Imagine for a moment that you grab every single bad roll you have ever had in Mario Party, Monopoly, Clue, Chutes and ladders and every single RPG you have played and you put them all together in a bland board with annoying music on loop. That is what this game is.
There is no gameplay to speak of, you simply roll a die that loves to give you 1-3 and pray you don't land on a battle tile (the distribution of these battle tiles is so bad you are pretty much always at risk of landing on one.) If you do land on one, you have a 1-in-3 chance of fighting an Orc, an enemy you will only defeat if your character is pregnant, has all her health and you are lucky enough to dodge an attack or two and not get critted to hell. Another enemy is a goblin that isn't really overpowered, but that will take down 50-70% of your HP unless your character is pregnant and can thus use her skill. The last enemy is a slime that is stupidly easy to beat.
If you manage to dodge those dreadful tiles and roll a for a few turns, you'll find the single most stupid addition to this game, a CPU controlled player who will chase you through the board. But here's where the stupidity comes into play: The CPU player will ALWAYS MOVE TWICE THE DIE RESULT if you are playing on Easy and WILL MOVE THREE TIMES THE RESULT if playing on Normal. In other words, you will inevitably be caught, raped, pregnant and will have 50% of your money taken away! (And I'm not crazy, the CPU manages to get 4-6 die rolls over 70% of the time...)
Let's suppose for a second that you manage to keep an erection through all of that and you managed to get to a store. Here you will buy a few cards, cute new outfits and you exit with 1000 yen. You land on a battle tile next turn, fight an orc, lose, you lose 1000 yen and.... GAME OVER, BAD END!
Yes, apparently, you lose when you run out of money, even though I don't recall the game mentioning losing conditions anywhere before.
Just download the full save and watch the scenes while playing Mario Party.
EDIT: I sck at grammer.