Have to disagree here; I think grinding and having to repeatedly view H scenes before you can unlock the next one is padding, not game design. It's designed to make you think a 4 hour runtime game is a 20 hour game. That's why so many of these patreon funded games are grindfests.
Now this I agree with. If you're going to have a bartending game, especially one where the main character is literally owner-operator and not just an employee, then we need to have a look at the balance sheet! At the end of every day (or at least every week) we should have the option to look at the bar's income vs expenses so we can plan for profitability. (No need to get super in depth with overhead, spoilage, shelf life, refrigeration, etc., etc. lol). It'd also be cool if the computer could also track popularity of drinks (ie., "this week 50% of chuds requested drink A, 40% drink B, and 10% drink B") so you could plan what to stock.