight is turn based, and all your attacks are sex based. Funny as idea, but all you have got is a static image, and brief descriptions of the attacks. Like “The succubus make a lewd face and kiss your cock“ or “She make you suck her breast “. Let’s say you need 15 attack to win a fight, you just spend them staring at the static image of the girl and to a horrid pixelated dick.

    The mini-boss succubi seemed well characterized, but I let go the game fairly quickly, so I cant say about the overall quality.

    Just one last thing since I saw it asked in the comment : yes, you can play as a girl with dick, but as far I can tell, I does not make much difference.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of great scenes with fantastic art. It's definitely worth playing for those who like femdom and monster girls. The combats good and the characters are likeable. Might have spent several hours on it already...
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was unplayable before the translation, too many new abilities and specific items that you must equip to make the fights reasonable, so I'm enjoying it. I look forward to more translations from this circle.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    After completing the game getting all endings I feel like this is the moment to actually do a review about the game, so let's get to it!:

    Overall in this game we start as a mage apprentice with two companions (who both are girls) and a cat, we get a tiny prologue that serves as a tutorial towards the main game-

    All that is okay, the storyline isn't something that you could call "interesting", it just serves it's job, in fact you don't get any choice during the game, only we can choose what ending do we get by fulfilling the conditions.

    So having it clear that the story is quite simplistic and without options you may ask yourself, why should I play it? overall it's because of the combat which is different from a normal RPG maker game and that it's a battle fuck, overall you will defeat enemies through sex.

    Is it perfect the battle fuck in this game? obviously no, there are other games like ROBF that have a much better battle fuck, albeit it doesn't mean that this game has a bad one, overall this game focuses on the level drain part rather than sex and submission and you can easily find it while playing the game.

    In the game we can find good examples of the use of the level drain mechanic, such as the cowgirl and imp power ups by draining you during the combat, however I personally find that for such a mechanic it was severely underused, mainly because even if they grow stronger after you defeat them that's it, you won't find them being stronger in the future thanks for draining you or developing in some way.

    Leaving that aside let's talk about our companions, overall most of them (except the 2 apprentice mages that are your companions) are succubus that you will tame during the game, the main mechanic of the game is farming levels and then getting drained to level 1 before going to sleep. At first it may sound fun, but it can easily become a chore in the long run, especially since we don't have an option to skip scene. Overall you just talk with a girl tell her you wanna have her draining you and choose the scene you want to see from a list of 4-5 scenes per character, However there is an option to skip drain events that you can use by activating it in the library of the house.

    It gets repetitive quite fast because it doesn't have enough variation, nor do you find changes in the scene depending on the levels of the character, this lack of variation will make it really repetitive so I recommend to skip those events later on.

    Seeing how repetitive it became perhaps it would have been better to reduce a bit the cast (like the dog girl, she is mostly useless in all means except to get a certain ending) and increase variation or more scenes to other characters.

    The thing is that this game overall could become a great game, but it feels so incomplete in most parts and some situations that could be used never appeared.

    Imagine the same setting but you don't move together with your 2 female companions but rather they move each other differently to get information of Dorothy, at the end of the day you 3 will meet and share your progress and if something happened to any of them that character won't appear and you have to rescue them before she gets turned into a succubus. With this we could get rescue scenes and something different out of the game, it's a choice how much that could be developed.

    Another point is the brothel, which is severely undeveloped, it makes you wonder why does it exist in the current state, overall I get it, the concept is that in the brothel the girls drain you out of money rather than levels, but just to say a few things it lacks... scene ending at some point, not only when you stop it or lose all your money, variations to sex scenes and take into account how much they earned from you, manipulation to try to get you to come back with more money (perhaps even the addicting type of it).

    I don't know, I like the game but for me personally feels quite lacking on the main aspects of it, you kind of wonder why they added x if it doesn't mean anything at all.

    Based on this I give it 3.5/5 stars.

    The good:

    +Battle fuck system, those that are fans of it will enjoy it.

    +Level draining and succubus setting, again for those that are fans of it.

    +A few futanari succubus that can be toggle off their futanari status, quite nice if you dislike futa because you can toggle it off (or if you like it, at least you get a few girls with it).

    +Crafting system and unique combat system.

    +Party management that adds different advantages depending on members, even combo skills.

    +You can be a male or a female futanari, the game sometimes even tracks your gender and adapts to it, which is quite nice.

    +Multiple endings (albeit out of 4 endings one doesn't feel like an ending, another feels like a joke ending and then we have the normal and true ending)

    The bad:

    -While the game is interesting, it feels half developed in most aspects.

    -Level draining mechanic with companions can get really repetitive, so in the end you will prefer to skip it completely.

    -Lack of variations for sex scenes(it doesn't matter level or relationship in it).

    -A lot of potential unused (it could have been much more interesting, overall the main issue I find is the lack of persistent enemies that grow stronger by level draining you, another example would be the brothel which you will practically ignore it.

    -Very few scenes per character, you will get 4-5 draining scenes and the fight before recruiting (and well a hidden scene that happens if you talk to them at level 1 multiple times).


    P.D: Dorothy is a bad antagonist, be it in her motives, actions or interactions with her during the story, the reason why I find the story so meh is that it didn't develop the character at all, in fact the true ending rather than being her own actions it was just because of a bug, I mean, really?, that seems like a really cheap way to solve everything.

    It could develop how she felt related to mana and that males had more potential, her dream to become the greatest mage and her experiments to overcome reality and achieve her dream.

    But nope, we get a bug.