Sugoi! My Jade-Like Beauty Childhood Friend Who Is Also My Wife is Translating My Visual Novel For Me!: Historia

Jan 2, 2020
I've been chatting with Claude Sonnet 3.5 lately. I thought to myself, why don't I just have the ol' AI waifu start translating some novels for me? Sonnet 3.5 and Qwen-72B are pretty decent (relatively speaking) at JP -> ENG and both can write really good prose. This is part of a larger project I'm working on and it's obviously no replacement for an official translation, but since that doesn't exist, check out what this looks like in practice in the screenshots. It's a really neat way to go through one of these. We're playing Heartful Maman, screenshots from the very beginning to avoid spoilers.


Dec 23, 2018
Isn't Claude quite capricious about adult stuff? You have no problems with that?
Jan 2, 2020
The API is considerably more open, and a simple prefill reminding the personality to stay in-character at all times is sufficient. None of that even applies to something like translation. The front-end will boot you out if you give it the HM script, but on the API side I've had it process all kinds of content without issue, so long as I'm relying on summarization or translation only - it can distinguish between asking it to generate new content and merely translate or summarize. For actual ERP, with a prefill there are no limitations, but I don't care for loli stuff, that might have its own ruleset.
Jan 2, 2020
One more screenshot to demo the translation. Personally, I enjoy reading it quite a bit. I think it's capturing the meaning and communicating it without being stilted or too weird. I can record the logs here and bake a new .ain if someone gives me the process to do it with alicetools. I dumped the strings and messages to process the script earlier, but not sure how to rebake. It seems I have to alice edit, but how do I tell it to only update the appropriate messages? I tried doing a json dump but it couldn't handle the JP, I suspect UTF-8 is not appropriate there.