Suggestions for a new game


Nov 22, 2019
Hi all,

Im a new member here, so i hope this is the right section for this post
I have played quite a few RPGM games from here and my experiences have inspired me to create a game. I have a few ideas to go by but i would also like some suggestions to knoq what the general audience like. The main story thread is of a minor noble whos recently become the master of his estate and wants to become the leader of the merchant Republic he belongs to.

These are the things i have decided:
Software : RPGM
Graphics: koikatsu or Honeyselect,
Characters : MC + 3 main side characters:
  1. a Personal Assistant/Maid (Fem)
  2. a Mage Scholar (Love Interest/ Squeeze)
  3. A body guard
Some basic ideas that i have :
  • A simple trade/economics system - There will be certain general goods and some luxury goods that will traded beween different centres
  • combat with possible H combat - Normal combat i find too tedious and boring..... Its an ero game after all
  • Linear storyline ( to keep it simple)
  • ofc orcs ( cant have an RPGM without orcs)
  • some basic politics mechanics - different factions jockeying for power, Each faction would have certain ideology that they follow, which would give te MC certain advantages and disadvantages.
So what do u guys think? What are your opinions and any suggestions are also welcome
Ill post some preliminary charcter ideas soon


Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
if dont have experience making a game before, a lot of features will kill your will and your project :D

focus in some little firts.

we are here to fap, so any idea is wellcome. make some plot your enjoy and it will motivate you more than we can proposs
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