Looking at the example screenshots, I note that the first set of radio buttons (male/female) presumably affect the selection of the second set. The screenshot shows androgynous/masculine/very masculine as the secondary choices -- I would guess that three different choices exist when the "female" option is the primary choice.
Let's assume that "male" and "masculine" are the defaults, and "feminine" is the default of the secondary choices if you change "male" to "female" on the primary choice.
Let's say I clicked "male/very masculine". Then I think, "What does 'female' offer?". I click "female", fiddle with the secondary choices, change my mind, and go back to "male" as the primary choice. I click "OK", not noticing that the secondary choice went back to "masculine" from "very masculine" when it rebuilt the "male" selections, since "masculine" is the default. Dammit!
Or as the programmer, I need to write code that remembers the temporary choices made on the secondary list so that switching back and forth from "male" to "female" doesn't affect those sex-specific secondary choices.
Given that there's a total of 6 combinations, it might be easier to just offer one set of choices as a list of radio buttons:
"male/very masculine", "male/masculine", "male/androgynous", "female/androgynous", "female/feminine", "female/very feminine"
You also get a cool spectrum effect. You could even color-code the choices a bit for a bit of eye candy, going from deep blue to hot pink.
Why would this be better? None of the options are hidden. I don't have to click back and forth between "male" and "female" to see the range of secondary choices. If there's a description box associated with the combination to explain game mechanics affected by the choice (as in "As a very masculine male, you will find it easier to blah, blah"), the layout is simpler, as is the programming. The user experience is easier too -- just click up and down a single list to browse the full set of options.
As a user, I'm confident I didn't miss anything. Clicking "OK" feels less of a gamble.
Adding extra choices that don't fit the "male/female" dichotomy is easier too, since that dichotomy isn't baked into the UI. A seventh choice of "Ambiguous ET" just gets added. With the original UI as shown, you'd add "Ambiguous ET" after "Male" and "Female". When selected, you'd probably have to hide the other three buttons altogether, then reveal them again when the user goes back to "Male" or "Female". Or add "ET" and reduce to the secondary choice to one button "Ambiguous". So much extra programming that really isn't necessary, as well as a "blinky" UI with bits coming and going.