I am like kinda new to actually using this site, but If I could figure out how to leave a review I would. ITS SOO GOOD ARRRRRGHGHHHHhh. The kinks are really solid, and done in a tasteful way with a really slow burn with lots of build up. I played it basically all day over the weekend. The art is great, the tone is great, the bar upgrades are so pretty! The little scenes around the bar after a shift are fun. I honestly didn't pay any attention to the story, thats just not really my thing, but this game can stand on just the bar, and waitress mechanics. They do start becoming more shallow as the game gets hornier, which is a little dissapointing, but that was after I had already played like 3 or 4 hours. I also really love that you gain the ability to skip the bar shift so that you're full energy for the waitress shift. Thats a nice touch and keeps the loop from feeling to overwhelming if you just aren't feeling the bar job.
Gameplay Mechanic That may need work:
Anyway, the only thing I didn't like was the way topless play removed like the best ability for restoring shift time. Meaningful conversation, it really limits the players ability to plan a direction to take that shift in. You could maximize drinks, Maximize Wallets, Maximize tips. Especially because after one of the trainings you can no longer work with your top on, the gameplay loop starts to feel a little more hollow. Before that I was having a lot of fun trying to figure the best order to use the abilites for maximium benefit. Without the top on there is really only Wallets, so every shift becomes stealing wallets. Which gets kinda stale after a while, even more so because I have never been caught; I am sure you can be caught, and the risk would make it more interesting, but as of now its never happened.
Potenial suggestions:
It seems like they might be making a route where you can stop the "slutification" training which I think is great, and adds some replay-ability. I might be a bit silly though because its either not finished yet or I can't find where to put the satellite after the placement in front of the sewer. If the Dev sees this and you weren't going for the hide from A.I. good ending kind of thing maybe you could consider it! Like a way to skip trainings, or maybe if you could get the satellite up and turning soon enough you could save yourself in a way.
More abilites to interact with the customers would be fun! I really want a tips ability after the tip jar is bought. So you have a risky option to obtain a bigger tip share at the end of the shift. A map that lets you fast travel between key locations would be a nice quality of life change. The ability to turn in multiple wallets at once. Like turning in 12 wallets at the same time gets kinda old, and so does having to walk over there after every shift. Which is why I like to turn them all in at once in like a bulk order.